CIA hit squads said to be killing whistleblowers.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Post some evidence for any of your claims.

you have never posted any evidence

Your only argument has only and always been CIA BAD CIA BAD CIA BAD. SWHich is not an argument you moron

Post some evidence and then everyone might stop seeing how much you are my bitch

Typical CIA cocksucker. Can’t even answer a simple question.
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Post some evidence for any of your claims.

you have never posted any evidence

Your only argument has only and always been CIA BAD CIA BAD CIA BAD. SWHich is not an argument you moron

Post some evidence and then everyone might stop seeing how much you are my bitch

Typical CIA cocksucker. Can’t even answer a simple question.

Typical tin foil hat mommas boy. Cannot post evidence.
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Post some evidence for any of your claims.

you have never posted any evidence

Your only argument has only and always been CIA BAD CIA BAD CIA BAD. SWHich is not an argument you moron

Post some evidence and then everyone might stop seeing how much you are my bitch

Typical CIA cocksucker. Can’t even answer a simple question.

Which is the norm,lol the fact he evades the question pretty much confirms the answer is yes. :iyfyus.jpg:
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Post some evidence for any of your claims.

you have never posted any evidence

Your only argument has only and always been CIA BAD CIA BAD CIA BAD. SWHich is not an argument you moron

Post some evidence and then everyone might stop seeing how much you are my bitch

Typical CIA cocksucker. Can’t even answer a simple question.

Which is the norm,lol the fact he evades the question pretty much confirms the answer is yes. :iyfyus.jpg:

As usual you are a liar.

It was answered

Typical shill LARAM can only sling shit in defeat after I make him and his lover Gipper my BITCHES
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Post some evidence for any of your claims.

you have never posted any evidence

Your only argument has only and always been CIA BAD CIA BAD CIA BAD. SWHich is not an argument you moron

Post some evidence and then everyone might stop seeing how much you are my bitch

Typical CIA cocksucker. Can’t even answer a simple question.

Which is the norm,lol the fact he evades the question pretty much confirms the answer is yes. :iyfyus.jpg:

As usual you are a liar.

It was answered

Typical shill LARAM can only sling shit in defeat after I make him and his lover Gipper my BITCHES

That’s funny. We’ve been bitch slapping your dumb ass for ten years, yet you still cling to the lying CIA’s obvious fabricated stories.

Now answer the question bitch! Do you look like your daddy Allen “the murderer” Dulles?
oswald was a communist who couldn't shoot well enough to assassinate kennedy.
--> lee harvey oswald - Google Search
Lee Harvey Oswald was a former U.S. Marine who assassinated United States president John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.


He himself was fatally shot two days later by Jack Ruby (1911–67) in the Dallas County Jail.

Lee Harvey Oswald gave his life for his country. JFK+LBJ did not.
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Post some evidence for any of your claims.

you have never posted any evidence

Your only argument has only and always been CIA BAD CIA BAD CIA BAD. SWHich is not an argument you moron

Post some evidence and then everyone might stop seeing how much you are my bitch

Typical CIA cocksucker. Can’t even answer a simple question.

Which is the norm,lol the fact he evades the question pretty much confirms the answer is yes. :iyfyus.jpg:

As usual you are a liar.

It was answered

Typical shill LARAM can only sling shit in defeat after I make him and his lover Gipper my BITCHES

That’s funny. We’ve been bitch slapping your dumb ass for ten years, yet you still cling to the lying CIA’s obvious fabricated stories.

Now answer the question bitch! Do you look like your daddy Allen “the murderer” Dulles?

Who cares what this shill from Langley says,he can’t open his mouth without lying,because of that his nose has grown miles across the country and as I said,sense he won’t answer,the answer is Obviously yes.
Who cares what this shill from Langley says,he can’t open his mouth without lying,because of that his nose has grown miles across the country and as I said,sense he won’t answer,the answer is. Obviously yes.
They're both lying. In the same bed.
Uhh I know Gipper,he does not lie,this nazi troll on the other hand is a shill from Langley and always lies.
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Post some evidence for any of your claims.

you have never posted any evidence

Your only argument has only and always been CIA BAD CIA BAD CIA BAD. SWHich is not an argument you moron

Post some evidence and then everyone might stop seeing how much you are my bitch

Typical CIA cocksucker. Can’t even answer a simple question.

Which is the norm,lol the fact he evades the question pretty much confirms the answer is yes. :iyfyus.jpg:

As usual you are a liar.

