Chrystia Freeland, trying to pull the wool over the eyes of Americans on CNN re: NAFTA


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I've reached out to her a couple of times, along with the PM and Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale. She knows who I am and the thorn in the side I have been in exposing Canadian abuses of NAFTA. I provide these details with little guilt.

In this lob ball interview with Fareed Zacharia she tells the American viewers how America shouldn't worry about the deficit with Canada as it now has a surplus. What is astounding about this sleight of hand, is after a few decades of ongoing Canada exploitation, miraculously as soon as Trump states publicly that NAFTA has created such trade deficits, Canada all of a sudden sees America with a surplus against them last quarter LOL. Yes America, our government is exploiting you.

THIS is just how coordinated and controlled the Canadian economy is that we can actually seemingly on cue run a deficit with America after more than a decade of a surplus, including a record surplus just recently. The government knew this would be a situation that America would use in negotiations, so Canada tries to convince America how great we are in trade. No mention of jobs Canada has stolen and how little in jobs we give back to America.

Here is the REAL deal regarding trade between Canada and the U.S, we have been
dominating with massive surpluses in goods for a long time, with little innovation ourselves.

Oh how I wish I was an American working on this trade file against Canada and Mexico. I do the next best thing and reach out to the Trump administration, but if they think negotiations are tough now, it would pale in comparison to all the false narratives and shell games Canada has been playing. It's clear America is unhappy with Canada tactics, Canada is trying to hold off as long as possible in hopes American Republicans are weaker in government after 2018 or even 2020. This is Canada taking a long term view.

What would we do if Trump says he is walking away from NAFTA? We would try to covertly get as many politicians on board with Canada as possible, at the expense of the American economy, sovereignty and employee.

This was as of April 2017.

Why Can't America Just Make Everything It Needs?

But the top five trading partners also have the largest deficits. Please note that the Census provides trade data by country for goods only, not services.

  1. China -- $579 billion traded with a $347 billion deficit.
  2. Canada -- $545 billion traded with a $11 billion deficit.
  3. Mexico -- $525 billion traded with a $63 billion deficit.
  4. Japan -- $196 billion traded with a $69 billion deficit.
  5. Germany -- $164 billion traded with a $65 billion deficit.
More here:

Canada's trade surplus with U.S. hits highest level in three years
Canada's trade surplus with U.S. hits highest level in three years

The country's trade surplus with the U.S. hit $5.0 billion for the month, up from $3.4 billion in March, at a time when the Canadian dollar slipped 0.3 cents US compared to the greenback, the federal agency said.

The data could provide ammunition for U.S. President Donald Trump, who has pointed to what he says is America's trade imbalance with Canada as a rationale for sweeping changes to U.S. trade policies, including revamping NAFTA.
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Just like Ross Perot said, there would be a giant sucking sound as the result of NAFTA, that being jobs and manufacturing going South. I don't think even he realized there would be a sucking sound from the North also.
Just like Ross Perot said, there would be a giant sucking sound as the result of NAFTA, that being jobs and manufacturing going South. I don't think even he realized there would be a sucking sound from the North also.

What is sad about this entire situation is that I am a big proponent of free trade, but not trade where one country uses excessive and exploitive government over the other. Let private and free markets decide outcomes, you don't meddle, tamper and abuse foreign businesses simply because yours cannot compete.

If Canada is so great why the massive exodus of tech workers from Ontario and elsewhere to California?
Please note that in 2016, Canadian used $25 billion in US services, in addition to the import of hard goods from the US so that the total trade with the US shows a $12 billion surplus for the US.

This is an instance where Shocked Canadian is manipulating the figures and lying about where we really stand.
Please note that in 2016, Canadian used $25 billion in US services, in addition to the import of hard goods from the US so that the total trade with the US shows a $12 billion surplus for the US.

This is an instance where Shocked Canadian is manipulating the figures and lying about where we really stand.

You mean American corporations in Canada using American services.

Noone wishes to address the issue of jobs, something Trump understands well. That is what Canada excelled at taking from America, while sending you our raw resources. what consumer goods and finished products do Canada produce and ship?

We take your jobs, build your cars and ship them back to you. We ship our planes to you and buy few. We enter American corporations and control your HR departments and Executives. This is how centralized forms of government work. Nepotism for the Good Little Germans.
Please note that in 2016, Canadian used $25 billion in US services, in addition to the import of hard goods from the US so that the total trade with the US shows a $12 billion surplus for the US.

This is an instance where Shocked Canadian is manipulating the figures and lying about where we really stand.

