CIA analyst: Susan Rice's request to unmask Trump's associates neither odd nor wrong

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
Nada Bakos is a highly-regarded national security expert with 20 years of in-depth knowledge base in global intelligence. As a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst, she was a key member of the team charged with analyzing the relationship between Iraq, al-Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks.

Bakos on Twitter: "She (Susan Rice) was the National Security Advisor reading a report of foreign officials discussing US persons coming into WH, this isn't odd or wrong"

Nada Bakos on Twitter

Once again conservatives get too excited, too soon.
Unmasking of an American citizen is only allowed if there is evidence of national security being at risk or criminality. Period full stop.
You are not allowed to unmask willy nilly. The heart of the matter here is the bitch was unmasking individuals who were only communicating innocently.

AKA the douchebag was spying on the Trump team. I want to know if she was pulling this shit with the other candidates.
That lying bitch will plead the 5th.
Nada Bakos will plead the fifth?

No the lying POS Susan Rice.
Why? She didn't do anything odd or wrong.

LOL she's a filthy lying POS liberal trust me she's guilty and will plead the 5th.

A proven liar.

Trump is a proven liar. Do you judge him the same way?
The RWnuthouse is still stinging from the beatdown they got trying to crucify Susan Rice and the Democrats over the fake scandal of Benghazi.

No surprise they're going hysterical again.
Nada Bakos is a highly-regarded national security expert with 20 years of in-depth knowledge base in global intelligence. As a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst, she was a key member of the team charged with analyzing the relationship between Iraq, al-Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks.

Bakos on Twitter: "She (Susan Rice) was the National Security Advisor reading a report of foreign officials discussing US persons coming into WH, this isn't odd or wrong"

Nada Bakos on Twitter

Once again conservatives get too excited, too soon.

Does not matter what they say.

It was poor judgement and we will make her pay dearly.
The RWnuthouse is still stinging from the beatdown they got trying to crucify Susan Rice and the Democrats over the fake scandal of Benghazi.

No surprise they're going hysterical again.

Is Hillary president ?

My guess is that they think they were successful.
Nada Bakos is a highly-regarded national security expert with 20 years of in-depth knowledge base in global intelligence. As a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst, she was a key member of the team charged with analyzing the relationship between Iraq, al-Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks.

Bakos on Twitter: "She (Susan Rice) was the National Security Advisor reading a report of foreign officials discussing US persons coming into WH, this isn't odd or wrong"

Nada Bakos on Twitter

Once again conservatives get too excited, too soon.
No one is saying it is odd or wrong.

That she was obviously unmasking people under fraudulent claims to the NSA, as there is no foreign intelligence gained from systematically unmasking a Presidential candidates phone calls, is what is being discussed.

Rice is a doomed little partisan hack.
Unmasking of an American citizen is only allowed if there is evidence of national security being at risk or criminality. Period full stop.

But will the Republicans have the balls to make her come before committees and testify as to her reasons for doing this?

If their past track record holds, I doubt it will happen.

Republicans on the Hill are known for nothing if not their complete cowardice in front of Democrat demands.
Nada Bakos is a highly-regarded national security expert with 20 years of in-depth knowledge base in global intelligence. As a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst, she was a key member of the team charged with analyzing the relationship between Iraq, al-Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks.

Bakos on Twitter: "She (Susan Rice) was the National Security Advisor reading a report of foreign officials discussing US persons coming into WH, this isn't odd or wrong"

Nada Bakos on Twitter

Once again conservatives get too excited, too soon.

I agree! Plus, she never leaked any unmasked intel.
We have people here in the wilds of frozen northern Canada and the basement slums of Brooklyn telling the educated, common sense rational members of this Board what is treason and not. :)
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