Christians, What's Your View On Smoking, Drinking, and Gambling?

Well I don't smoke or gamble and the reasons are that I don't want health problems and it's tough to stop once I start (smoking) and gambling is called gambling for a reason because it's a gamble and you're more likely to lose money than win it,.. (although I sort of like the lottery I have to admit XD) but I do drink occasionally,.. just not so much that I would get drunk for two reasons; one,.. I believe it's a sin, two,.. I'm not interested in throwing up all night and having a hangover the next day.
That is between you and God. I don't smoke or gamble, I do drink a glass of alcohol once a month or sometimes twice.
As you sow, so shall ye reap. Don't blame God when your liver fails because of disease, when your lungs fail, when your circulatory system fails.........when you have dedicated your life engaging in harmful activity. Don't pray to God expecting a miracle because of your own free will choices that have directed you to a certain point along the path of your life.

When you accept the fact that you were born to die, coping with life is a bit easier, no one promised you a rose garden, the rain falls on the just and the unjust. Accept your failures and gain wisdom, ask God for the direction to overcome your own shortcomings. Pray for the sick.........have charity where charity is due, but do not expect God to have respect of person. The sick will be with you always, the poor will be among us always exactly because of the freewill choices that we make. (John 12:8)

Jesus offers you peace through spiritualism. Its our soul that requires attention as there is nothing that we can physically control, control is but an illusion some use to cope. Live and deal with life..........while accepting death as a natural occurrence.
As a recovering Chef....
I still enjoy certain adult beverages. I make a lot of things with them too. I don't drink like I used to...if you can't afford the fine, don't commit the crime.

Gambling in a casino or with lottery tickets?
I hate taxes...I don't like the return on investment. Gambling is stupid tax...the only game going where the odds are actually even is craps but it's very complicated to understand and think on your feet quick enough to get the even odds.
Lately the stock market has become a casino due to the SEC's rules of unrestrained naked shorting and free money policies. It's a three way battle of credit lines of the largest investors vs the retail investors. Although certain trends can be seen and capitalized upon. (Supply and demand still works)

Tobacco is a very problematic subject. It's currently out of favor in Westernized cultures. But this agricultural product was one of many products that the USA was initially capitalized upon. The USA sold cotton, distilled spirits, and tobacco by the cargo ship load to Europe. (Now Asia/Pacific Rim) So being hypocritical about it (as many are) is something else.
You are forgetting roulette and blackjack. You can easily get odds even in those. You can get odds better in blackjack if ya know what you are doing .
Odds still favor the house. 5-deck tables etc are too much to try and figure the odds on. And the nice casinos with free food, drinks, and rooms weren't built because they lose a lot of money.
Lol, no they are not. With basic rules you get to 48 percent. I count into 6 decks all the time. 6 deck no surrender is my home table. I make good money playing it. Count aces only you can get a little over 5o. Check out knock out black jack. Easiest system to learn. Get good at it let me know. Always looking for a team to count with. High low player you can ramp your bets way better. Alone I never ramp more than four times minimum. Memorizing ramping to bank ratios is the hard part.
Christians, What's Your View On Smoking, Drinking, and Gambling?
Thread starterPotterhead2021 Start dateToday at 11:54 AM

As a Christian, circumsized and the rest;
It is none of your business
Speaking as a Christian.

BTW: are you, starterPotterhead2021 a Christian?
just curious
no animosity intended or implied
So help me God
disclaimer--this is a trick question
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If you believe in GOD, it should be considered that the body of each and every saved individual is in fact the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT. Smoking is a waste of money at the very least. Nothing wrong with playing cards etc., I simply do not wish to squander money on any game with the belief in chance.
Well I don't smoke or gamble and the reasons are that I don't want health problems and it's tough to stop once I start (smoking) and gambling is called gambling for a reason because it's a gamble and you're more likely to lose money than win it,.. (although I sort of like the lottery I have to admit XD) but I do drink occasionally,.. just not so much that I would get drunk for two reasons; one,.. I believe it's a sin, two,.. I'm not interested in throwing up all night and having a hangover the next day.
I don't do ANY of these now. My health is finally improving after almost dying from Covid a few months ago. Also, I have diabetes, so I have to watch my intake of any kind of alcohol, even beer. I DO miss it. I never smoked or gambled (Very little) so those aren't a problem for me. I see nothing wrong in doing any of these, as long as they're done in moderation.
You mean COVID wasn't a hoax? j/k - Glad to hear you're doing better. I also don't gamble, I rarely drink, and don't smoke except for a little pakalolo now and then. Moderation in all things...
Well I don't smoke or gamble and the reasons are that I don't want health problems and it's tough to stop once I start (smoking) and gambling is called gambling for a reason because it's a gamble and you're more likely to lose money than win it,.. (although I sort of like the lottery I have to admit XD) but I do drink occasionally,.. just not so much that I would get drunk for two reasons; one,.. I believe it's a sin, two,.. I'm not interested in throwing up all night and having a hangover the next day.
From my own personal experience, most so-called 'religious' people are hypocrites, generally, for lack of a better description. I was raised in a Catholic family and they almost all smoked, drank and gambled , and my family was "normal middle class' supposedly. Our dysfunction paled in comparison to many others.

