Christians, Would You Answer the Call to Crusade?

Would You Answer the Call to Crusade?

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Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
If Pope Benedict XVI delivered a sermon like Pope Urban II delivered at the Council of Clermont in 1095, calling upon Christians to re-capture and defend the Holy Land, or a similarly ordained objective, would you answer the call to arms if it was sanctioned by the Pope; means were made available to transport yourselves and any possessions en masse (such as firearms and provisions for the campaign); as well as disregarding any sanctions or prohibitive measures put in place by your respective governments or UN to prevent your departure?
Not Catholic. I might go as a stretcher bearer though... Maybe.

Catholic, non-Catholic and all joking aside: would you really consider serving on the front line on God's orders?

And this isn't a wind-up, either. It stems from a conversation recorded in an undercover programme broadcasted in the UK that infiltrated a chapter of a far-right group in the UK known as the North West Infidels, who march in opposition to what they perceive to be the Islamification of Europe. They're rumoured to have attracted intense interest from MI5 in the wake of the Anders Breivik massacre.
I'd gladly Crusade....................................... for BACON!!!

I don't answer to the Pope. I'd go if Israel was under attack and needed help to fend off Islam. I don't think I'd need any arms provided for me,I have my own bacon grenades and bacon bullets.
Not Catholic. I might go as a stretcher bearer though... Maybe.

Catholic, non-Catholic and all joking aside: would you really consider serving on the front line on God's orders?

And this isn't a wind-up, either. It stems from a conversation recorded in an undercover programme broadcasted in the UK that infiltrated a chapter of a far-right group in the UK known as the North West Infidels, who march in opposition to what they perceive to be the Islamification of Europe. They're rumoured to have attracted intense interest from MI5 in the wake of the Anders Breivik massacre.

The Pope is not God and, as I am Protestant, for me he doesn't speak as God.

And I can't imagine God sanctioning a Crusade. So yes, if He did, I would obey orders. But as I can't fathom such a thing happening, I think it is pretty well moot. I have heard God speak from a person's lips to my ear many times. But there is not a soul on Earth who I believe to be commissioned to speak for God.

So. . . .I pretty much look to the Constitution and those wonderful men of fiath who gave it to us as our guarantee that the Church would never again have the power to call us to arms to do anything. I think that was their intent for the government too, but the USA deviated from that for some time. We now again have an all voluntary military.
If Pope Benedict XVI delivered a sermon like Pope Urban II delivered at the Council of Clermont in 1095, calling upon Christians to re-capture and defend the Holy Land, or a similarly ordained objective, would you answer the call to arms if it was sanctioned by the Pope; means were made available to transport yourselves and any possessions en masse (such as firearms and provisions for the campaign); as well as disregarding any sanctions or prohibitive measures put in place by your respective governments or UN to prevent your departure?
I don't fight for religion and I don't trust anyone's interpretation of what a god says needs to be done.

War is stupid, but wars about religion are beyond stupid, unfortunately they are all too common. But, to me, sometimes war is necessary, and that necessity comes from strategic matters for the interest of the USA.

And, Israel is very strategic as is the ME. I have my ideas about what are good ideas on that front, and I can't criticize what Obama has been doing too much at all. The only criticism I have of him in ME strategy (recent, that is) is his diplomatic clumsiness with Israel. Otherwise, I support what he has and has not been doing so far.

It's almost criminal how negligent the UN has been in the last 12 years about Iran, but that's what the UN excels at. Negligence.
Not Catholic. I might go as a stretcher bearer though... Maybe.

Catholic, non-Catholic and all joking aside: would you really consider serving on the front line on God's orders?

And this isn't a wind-up, either. It stems from a conversation recorded in an undercover programme broadcasted in the UK that infiltrated a chapter of a far-right group in the UK known as the North West Infidels, who march in opposition to what they perceive to be the Islamification of Europe. They're rumoured to have attracted intense interest from MI5 in the wake of the Anders Breivik massacre.

The Pope is not God and, as I am Protestant, for me he doesn't speak as God.

And I can't imagine God sanctioning a Crusade. So yes, if He did, I would obey orders. But as I can't fathom such a thing happening, I think it is pretty well moot. I have heard God speak from a person's lips to my ear many times. But there is not a soul on Earth who I believe to be commissioned to speak for God.

So. . . .I pretty much look to the Constitution and those wonderful men of fiath who gave it to us as our guarantee that the Church would never again have the power to call us to arms to do anything. I think that was their intent for the government too, but the USA deviated from that for some time. We now again have an all voluntary military.

You do know that we don't actually believe that the Pope speaks as God, right?

Even when I was catholic, I wouldn't have gone.

at least not to war. I know many people that would go, if called, to do peaceful protests.

But now;

If everything I need is provided, HELL YEAH I"M GOING.

and I'm bringing the whole family. An EU vacation on the churches dime?!?!?! Hell Two the yizzah I'm there.
What a asinine question. Were you dropped on your head? I can't believe god would make you so dumb.
Catholic, non-Catholic and all joking aside: would you really consider serving on the front line on God's orders?

And this isn't a wind-up, either. It stems from a conversation recorded in an undercover programme broadcasted in the UK that infiltrated a chapter of a far-right group in the UK known as the North West Infidels, who march in opposition to what they perceive to be the Islamification of Europe. They're rumoured to have attracted intense interest from MI5 in the wake of the Anders Breivik massacre.

The Pope is not God and, as I am Protestant, for me he doesn't speak as God.

And I can't imagine God sanctioning a Crusade. So yes, if He did, I would obey orders. But as I can't fathom such a thing happening, I think it is pretty well moot. I have heard God speak from a person's lips to my ear many times. But there is not a soul on Earth who I believe to be commissioned to speak for God.

So. . . .I pretty much look to the Constitution and those wonderful men of fiath who gave it to us as our guarantee that the Church would never again have the power to call us to arms to do anything. I think that was their intent for the government too, but the USA deviated from that for some time. We now again have an all voluntary military.

You do know that we don't actually believe that the Pope speaks as God, right?

Yes I do know that and I apologize if I created that impression. I should have been more specific.

However, there are quite a few anti-Christian and anti-religion types who do make that accusation. There have been corrupt popes in the past, corrupt Archbishops of Canterbury in England, and certainly corrupt church leaders of many other denominations. And the anti-religionists use that to condemn Christianity as a whole and to accuse the noble men of God who serve in all those positions now and who would suggest that Chrsitians now condone and would support the Crusades, the Inquisition, or the oppressive Church rules that drove the Puritans to resettle in America. (Of course the Puritans were just as oppressive, but they wanted the right to exercise their own brand of oppression. :))

Out of all that emerged a religion that has by far made the world a far better place than it otherwise would be, and that has promoted liberty and altruism and a gentler society.

And I simply can't imagine a call to arms for a new crusade coming out of that--not Catholicism, not Anglicanism, not other Protestantism.

And I can't imagine many, if any, Christians would obey a church leader who called for such.

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