You mean American corporations in Canada using American services.

Noone wishes to address the issue of jobs, something Trump understands well. That is what Canada excelled at taking from America, while sending you our raw resources. what consumer goods and finished products do Canada produce and ship?

We take your jobs, build your cars and ship them back to you. We ship our planes to you and buy few. We enter American corporations and control your HR departments and Executives. This is how centralized forms of government work. Nepotism for the Good Little Germans.

You mean that Canadians work in The Canadian branch offices of US corporations and control their HR?? Oh the horror!!! How dare we work at jobs which are located in Canada. The nerve.

As for building American cars, you're not paying attention. At one time, 20,000 Canadians worked for GM and their suppliers in Oshawa. That number is now fewer than 1000 and those people mostly work in the GM Canada offices.

By "US services" this is accounting, legal, IT, and financial services bought from US firms by Canadians and paid for with Canadian dollars.

For a guy who pretends to have insider information about what's really going on, you're surprisingly ignorant on basic stuff. I guess all those years of being turned back at the border are addling what passes for your brain.
Please note that in 2016, Canadian used $25 billion in US services, in addition to the import of hard goods from the US so that the total trade with the US shows a $12 billion surplus for the US.

This is an instance where Shocked Canadian is manipulating the figures and lying about where we really stand.

You mean American corporations in Canada using American services.

Noone wishes to address the issue of jobs, something Trump understands well. That is what Canada excelled at taking from America, while sending you our raw resources. what consumer goods and finished products do Canada produce and ship?

We take your jobs, build your cars and ship them back to you. We ship our planes to you and buy few. We enter American corporations and control your HR departments and Executives. This is how centralized forms of government work. Nepotism for the Good Little Germans.

You mean that Canadians work in The Canadian branch offices of US corporations and control their HR?? Oh the horror!!! How dare we work at jobs which are located in Canada. The nerve.

As for building American cars, you're not paying attention. At one time, 20,000 Canadians worked for GM and their suppliers in Oshawa. That number is now fewer than 1000 and those people mostly work in the GM Canada offices.

By "US services" this is accounting, legal, IT, and financial services bought from US firms by Canadians and paid for with Canadian dollars.

For a guy who pretends to have insider information about what's really going on, you're surprisingly ignorant on basic stuff. I guess all those years of being turned back at the border are addling what passes for your brain.

For someone who claims intellectual superiority you don't know shit about Globalism do you?
Please note that in 2016, Canadian used $25 billion in US services, in addition to the import of hard goods from the US so that the total trade with the US shows a $12 billion surplus for the US.

This is an instance where Shocked Canadian is manipulating the figures and lying about where we really stand.

You mean American corporations in Canada using American services.

Noone wishes to address the issue of jobs, something Trump understands well. That is what Canada excelled at taking from America, while sending you our raw resources. what consumer goods and finished products do Canada produce and ship?

We take your jobs, build your cars and ship them back to you. We ship our planes to you and buy few. We enter American corporations and control your HR departments and Executives. This is how centralized forms of government work. Nepotism for the Good Little Germans.

You mean that Canadians work in The Canadian branch offices of US corporations and control their HR?? Oh the horror!!! How dare we work at jobs which are located in Canada. The nerve.

As for building American cars, you're not paying attention. At one time, 20,000 Canadians worked for GM and their suppliers in Oshawa. That number is now fewer than 1000 and those people mostly work in the GM Canada offices.

By "US services" this is accounting, legal, IT, and financial services bought from US firms by Canadians and paid for with Canadian dollars.

For a guy who pretends to have insider information about what's really going on, you're surprisingly ignorant on basic stuff. I guess all those years of being turned back at the border are addling what passes for your brain.

For someone who claims intellectual superiority you don't know shit about Globalism do you?

Yes I do know about globalism. I was responding to the idiot who says there's a trade imbalance in favour of Canada due to NAFTA and that Canadians are infiltrating American companies and stealing American jobs.

He also says he's been trying to get people in Washington to pay attention to what's going on and that CSIS won't let him leave Canada. He's lost his house, his job and his livilihood because of his pro-US activism.
Please note that in 2016, Canadian used $25 billion in US services, in addition to the import of hard goods from the US so that the total trade with the US shows a $12 billion surplus for the US.

This is an instance where Shocked Canadian is manipulating the figures and lying about where we really stand.

You mean American corporations in Canada using American services.

Noone wishes to address the issue of jobs, something Trump understands well. That is what Canada excelled at taking from America, while sending you our raw resources. what consumer goods and finished products do Canada produce and ship?