Why do I not believe what you say here? ... Perhaps because we will cancel the second time the Octoberfest in Bavaria this year? ... To enjoy life and to celebrate good harvesting in a more and more international frame is not the best to do in times of Corona. We love beer - and festivals - but we - better to say: most of us - know also when it's the best to stop to drink beer. I personally do not smoke and I never drink alcohol - also not beer. And I also do not use any other form of drug - except coffee, which is no drug, although some people say so.

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Well I don't smoke or gamble and the reasons are that I don't want health problems and it's tough to stop once I start (smoking) and gambling is called gambling for a reason because it's a gamble and you're more likely to lose money than win it,.. (although I sort of like the lottery I have to admit XD) but I do drink occasionally,.. just not so much that I would get drunk for two reasons; one,.. I believe it's a sin, two,.. I'm not interested in throwing up all night and having a hangover the next day.

I think overly focusing on smoking, drinking and gambling is an easy way to judge how "Christian" we are and both Christians and non-Christians fall prey to it. Jesus does not mention it in the greatest commandment. And over focus on these outward behaviors is really a way for people to judge the righteousness of self and others. But in the end there is not one righteous. No. Not one.

That said, common sense as outlined in Proverbs is good
Consuming fast food regularly should also be on the list. The stuff is literally killing people who use it as a staple. All that said, god provided us with our earthly bodies. It's our job to take care of them. That's my opinion but that's the way I see it. I enjoy a Heineken or two every day. At 90 years old it's my one vice. I also walk / jog at least a 5k per day. I'm on no meds and feel great. I almost forgot about a daily nap, which I also believe would benefit the populace. Companies would be wise to offer this. Productivity would go up even more and that's hard to believe as far as american workers.
I'm sorry to bump this topic up, but I'm curious if anybody changed their mind or if there're some people who missed this topic and didn't answer like me. My position is pretty simple and understandable, I don't smoke, or drink, however it doesn't bother me if someone from my friends does, for example on celebrations (new year, birthday, and so on). What about gambling, I see nothing bad or forbidden, an ordinary game but which can also bring you money like slot depo bonus. What's wrong with that?
Well, the Bible is clear about drinking (to the point of public drunkenness at least) and about gambling.

Smoking wasn’t a thing in the Old World until after the Colombian Exchange, so the Bible literally couldn’t have had a position on it either way.

I drink rarely. I hate hangovers.

I smoke a cigar almost daily and get annoyed with being lumped in with cigarette smokers. Apples and oranges.

I play slots once a month or so, but always stop if I lose $200.

It’s all about moderation.
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Everyone gambles.
Every insurance policy you have is gambling. You are betting you get sick/have an accident/home burns down etc. - They are betting you don't.
Your 401k/403 stocks is all gambling of sorts. There is only one distinct difference between the two - Gambling, the odds are stacked well against you, but a very large payout if you beat the odds. In investing, the odds are in your favor, but the payout is generally quite small.

Drinking - like everything else... it is fine in moderation.

Smoking - the only people excused for smoking are early teens. Where their brains are not yet fully developed. After that - there is no excuse in partaking of a nasty habit that will kill you one way or another, as well as dramatically lower your overall health. HAVING SAID THAT - it is no worse than eating fast food, drinking soda everyday etc. - which actually kills faar more people than smoking.

I believe scripture says all things are permissible but not all are beneficial so moderation in food and drink. Gambling is a no no. I do admit the horse and dog tracks were one of my hangouts as a young man. It's been years since I have been there.

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