Chuch Schumer vows to shut down government

Chuck Schumer vows to shut down government over border wall funding — but still blames Republicans

I suppose this is how things will be from now on. When the minority party is out of power in the White House, they will just shut down government to get their way.
Republicans control everything. They could easily stop the shutdown, and Americans will recognize that they chose not to. It will be a hilarious cap on Trump's miserable first 100 days.
Jesus you're an idiot...*rolling eyes*
Chuck Schumer vows to shut down government over border wall funding — but still blames Republicans

I suppose this is how things will be from now on. When the minority party is out of power in the White House, they will just shut down government to get their way.
Republicans control everything. They could easily stop the shutdown, and Americans will recognize that they chose not to. It will be a hilarious cap on Trump's miserable first 100 days.
Jesus you're an idiot...*rolling eyes*
Aw you think that won't happen? :itsok:
IMO, the Dems have no right to call "the Wall" a poison pill. The people spoke on November 8, and we apparently want a wall. From what I've heard, the Repubs aren't going to be nuts about funding it, either. At least some of them aren't. The abortion thing is a lot fuzzier. All Trump said about abortion during the campaign was that he was Pro-Life and would leave it up to the states. Now he's trying to defund abortion providers left and right. That ain't fair.
Why isn't it? Defunding is coming from the federal level. The federal level isn't the state level. In fact, that is exactly what he said. As crazy as that is..
IMO, the Dems have no right to call "the Wall" a poison pill. The people spoke on November 8, and we apparently want a wall.

The majority voted against a wall. And lots of the people who voted for Dump don't want a wall.
IMO, the Dems have no right to call "the Wall" a poison pill. The people spoke on November 8, and we apparently want a wall.

The majority voted against a wall. And lots of the people who voted for Dump don't want a wall.

Trump should crack down on those who hire illegals, the welfare programs they get for anchor babies, and yes a wall too.

Why should we tolerate Balkanizing this nation with those who often resent America, and by those who undermine American wages, and pay less into the tax system, than they take out of it.

I don't quite grasp it, could you elaborate why we should tolerate this debacle?
IMO, the Dems have no right to call "the Wall" a poison pill. The people spoke on November 8, and we apparently want a wall. From what I've heard, the Repubs aren't going to be nuts about funding it, either. At least some of them aren't. The abortion thing is a lot fuzzier. All Trump said about abortion during the campaign was that he was Pro-Life and would leave it up to the states. Now he's trying to defund abortion providers left and right. That ain't fair.
Why isn't it? Defunding is coming from the federal level. The federal level isn't the state level. In fact, that is exactly what he said. As crazy as that is..
Well, when you put it like that, I guess it makes sense. I was thinking more along the lines of decisions on whether abortion would be LEGAL in the third trimester, and whether on a state level they wanted to shut abortion clinics down.
Chuck Schumer vows to shut down government over border wall funding — but still blames Republicans

I suppose this is how things will be from now on. When the minority party is out of power in the White House, they will just shut down government to get their way.
Republicans control everything. They could easily stop the shutdown, and Americans will recognize that they chose not to. It will be a hilarious cap on Trump's miserable first 100 days.

If the GOP controls everything, why can't Trump so much as pass an EO to ban immigration from countries like Iraq, just like Obama did without so much as a peep from the liberal circuit courts?

Hell, the GOP can't even overturn Obamacare, even though that is what they all ran on and have the votes to do.

No, Dims have made it clear that they don't need control of the Oval Office or Congress to rule and reign. Democracy is meaningless.
That is what the republican party wants! They want to abolish the fucking government....

Shutting it down for the next 4 to 8 years would be a dream to these assholes.
Immigrants are disproportionately LESS likely to commit crimes.
Bullshit. They come hear ILEGAL and need to be stopped. If it were 55,000 Mexican troops coming across we would call it an invasion. ISIS can easily cross our southern border. If you had military training, and I doubt you do, you would understand national security.
I love it when people try to pretend one party is really better than the other
Makes me LOL

There are good aspect to both partys.

For example, Dims try to pretend they don't like big government abroad fighting over seas and the GOP pretends to not like Big Government at home and pretends to want to scale back entitlements.

But yea, both positions are a presented falsehood.

So what are the good aspects of the Democrat party?
Immigrants are disproportionately LESS likely to commit crimes.
Bullshit. They come hear ILEGAL and need to be stopped. If it were 55,000 Mexican troops coming across we would call it an invasion. ISIS can easily cross our southern border. If you had military training, and I doubt you do, you would understand national security.

Not bullshit, 100% true:

I understand national security better than you, apparently, as I happen to realize ISIS is not headquartered in Mexico, you fucking moron.
Bill Clinton shut down government one time and the left wing media blamed Newt Gingrich. This time you can bet your ass(ets) that they will blame Trump if it happens.

Isn't Trump's newly-adopted party in power????

It is???

Immigrants are disproportionately LESS likely to commit crimes.
Bullshit. They come hear ILEGAL and need to be stopped. If it were 55,000 Mexican troops coming across we would call it an invasion. ISIS can easily cross our southern border. If you had military training, and I doubt you do, you would understand national security.

Not bullshit, 100% true:

I understand national security better than you, apparently, as I happen to realize ISIS is not headquartered in Mexico, you fucking moron.
That is why Border Patrol has found Al Queda manuals along our border and FBI has verified that some people crossing have spent $30,000 to have coyotes get them across. Juan Fucking Valdez crossing with his donkey is not going to pay that kind of money. So, no, you no nothing of border security
Immigrants are disproportionately LESS likely to commit crimes.
Bullshit. They come hear ILEGAL and need to be stopped. If it were 55,000 Mexican troops coming across we would call it an invasion. ISIS can easily cross our southern border. If you had military training, and I doubt you do, you would understand national security.

Not bullshit, 100% true:

I understand national security better than you, apparently, as I happen to realize ISIS is not headquartered in Mexico, you fucking moron.
NY Times. LMFAO. DeBlasio, aka Trotsky, is that cities mayor.

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