Who Replaces Biden before the Election?

That wasn't the Holy Ghost... those were the voices in your head. We have medications for that now.

Not at all. I would be happy to go back to a time when we had two parties that were sane.

Here's the thing. I used to vote for Republicans before you all went nuts.

Mitt Romney is no longer welcome in the GOP. John McCain was made to feel very unwelcome before he died. I don't think you guys like either Bush that much, or Bob Dole, or Jerry Ford. The only guy you still like other than Cheeto Jesus is Reagan, and that's only because you've made him into kind of a myth. (The real Reagan appointed moderate justices, gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants, raised taxes when he realized Supply Side was Voodoo Economics, and so on.)
You mean alike. Those RINOs were not conservative, not one bit. But as a far Left Commie, you want the GOP to be nothing more than controlled opposition
I was talking about Reagan and the difference between the actual man who was president from 1981 - 1989 and the myth you guys made up about him.

The real Reagan would be less welcome in today's GOP than John McCain.
What haven't you assholes made up?
You mean alike. Those RINOs were not conservative, not one bit. But as a far Left Commie, you want the GOP to be nothing more than controlled opposition

Those RINOs are conservatives or close to it. There are different shades of conservatism. The problem is, you MAGAts are NOT conservatives at all. You follow only one thing and one thing only. It's name is tRump who tried to make the US into another failed business venture. But he and his family did receive hundreds of millions of profits in less than 3 short years while tRump reigned over his kingdom.
Those RINOs are conservatives or close to it. There are different shades of conservatism. The problem is, you MAGAts are NOT conservatives at all. You follow only one thing and one thing only. It's name is tRump who tried to make the US into another failed business venture. But he and his family did receive hundreds of millions of profits in less than 3 short years while tRump reigned over his kingdom.
No, they are not. And you people are not Americans, period
You mean alike. Those RINOs were not conservative, not one bit. But as a far Left Commie, you want the GOP to be nothing more than controlled opposition

Well, at least you understood the point... So you guys elected RINOs to represent your party. Everyone who doesn't agree with Trump (who wasn't actually a Republican until 2016) is a RINO and Trump is the only true Republican.

Even though..

The people who talk about Family values now have to tell us why it's okay for their guy to cheat on all three of his wives and fuck a porn star.
The people who used to tell us how Russia was the biggest threat now support Putin.
The people who used to believe in free trade and capitalism now want tariffs and protectionism.
The people who used to tell us about fiscal responsibility ran up 8 trillion in new debt in 4 years. (Okay, you guys were never serious about that one!)

Seems to me that you guys are the RINOs, as you are going against everything you told me you believed over the last 40 years to support one nasty old orange bigot.
Well, at least you understood the point... So you guys elected RINOs to represent your party. Everyone who doesn't agree with Trump (who wasn't actually a Republican until 2016) is a RINO and Trump is the only true Republican.

Even though..

The people who talk about Family values now have to tell us why it's okay for their guy to cheat on all three of his wives and fuck a porn star.
The people who used to tell us how Russia was the biggest threat now support Putin.
The people who used to believe in free trade and capitalism now want tariffs and protectionism.
The people who used to tell us about fiscal responsibility ran up 8 trillion in new debt in 4 years. (Okay, you guys were never serious about that one!)

Seems to me that you guys are the RINOs, as you are going against everything you told me you believed over the last 40 years to support one nasty old orange bigot.
Trump is closer to the Conservative I want leading this country. I am sick of limp dick RINOs like McShitstain , Dole, Bush etc. who won't fight the enemy, which are Democrats. Hell, imagine how good we would have it if Reagan had both Houses of Congress. Instead, he had to wheel and deal with shitbag Tip O'Neil
Trump is closer to the Conservative I want leading this country. I am sick of limp dick RINOs like McShitstain , Dole, Bush etc. who won't fight the enemy, which are Democrats. Hell, imagine how good we would have it if Reagan had both Houses of Congress. Instead, he had to wheel and deal with shitbag Tip O'Neil

Um, yeah, life is full of compromises. THis is something you should have learned at an early age.
Haven't read throught he whole thread, but I have a comment.

I think that the obvious step is for Harris and the Cabinet to Article 25 Joe Biden and Harris take "temporary" control of the executive branch. It will last until the next president is sworn in, but Biden will still officially be president.

She will have a chance to either look presidential, or to show us that she would only be Biden 2.0, which would mean Obama 3.0. More information for the voters.

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