It was answered

Typical shill LARAM can only sling shit in defeat after I make him and his lover Gipper my BITCHES

That’s funny. We’ve been bitch slapping your dumb ass for ten years, yet you still cling to the lying CIA’s obvious fabricated stories.

Now answer the question bitch! Do you look like your daddy Allen “the murderer” Dulles?

Uh dude if your just going to feed the troll and not talk about the stuff mentioned in the video of the op I gave which by the way has nothing to do with JFk,if your just going to give all your attention to the nazi shill and feed him instead,I might as well have this thread’s bad enough you do it on other threads but don’t feed him on MY thread.
Uhh I know Gipper,he does not lie,this nazi troll on the other hand is a shill from Langley and always lies.
Don't be suckered into the Jew-vs-Nazi game. That's been played before, too many a time.
Joint Base Langley-Eustis is an Air Force base.
They're scrambling and covering their asses, Marine Corps Base Quantico - Home too.

There's a metric fuckton of bullshit at all those places, straight out of D.C., that doesn't go through the normal channels of military command.
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Post some evidence for any of your claims.

you have never posted any evidence

Your only argument has only and always been CIA BAD CIA BAD CIA BAD. SWHich is not an argument you moron

Post some evidence and then everyone might stop seeing how much you are my bitch

Typical CIA cocksucker. Can’t even answer a simple question.

Which is the norm,lol the fact he evades the question pretty much confirms the answer is yes. :iyfyus.jpg:

As usual you are a liar.

It was answered

Typical shill LARAM can only sling shit in defeat after I make him and his lover Gipper my BITCHES

That’s funny. We’ve been bitch slapping your dumb ass for ten years, yet you still cling to the lying CIA’s obvious fabricated stories.

Now answer the question bitch! Do you look like your daddy Allen “the murderer” Dulles?

Uh dude if your just going to feed the troll and not talk about the stuff mentioned in the video of the op I gave which by the way has nothing to do with JFk,if your just going to give all your attention to the nazi shill and feed him instead,I might as well have this thread’s bad enough you do it on other threads but don’t feed him on MY thread.

Sorry but I so enjoy knocking the cia nazi about.
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Post some evidence for any of your claims.

you have never posted any evidence

Your only argument has only and always been CIA BAD CIA BAD CIA BAD. SWHich is not an argument you moron

Post some evidence and then everyone might stop seeing how much you are my bitch

Typical CIA cocksucker. Can’t even answer a simple question.

Which is the norm,lol the fact he evades the question pretty much confirms the answer is yes. :iyfyus.jpg:

As usual you are a liar.

It was answered

Typical shill LARAM can only sling shit in defeat after I make him and his lover Gipper my BITCHES

That’s funny. We’ve been bitch slapping your dumb ass for ten years, yet you still cling to the lying CIA’s obvious fabricated stories.

Now answer the question bitch! Do you look like your daddy Allen “the murderer” Dulles?

Wrong boy.

You know that foor ten years I have owned your strupid ass and proven tyou to be a liar and fool

I have consistently presneted facts and evidence proving you and ignorangt little fool and wrong.

Now present some evideence gay boy
oswald was a communist who couldn't shoot well enough to assassinate kennedy.
--> lee harvey oswald - Google Search
Lee Harvey Oswald was a former U.S. Marine who assassinated United States president John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.


He himself was fatally shot two days later by Jack Ruby (1911–67) in the Dallas County Jail.

Lee Harvey Oswald gave his life for his country. JFK+LBJ did not.
He was not in service of his country when he was murdered by Ruby.

JFK was in fact in the service of his country when Oswald murdered him without help

Massive failure for you
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Post some evidence for any of your claims.

you have never posted any evidence

Your only argument has only and always been CIA BAD CIA BAD CIA BAD. SWHich is not an argument you moron

Post some evidence and then everyone might stop seeing how much you are my bitch

Typical CIA cocksucker. Can’t even answer a simple question.

Which is the norm,lol the fact he evades the question pretty much confirms the answer is yes. :iyfyus.jpg:

As usual you are a liar.

It was answered

Typical shill LARAM can only sling shit in defeat after I make him and his lover Gipper my BITCHES

That’s funny. We’ve been bitch slapping your dumb ass for ten years, yet you still cling to the lying CIA’s obvious fabricated stories.

Now answer the question bitch! Do you look like your daddy Allen “the murderer” Dulles?

Uh dude if your just going to feed the troll and not talk about the stuff mentioned in the video of the op I gave which by the way has nothing to do with JFk,if your just going to give all your attention to the nazi shill and feed him instead,I might as well have this thread’s bad enough you do it on other threads but don’t feed him on MY thread.

