Christie's interesting theory on why Trump held on to classified docs: he wanted to pretend he's still POTUS, his ego couldn't handle losing to Biden

Trump never hid documents.

But then there is this guy:
"Waltine Torre Nauta Jr.[1] an American butler and body man to former U.S. president Donald Trump."

did it voluntarily on his own volition without consultation with anyone?

Sure, you go with that, good poster Leo123. Udaman!

But then there is this guy:
"Waltine Torre Nauta Jr.[1] an American butler and body man to former U.S. president Donald Trump."

did it voluntarily on his own volition without consultation with anyone?

Sure, you go with that, good poster Leo123. Udaman!
So what?

Christie's interesting theory on why Trump held on to classified docs: he wanted to pretend he's still POTUS, his ego couldn't handle losing to Biden​

It would have been nice if the courts had done their job and thrown out the fraudulent votes. Then the right guy would still be in the White House.
It would have been nice if the courts had done their job and thrown out the fraudulent votes. Then the right guy would still be in the White House.
It would have been nice if Trump wasn't a Russian constructed android (Think DATA from Star Trek) but since both of our statements have about the same amount facts behind them I call it a draw.

"It would have been nice...".

Cult-speak. Take it to the courts.
It would have been nice if the courts had done their job and thrown out the fraudulent votes. Then the right guy would still be in the White House.
Trump held onto the documents so he could get his jollies beating off & thinking of how he beat the NA, FBI & DOJ.

How'd that work out?
Why did he return them and trump didnt?

Joe was a congressman at the time, so should not legally even been able to see classified docs.
As an ex-president, Trump can keep a copy of any classified doc he wants, since NARA and PRA are satisfied by the originals still at the Pentagon or Langley.
And 150 boxes can hold over 15,000 docs, so what are the odds Trump even knew the 71 classified ones were even in that huge load?
Double down on your ignorance and slip in a false narrative.

You get a MAGA silver star today.

In all the threads on this very same topic over months and months, have you not run across the word "intent" before or are you just being deliberately obtuse?

And the answer is deliberately obtuse. You have seen this link before but decided to conveniently dismiss and keep providing your same old tired right wing talking points. Will you now go into you speed limit signs false equivalence like a predictable rube?

Here is link to the thread you are pretending to forget graciously posted by BlindBoo a few months ago.

But in answer to your question, here is the testimony showing lack of intent by the Biden's.

"According to a partial transcript from Democratic staff on the committee, Chung testified that she and another Biden assistant, Ann Marie Person, worked quickly to help pack up the vice presidential office before Donald Trump took office. She testified that she didn't notice any classified material at any point in the process. Chung said she had a security clearance and experience handling classified material while she was in the vice president's office.

Chung said she packed about 13 boxes at the White House, at the time believing that all presidential and classified material had already been turned over to the appropriate offices. She said she placed folders in the boxes and did not examine the papers inside the folders. They also packed boxes with items such as challenge coins, personal correspondence, condolence letters, schedule copies, copies of past speeches and some other photos and documents."

First of all, Hillary had to know the docs she was putting on her email server were classified because they had special paragraph markings.
Second is Hillary had to know they were classified because why else would she have had the server hard drive wiped and smashed with hammers?
Third is that the classified papers that Biden had were from before he was a VP and was just a congressman, so then had no classified doc clearance at all.
So I didn’t intend to drive 55 in a school zone gets me off without a ticket!
Ignorance is now an excuse to break the law!

Driving fast in a school zone is obviously dangerous, so you do not need signs or laws to know you are being an illegal risk to others.

There is absolutely nothing illegal about ex-presidents keeping copies of anything or everything, as long as NARA and PRA are satisfied with their copies as well.

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