We take your jobs, build your cars and ship them back to you. We ship our planes to you and buy few. We enter American corporations and control your HR departments and Executives. This is how centralized forms of government work. Nepotism for the Good Little Germans.

You mean that Canadians work in The Canadian branch offices of US corporations and control their HR?? Oh the horror!!! How dare we work at jobs which are located in Canada. The nerve.

As for building American cars, you're not paying attention. At one time, 20,000 Canadians worked for GM and their suppliers in Oshawa. That number is now fewer than 1000 and those people mostly work in the GM Canada offices.

By "US services" this is accounting, legal, IT, and financial services bought from US firms by Canadians and paid for with Canadian dollars.

For a guy who pretends to have insider information about what's really going on, you're surprisingly ignorant on basic stuff. I guess all those years of being turned back at the border are addling what passes for your brain.

For someone who claims intellectual superiority you don't know shit about Globalism do you?

Yes I do know about globalism. I was responding to the idiot who says there's a trade imbalance in favour of Canada due to NAFTA and that Canadians are infiltrating American companies and stealing American jobs.

He also says he's been trying to get people in Washington to pay attention to what's going on and that CSIS won't let him leave Canada. He's lost his house, his job and his livilihood because of his pro-US activism.

My house hasn't been lost yet, but it will. Multiple careers have not only been stolen, but they interfere with my future pursuits. No one is keeping me in Canada, but the RCMP will try and cause harm if I leave. They along with the OPP are the lowest respected police force in Canada, and have a very low reputation Internationally as well.

In short, the covert operatives at the RCMP, OPP and TPS are unaccountable back stabbers of Canadians and America who will end up costing Canada a great deal in economic activity and jobs. They care little since their budgets are well fed.

There are turning points in a nations history, a time in which a nation determines what kind of country they are. The RCMP should be called the "Weinstein Police Force" of North America, due to their sexual activities against their own officers. The OPP openly went out against provincial conservatives as they are deathly afraid of accountability and budget cuts. The TPS treat jobs as nothing more than nepotism for their families and friends.

In the end, America would be FAR better off to walk away from NAFTA, place tariffs on Canadian goods and hold accountable any police force that engages in actions within American corporations. If Canada were punished for these abuses it would not only be great for capitalism, but it would be great for Canadian individual rights. Which, in 2017 are still in the early last 20th century stage. Canada is socialist, neo-communist, based on nepotism and cronyism. They are in fact, the anti-America. Which is why even being beside the largest economy in the world and a free trade agreement in hand, we still lose ground in world economic rankings.
Highway 35 runs from Mexico to Canada. Trucks coming from Mexico are not being searched. There is a trucking yard in Kansas City that belongs to Mexico.

There is a movement afoot to erase ALL national boundaries.
Highway 35 runs from Mexico to Canada. Trucks coming from Mexico are not being searched. There is a trucking yard in Kansas City that belongs to Mexico.

There is a movement afoot to erase ALL national boundaries.

No there isn't. Even in The European Union, national boundaries exist. This is just the bullshit the fear mongers put out to frighten the feeble minded.
Highway 35 runs from Mexico to Canada. Trucks coming from Mexico are not being searched. There is a trucking yard in Kansas City that belongs to Mexico.

There is a movement afoot to erase ALL national boundaries.

Consider Uranium One. While the media scream about stolen elections, Russian interference and other BS, they turn their cheek to the sale of 20% of their Uranium, TO A RUSSIAN OWNED OLIGARCH RIGHT ACROSS THE BORDER IN CANADA! How complicit can one be to the National Security risks of America and the world?

Look, free trade is good, but not free trade with a unaccountable, exploitive, intrusive system like Canada offers. Your very sovereignty is at risk, without question.
Highway 35 runs from Mexico to Canada. Trucks coming from Mexico are not being searched. There is a trucking yard in Kansas City that belongs to Mexico.

There is a movement afoot to erase ALL national boundaries.

No there isn't. Even in The European Union, national boundaries exist. This is just the bullshit the fear mongers put out to frighten the feeble minded.

You're an idiot. I'd be happy to show you the Kansas City depot. Put up or shut up Biatch.
Highway 35 runs from Mexico to Canada. Trucks coming from Mexico are not being searched. There is a trucking yard in Kansas City that belongs to Mexico.

There is a movement afoot to erase ALL national boundaries.