Sorry but I so enjoy knocking the cia nazi about.

You never do

I consistently prove you to be an informed fool
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Forever is a long time...

So Trump's CIA is killing whistle blowers who are election fraud witnesses that might help him overturn an election that he lost? Makes sense:

View attachment 429703
The CIA is never controlled by a president. If it were, JFK might still be alive. So, it can’t be Trump’s CIA.
The CIA is run by the director who is appointed by the president. Yes in fact they are ultimately run by the president like any other agency.

JFK was killed by Oswald who was a communist and was not cia.

Those are facts which you cannot challenge

You had been owned endlessly on this debate and proven wrong and you know it
That’s hilarious and delusional but you already know that, as I’ve schooled on this issue a thousand times.
No you have not.

You have been schooled by many including and especially me

You have never cited evidence but you have been beaten to death with massive evidence

Grow the fuck up

You are wrong and proven so and you know it
I’ve schooled you for ten years now. I can’t help it if you’re dumb.
No you have not.

you have been schooled and owned and run away every time.

post some evidence for once
Agreed, you’re not capable of educating. The CIA and your grandpa Dulles brainwashed you long ago.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

correct on BOTH accounts in your last two posts,the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.:up:
He is wrong and proven so as always

And so are you
No one believes a CIA cocksucker.
No one believes you.

You never post evidence to support your idiotic statements
Lol. No one in their right mind believes the lying CIA.
No one in their right minds believes you.

You never cite evidence
No that would be you

You never cite evidence for your claims
You always cite the CIA, which makes you a terrible liar.
I never have cited them.

You never cite evidence

You are the proven a nd self admitted liar
You cite evidence from the CIA. LIAR!!!
I never have and you cannot show any post of mine where I have done soany

On the other hand I can not show any posts of yours where you have cited any evidence at all because you have never done so

You are the proven liarc

and you know it
The CIA, admitted Liars just like you.

No one said the cia has not lied.

I asked for evidence of the specific accusations from the liar LARAM

As always you fail to cite evidence

You are the proven liar

You are liar.

I am stating proven facts

You never cite evidence and are the proven liar

I have owned you every time

Liar liar pants on fire.

You know you are the liar

where is the evidence ?

Are you and Pompeo butt buddies?

:thankusmile::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Pretty safe to say the answer is yes.:iyfyus.jpg:

Still no evidence from the reigning shill

I’ve given you so much evidence it overwhelmed your small mind.

That is a flat out lie.

You have never cited any evidence of any kind.

You only post cia is bad over and over

You are a liar and a proven fool

You forget. You are CIA. CIA = LIAR.

Nope only a halfwit thinks the CIA would have people correcting yuor dumbass on an obscure political forum.

You are the proven liar now where is your evidence?

You CIA. You lie.

No one here is CIA and you are the proven liar

Yet you’re Allen Dulles’ long lost love child. Do you look like him?

Post some evidence.

You have never done so

I have it under good authority that in this picture Dulles was thinking to himself, I’m gonna kill this commie bastard.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

You have never posted any evidence of any kind.

This is why I have destroyed every post and claim you ever made.

Now post some evidence liar

So you do look like Dulles?

Where is the aevidence for your absurd claims which you lied about posting?

Are you related to Dulles or not? Tell the truth...ops CIA never tells the truth.

Post some evidence for any of your claims.

you have never posted any evidence

Your only argument has only and always been CIA BAD CIA BAD CIA BAD. SWHich is not an argument you moron

Post some evidence and then everyone might stop seeing how much you are my bitch

Typical CIA cocksucker. Can’t even answer a simple question.

Which is the norm,lol the fact he evades the question pretty much confirms the answer is yes. :iyfyus.jpg:

As usual you are a liar.

It was answered

Typical shill LARAM can only sling shit in defeat after I make him and his lover Gipper my BITCHES

That’s funny. We’ve been bitch slapping your dumb ass for ten years, yet you still cling to the lying CIA’s obvious fabricated stories.

Now answer the question bitch! Do you look like your daddy Allen “the murderer” Dulles?

Uh dude if your just going to feed the troll and not talk about the stuff mentioned in the video of the op I gave which by the way has nothing to do with JFk,if your just going to give all your attention to the nazi shill and feed him instead,I might as well have this thread’s bad enough you do it on other threads but don’t feed him on MY thread.

Sorry but I so enjoy knocking the cia nazi about.

Do you let your lover boss you around in bed like he does here?

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