Cindy Sheehan, Sandra Fluke, Wendy Davis--Women as Objects

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
The Democrats built up all three of these bozos, convincing Americans they somehow added something to the conversation. In fact they simply used them to gather political support. And when their usefulness ended, like Sheehan, they were discarded.
This is the Democrat way: use women for their own pleasure and benefit and then discard when needed. The party of "women as objects" as typified by Bill "The Rapist" Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Chris Dodd tell women that Republicans are really their enemies. That some people fall for it is sad.
Contemporary women failures:

Look at the people who are falling for it though...

The same nattering dipshits who drive roller skates because they believe in global warming.

The sort of idiot who hates guns, period, and think a scumbag who's willing to break the laws against murder, rape, kidnaping or burglary will at least obey the law against guns and only attack them with a knife.

The kind of idiot that will stand outside a prison and protest for the life of a savage killer on death row, and the next day rant and rave in a State Capitol building in favor of infanticide.

The sort of psuedointellectual bed wetter who has one of those stupid "coexist" stickers on their roller skate, right next to the "equality" symbol. Totally clueless of course what would happen to them if they tried to "coexist" among muslims and preach gay rights, women's liberation, athiesm, animal rights.

The same sort of mindless fools that loathe Christians for "shoving religion down their throats" and regurgitating "racist" when someone points out a jihadist would run a knife across their throats.

We are not talking about sane, lucid or even remotely intelligent people here These people are dangerously stupid. They're the reason we have GFI plugs in bathrooms, child proof lids on almost everything, gates at railroad crossings, and the words "Not For Human Consumption" on jars of fishbait.
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democrats fight to keep women barefoot and on the abortion table.

The reaction when the number of abortions declines is telling. No celebration from the left, only angst.
I would never allow an abortion in my family. I'd raise the kid myself if needed....

Seriously. Why would allow my grandchild to be butchered?

Perhaps bed wetters "think" ( I have to use the word loosely when regarding them) that it will be trailer trash NASCAR fans lining up to waste their own offspring, as opposed the "women" like Wendy Davis who's only allowed half of her children to live, and still abandoned the ones who survived.
an excellenty description of the far right dipshits: We are not talking about sane, lucid or even remotely intelligent people here These people are dangerously stupid.
democrats fight to keep women barefoot and on the abortion table.

The reaction when the number of abortions declines is telling. No celebration from the left, only angst.
I would never allow an abortion in my family. I'd raise the kid myself if needed....

Seriously. Why would I allow my grandchild to be butchered?
I know. I wish I had some, but my kids have yet to mass produce any...
Democrats are alienating women they can least afford to alienate: white soccer moms with checkbooks. Their sizable slave pool of illiterate illegal voters is no foundation on which to anchor a party. Women are abandoning the Democratic party at a steady clip. They're anxious about the world situation and the possibility of domestic terrorism. They don't want a bunch of self-loathing sissies running the country in such times.They want men of strength. So they'll vote for Republicans on Nov. 2.
democrats fight to keep women barefoot and on the abortion table.

The reaction when the number of abortions declines is telling. No celebration from the left, only angst.
I would never allow an abortion in my family. I'd raise the kid myself if needed....

Seriously. Why would I allow my grandchild to be butchered?
I know. I wish I had some, but my kids have yet to mass produce any...

They are awesome. You can play with them, spoil them, and at the end of the day, give them back.
Cindy Sheehan was once a friend of mine, but she went a little too far in vilifying the right and then, ultimately turned on the libs.

She certainly had a right to speak out against the war and for the most part, she was correct about it.

It gals me that assholes like Bill O'Rielly were calling her a traitor.
Democrats are alienating women they can least afford to alienate: white soccer moms with checkbooks. Their sizable slave pool of illiterate illegal voters is no foundation on which to anchor a party. Women are abandoning the Democratic party at a steady clip. They're anxious about the world situation and the possibility of domestic terrorism. They don't want a bunch of self-loathing sissies running the country in such times.They want men of strength. So they'll vote for Republicans on Nov. 2.

Only an idiot would believe that a party was successful due to an "illegal" voter-base.

Really! Get your head out of your ass....

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