Consider Uranium One. While the media scream about stolen elections, Russian interference and other BS, they turn their cheek to the sale of 20% of their Uranium, TO A RUSSIAN OWNED BUSINESS RIGHT ACROSS THE BORDER IN CANADA! How complicit can one be to the National Security risks of America and the world?

Look, free trade is good, but not free trade with a unaccountable, exploitive, intrusive system like Canada offers. Your very sovereignty is at risk, without question.

The NYT just reported that some of the Uranium indeed left the country.
Highway 35 runs from Mexico to Canada. Trucks coming from Mexico are not being searched. There is a trucking yard in Kansas City that belongs to Mexico.

There is a movement afoot to erase ALL national boundaries.

No there isn't. Even in The European Union, national boundaries exist. This is just the bullshit the fear mongers put out to frighten the feeble minded.

You're an idiot. I'd be happy to show you the Kansas City depot. Put up or shut up Biatch.

Why does Mexico owning a piece of land in the US bother you? The Russian government owns land in the US too. Your government just seized two pieces of property owned by Russia. So what?

The US government owns property in other countries too. All those military bases are US property. As are all diplomatic missions and consulates which are considered to be US territory.

You get your ass in a sling over the dumbest things and let important stuff just slide on by.
Please note that in 2016, Canadian used $25 billion in US services, in addition to the import of hard goods from the US so that the total trade with the US shows a $12 billion surplus for the US.

This is an instance where Shocked Canadian is manipulating the figures and lying about where we really stand.

You mean American corporations in Canada using American services.

Noone wishes to address the issue of jobs, something Trump understands well. That is what Canada excelled at taking from America, while sending you our raw resources. what consumer goods and finished products do Canada produce and ship?

We take your jobs, build your cars and ship them back to you. We ship our planes to you and buy few. We enter American corporations and control your HR departments and Executives. This is how centralized forms of government work. Nepotism for the Good Little Germans.

You mean that Canadians work in The Canadian branch offices of US corporations and control their HR?? Oh the horror!!! How dare we work at jobs which are located in Canada. The nerve.

As for building American cars, you're not paying attention. At one time, 20,000 Canadians worked for GM and their suppliers in Oshawa. That number is now fewer than 1000 and those people mostly work in the GM Canada offices.

By "US services" this is accounting, legal, IT, and financial services bought from US firms by Canadians and paid for with Canadian dollars.

For a guy who pretends to have insider information about what's really going on, you're surprisingly ignorant on basic stuff. I guess all those years of being turned back at the border are addling what passes for your brain.

For someone who claims intellectual superiority you don't know shit about Globalism do you?

Yes I do know about globalism. I was responding to the idiot who says there's a trade imbalance in favour of Canada due to NAFTA and that Canadians are infiltrating American companies and stealing American jobs.

He also says he's been trying to get people in Washington to pay attention to what's going on and that CSIS won't let him leave Canada. He's lost his house, his job and his livilihood because of his pro-US activism.

Oh and this statement his job and his livilihood because of his pro-US activism, is quite offensive, unless you believe that Eastern Germany and Russian tactics against their own citizens is acceptable. I have no charges laid against me, no allegations, no criminal record. Even if I DID, I deserve to have Rule of Law and Due Process applied. Are you tacitly in agreement with these methods against me? If so, remember what history has explained to us more than once, "first they came for the Jews"...when someone ruins your life or that of your family, then you will have a change of philosophy I imagine.

Secondly, my so-called "pro-US activism" was forced upon me by the Canadian government. You think that stabbing allies in the back and persecuting me for speaking out against is deserves the treatment I have received? To steal two decades from my life as if I am some serial killer! If so, you can go to hell! I graduated university with an award, was accepted into a well respected MBA program. Nominated for a Directors Award at IBM when they first exposed themselves to me within the company.

My entire campaign began with "listen Canada, I know what's up, leave me alone or I am going to pursue giving this information to agencies across the border and advising our allies". What is ironic, is this advise was given to me from a former U.S American agent. I gave them the opportunity to let this fade away in silence, but instead they pressed my wife and I harder. In the most vile of violations.

So in 2010 I began my saga, some of the government officials and politicians I initially reached out to are now even in better positions within America today. Consider the length of my persecution and Stasi-like activities against me, and the RCMP and their little friends can go to hell. THEY are the abusers who were too arrogant for their own good, they are lying dirty, abusive rat bast.ards. I simply spoke about their methods and names. I'm far from done, and I won't ever hurt a fly, I will just keep advising America on the facts until they appreciate what kind of country they believe they are doing "business" with.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
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