Chuck Schumer Refuses Congressional Action On Separation


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Chuck Schumer said that he will stop any Congressional solution to child separation among immigrants families.


Chuck Schumer: Democrats Will Reject Any Legislation to Fix Border Crisis | Breitbart
Day late and a dollar short, as usual. The POTUS is handling it without their losing cause.
Well what does one expect from Shumer.

He sees the issue as a winner for the Dems. Unfortunately most Americans don't give a shit about the so called refugees.

They do give a big shit about illegals in America.

Not a winning hand for the Dems come Nov.
The coward couldn't take the heat from his childish behavior. He's desperately trying to make it look like it required some sort of signed doccument to rescind his goofy policy. It didn't. He could have stopped it at any time with a phone call.
democrat party > country Schumer left it up to Trump, so trump acted. Hopefully Putin flips Schumer's seat this November
Again both parties of the do nothing congress fail to do their jobs and pass the buck to Trump. Congress is nothing more than 535 losers
democrat party > country Schumer left it up to Trump, so trump acted. Hopefully Putin flips Schumer's seat this November

Not quite -- Schumer was not going to allow Trump to use these kids as a bargaining chip -- so Trump blinked first --
No, Schumer wants to use these kids as a Cajal against the Republicans. This illustrates the actual amount of 'caring' that exists with the left about these children.
democrat party > country Schumer left it up to Trump, so trump acted. Hopefully Putin flips Schumer's seat this November

Not quite -- Schumer was not going to allow Trump to use these kids as a bargaining chip -- so Trump blinked first --
No, Schumer wants to use these kids as a Cajal against the Republicans. This illustrates the actual amount of 'caring' that exists with the left about these children.
Schumer didn't direct DHS to start separating kids from parents -- Trump did -- he thought it would get him leverage for his wall, he was with it
democrat party > country Schumer left it up to Trump, so trump acted. Hopefully Putin flips Schumer's seat this November

Not quite -- Schumer was not going to allow Trump to use these kids as a bargaining chip -- so Trump blinked first --
No, Schumer wants to use these kids as a Cajal against the Republicans. This illustrates the actual amount of 'caring' that exists with the left about these children.
Schumer didn't direct DHS to start separating kids from parents -- Trump did -- he thought it would get him leverage for his wall, he was with it
Actually, no Trump did not. The US Immigration laws and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals directed them to separate these kids from their abusive parents.
The Losers refused to support tax cuts and now they refuse to help separated families in crisis.

Not to worry, Trump did.

democrat party > country Schumer left it up to Trump, so trump acted. Hopefully Putin flips Schumer's seat this November

Not quite -- Schumer was not going to allow Trump to use these kids as a bargaining chip -- so Trump blinked first --
No, Schumer wants to use these kids as a Cajal against the Republicans. This illustrates the actual amount of 'caring' that exists with the left about these children.
Schumer didn't direct DHS to start separating kids from parents -- Trump did -- he thought it would get him leverage for his wall, he was with it
Why do they need that idiot Schumer if the Republicans control both houses of congress?
The Losers refused to support tax cuts and now they refuse to help separated families in crisis.

Not to worry, Trump did.

The ONLY help that the Trump Administration should offer these families is to show them the door out of this country.
Why do they need that idiot Schumer if the Republicans control both houses of congress?
Good question.

It is because the Republican's don't control the Senate and never will until they do away with that fillibuster nonsense.
democrat party > country Schumer left it up to Trump, so trump acted. Hopefully Putin flips Schumer's seat this November

Not quite -- Schumer was not going to allow Trump to use these kids as a bargaining chip -- so Trump blinked first --
No, Schumer wants to use these kids as a Cajal against the Republicans. This illustrates the actual amount of 'caring' that exists with the left about these children.
Schumer didn't direct DHS to start separating kids from parents -- Trump did -- he thought it would get him leverage for his wall, he was with it
Trump did not create the law, he only told them to enforce it.
Seems that if we only enforced our existing laws none of this would have become a problem
Chuck Schumer said that he will stop any Congressional solution to child separation among immigrants families.


Chuck Schumer: Democrats Will Reject Any Legislation to Fix Border Crisis | Breitbart

Basically, the only ones more useless than the GOP are the Democrats. They never met a crisis they didn't either create or at least didn't want to exploit. Can't wait to see them in the midterms. What malarkey will they try feeding their base with the puppet media supporting them this time?

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