Church forced to remove the word " Jesus" from Easter advertising

Church Forced to Remove the Word ‘Jesus’ From Easter Advertising

A church has been forced to remove the word ‘Jesus’ from its signs ahead of Easter because it has been causing offence.

Nope there's no attack on Christians world wide, and the pathetic losers who bend over and obey " the removal of it" , you are the weak ,........ Exactly the same in American bend over and obey you are weak.
Why do you think the manager of a shopping center doesn't have the right to dictate what is put in the shopping center he/she manages?
The Churches in Australia are pretty empty. They have huge beautiful churches but when you go in, they're empty.
Church Forced to Remove the Word ‘Jesus’ From Easter Advertising

A church has been forced to remove the word ‘Jesus’ from its signs ahead of Easter because it has been causing offence.

Nope there's no attack on Christians world wide, and the pathetic losers who bend over and obey " the removal of it" , you are the weak ,........ Exactly the same in American bend over and obey you are weak.
According to your article, they changed it from Jesus to Christ. This is another one of those stellar articles including almost no facts.
Compliments once again on a bullshit thread.
Church Forced to Remove the Word ‘Jesus’ From Easter Advertising

A church has been forced to remove the word ‘Jesus’ from its signs ahead of Easter because it has been causing offence.

Nope there's no attack on Christians world wide, and the pathetic losers who bend over and obey " the removal of it" , you are the weak ,........ Exactly the same in American bend over and obey you are weak.
Why do you think the manager of a shopping center doesn't have the right to dictate what is put in the shopping center he/she manages?

Church Forced to Remove the Word ‘Jesus’ From Easter Advertising

A church has been forced to remove the word ‘Jesus’ from its signs ahead of Easter because it has been causing offence.

Nope there's no attack on Christians world wide, and the pathetic losers who bend over and obey " the removal of it" , you are the weak ,........ Exactly the same in American bend over and obey you are weak.
According to your article, they changed it from Jesus to Christ. This is another one of those stellar articles including almost no facts.
Compliments once again on a bullshit thread.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fill in the blank
Churches are "advertising" now?

Plenty do and for a myriad of reasons. Services, hours, festivals, fish frys, etc...

I am going to a fish fry tonight with my parents. I want some homemade pierogies.
Churches are "advertising" now?

Plenty do and for a myriad of reasons. Services, hours, festivals, fish frys, etc...

I am going to a fish fry tonight with my parents. I want some homemade pierogies.

Homemade pierogies are da bomb.

The point was that "advertising" means you're selling something. Specifically you're trying to persuade people to buy something they don't need. (If they need it, it doesn't need advertising). It's a revealing choice of gerund.

Either a Freudian slip, or perhaps somebody's been following the Rump Fraud University playbook: "You don't sell products, benefits or solution --- you sell feelings".
Churches are "advertising" now?

Plenty do and for a myriad of reasons. Services, hours, festivals, fish frys, etc...

I am going to a fish fry tonight with my parents. I want some homemade pierogies.

Homemade pierogies are da bomb.

The point was that "advertising" means you're selling something. Specifically you're trying to persuade people to buy something they don't need. (If they need it, it doesn't need advertising). It's a revealing choice of gerund.

Either a Freudian slip, or perhaps somebody's been following the Rump Fraud University playbook: "You don't sell products, benefits or solution --- you sell feelings".

Okay Pogo does this mean get rid of all Political Advertising, too?
I think you have a great point there, do we need politicians telling us what we need?
Are any selling real solutions or just themselves?

Jesus and Buddha shared Truth and Wisdom for FREE.
Anyone is FREE to read the laws in the Bible and Constitution and
enforce them directly instead of waiting on Govt to tell us what rights we have and don't have.
They are already written and just require enforcement by the people to be social contracts
where consent of the governed is the basis of law and governance.

Isn't it the business of political parties to take what is already FREE
(ie freedom of choice and natural rights) and sell them back for profit?

Hmmm Pogo this advertising angle, maybe you are on to something here!
Church Forced to Remove the Word ‘Jesus’ From Easter Advertising

A church has been forced to remove the word ‘Jesus’ from its signs ahead of Easter because it has been causing offence.

Nope there's no attack on Christians world wide, and the pathetic losers who bend over and obey " the removal of it" , you are the weak ,........ Exactly the same in American bend over and obey you are weak.

Jehovah's Witnesses and other denominations I know
don't recognize either the name "Jesus" (which should be Yeshua or Yashua)
or "Easter" which came from Ester and Pagan references (JW don't recognize any secular holidays).

The Bible in Romans says not to judge people for their holidays; if they are given
something by God as their tradition to honor then let them honor it. So people
should leave each other alone if they are believers under Scripture.

If you are under the Constitution, and the Golden Rule of reciprocity and equal protection for all,
then if you want free speech without censorship it makes sense to respect the same for others.
How can we demand equal rights but go around depriving this from others?
Makes no sense it goes against natural laws.

What comes around goes around, you reap what you sow.
So if you don't like other people ganging up and coercing you to change
how you see or say things, why would you do this to someone else?

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