Church Hires Convicted Sex Offender, Kids banned from Church while he is present.

^^^ If the man legally can not be one because of his past, then the people who hired him need to be brought to the authority's attention.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Would you let your child be the first one he guides in the ways of the Lord so the world can see he is not the same sex offender who went to prison?

I would never expose my child to this creep. I am entrusted with my child's welfare and to make those decisions which will keep him safe and allow him to grow into a well balanced and happy individual. Taking a chance that my child my lose his innocence to a convicted child sex offender would make me as culpable and sick as the sex offender himself.
Would I let my children be the first? If I had any children, sure! As long as I am always in their picture, why not? And if I don't like something that is said or done in my children's presence, then me and them are up and out of there. It is as simple as that. It is up to the parents and no one else what their kids are exposed to and its a parents responsibility to teach their kids what is right if they see another person say or do something wrong.

You have just qualified the answer by making it a condition that you are always in the picture. Clearly you would not give this person chance with your child unsupervised, neither would I and I would not let my child go to this church. My child should not have to deal with these adult issues at such a young age.
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Thank God I stopped attending church 50 years ago. There are enough perverts walking around in every day life, without have to sit and listen to one of them babble about his fake conversion to his new found religion.

I would be suspicious of anyone who actually attends services conducted by this so called Pastor. Personally I wouldn't let my children around this Pastor or any other adult who attends that church.
Yes, well, you're more reasonable than most democrats.

I imagine that church is made up of Obama supporters.
My child should not have to deal with these adult issues at such a young age.
I agree with you more that no child should ever have to deal with adult issues, I am actually living proof of that, but since adult issues are all over the place it is up to those who are parents to decide who their kids can have anything to do with, especially when they are not there with their kids.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

My child should not have to deal with these adult issues at such a young age.
I agree with you more that no child should ever have to deal with adult issues, I am actually living proof of that, but since adult issues are all over the place it is up to those who are parents to decide who their kids can have anything to do with, especially when they are not there with their kids.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Naturally adult issues are prevalent however, I am not going to expose my child to a pedophile, while cautioning him not to let the creep touch his pee pee because he was arrested, convicted and jailed and he is now considered a sex offender.

There are limits to exposure of adult contextual material and issues and the ability of children to digest and assimilate the information. I would never ruin my child's innocence in order to grant some pedophile another chance to redeem himself. To do so is strange and perverted.
^^^ To me, a child's innocence is only ruined if something bad happens. What do you think would happen to a child's innocence if something bad didn't happen? :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

^^^ To me, a child's innocence is only ruined if something bad happens. What do you think would happen to a child's innocence if something bad didn't happen? :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


If something did not happen the child would grow and be exposed to age appropriate material and issues. As it stands, you would wish to expose the child to material that would corrupt the child's s view of the world regardless whether the pedophile man of the cloth did something or not.
^^^ No I wouldn't be wishing that. Sadly people, like this guy at the church, are everywhere and that includes school if their actions have not been discovered yet and school is a place that a parent can't be with their children at which is what makes this kind of situation possible for anyone who have children if they are not able to have their children be home schooled and in my opinion, if you can't keep your children from such an issue, the next best thing is to make sure that you are there with your children when they cross paths with anyone who may be a threat in any way to them.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

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^^^ No I wouldn't be wishing that. Sadly people, like this guy at the church, are everywhere and that includes school if their actions have not been discovered yet and school is a place that a parent can't be with their children at which is what makes this kind of situation possible for anyone who have children if they are not able to have their children be home schooled and in my opinion, if you can't keep your children from such an issue, the next best thing is to make sure that you are there with your children when they cross paths with anyone who may be a threat in any way to them.
God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


The thing is a parent can keep their child from this specific situation and that is the point. No second chances with any child. These congregation members have a responsibility to their young people and should keep this guy away from him. He should administer his pastoral duties in a men's prison or other adult environment that way he fulfills his calling and no child is at risk in this regard.
^^^ Well maybe if enough people have a problem with this guy being the preacher, something will be done about him because there is strength in numbers which is sadly something else that I have seen up close. At this one church that I used to go to here, the preacher eventually left and it was because so many had left the church already and it was because the people didn't agree with him on something, I don't know what exactly. All that I know is that it was a matter major enough for them people to leave. I cried when he made the announcement that he was going to leave and I cried the last time that I got to see him before he left. He was a wonderful man and I pray that him and his family are doing well where they are now. :) :) :)

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)

He's not a wonderful man. He takes advantage of vulnerable women and girls, and has a long history of doing so, and using his position to do it.

It's too bad you can't see that.
^^^ Well maybe if enough people have a problem with this guy being the preacher, something will be done about him because there is strength in numbers which is sadly something else that I have seen up close. At this one church that I used to go to here, the preacher eventually left and it was because so many had left the church already and it was because the people didn't agree with him on something, I don't know what exactly. All that I know is that it was a matter major enough for them people to leave. I cried when he made the announcement that he was going to leave and I cried the last time that I got to see him before he left. He was a wonderful man and I pray that him and his family are doing well where they are now. :) :) :)

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)


Your experience, while heartfelt, is not on point with the OP. The OP is a predator. There is no wiggle room here. Turn the other cheek means something else to this man. There is a special relationship that develops between pastor and congregant. That requires a certain amount of intimacy and trust. The pastor needs to seek another arena where he can lead others in the way of the Lord.
And his parishioners need to re-read the qualifications that recommends church leaders again.
Titus 1:5-:9

"This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you— if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination. For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it."
He's not a wonderful man. He takes advantage of vulnerable women and girls, and has a long history of doing so, and using his position to do it.

It's too bad you can't see that.
I never said that he is a wonderful man, but I am saying that if that the people of that church are willing to give him a shot, after considering his past, there is a good chance that the guy will meet them half way. What would make him think that he would be able to pick up where he left off when he would know that EVERYONE there would be watching him like a hawk?

God bless you and him and everyone at the church always!!! :) :) :)

The problem is, Jo, is that the church know that kids will attend the services there, and they have chosen to hire this guy and tell the kids to stay away. They are preventing the kids from attending service because they think a sex offender has more right to be there.
^^^ Why would the kids have to stay away when the church would be crawling with witnesses every time that they are there?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

^^^ Why would the kids have to stay away when the church would be crawling with witnesses every time that they are there?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Why would you bring your kids to a place where a convicted sex offender is employed?

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