Cindy Sheehan, Sandra Fluke, Wendy Davis--Women as Objects

democrats fight to keep women barefoot and on the abortion table.

The reaction when the number of abortions declines is telling. No celebration from the left, only angst.
I would never allow an abortion in my family. I'd raise the kid myself if needed....

This is not an easy choice and this is why I hate progressives making light of this true life and death decision.

Because that is what it is. You are ending a life. Ask anyone who has done it.

You cry. You know what you are doing. You cry.
Cindy Sheehan was once a friend of mine, but she went a little too far in vilifying the right and then, ultimately turned on the libs.

She certainly had a right to speak out against the war and for the most part, she was correct about it.

It gals me that assholes like Bill O'Rielly were calling her a traitor.

For true? You know her?
The Democrats built up all three of these bozos, convincing Americans they somehow added something to the conversation. In fact they simply used them to gather political support. And when their usefulness ended, like Sheehan, they were discarded.
This is the Democrat way: use women for their own pleasure and benefit and then discard when needed. The party of "women as objects" as typified by Bill "The Rapist" Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Chris Dodd tell women that Republicans are really their enemies. That some people fall for it is sad.

Do you know what is one of conservatives' main problems? You guys treat people with contempt if and when they have the temerity to have an opinion that does not march in lock step with yours. As bad as that is, then you mock them and anything they say. You guys have some kind of what I can only describe as a sick need to belittle other people if and when their values are different than yours. Even if someone votes for a candidate you support, it's beyond me why it is that you think you'll ever win converts to your points of view with that kind of a contemptuous attitude.
The Democrats built up all three of these bozos, convincing Americans they somehow added something to the conversation. In fact they simply used them to gather political support. And when their usefulness ended, like Sheehan, they were discarded.
This is the Democrat way: use women for their own pleasure and benefit and then discard when needed. The party of "women as objects" as typified by Bill "The Rapist" Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Chris Dodd tell women that Republicans are really their enemies. That some people fall for it is sad.

Do you know what is one of conservatives' main problems? You guys treat people with contempt if and when they have the temerity to have an opinion that does not march in lock step with yours. As bad as that is, then you mock them and anything they say. You guys have some kind of what I can only describe as a sick need to belittle other people if and when their values are different than yours. Even if someone votes for a candidate you support, it's beyond me why it is that you think you'll ever win converts to your points of view with that kind of a contemptuous attitude.
The irony there is off the charts.
Not really news here though I would add these women to some degree let the Democrats use them. While I don't agree with the women mentioned in the OP on much of anything I do believe they all know the Democratic Party is using them for its own agenda just as they are using it for there own ends.
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Who benefits when a woman is coerced or threatened or convinced to hire someone to kill her unborn child? Liberal men. The dirty little secret is that the democrat party promotes abortion to avoid responsibility for the conduct of their hip democrat base and the woman has to bear the psychological and sometimes physical scars for the rest of her life. Ignorant sometimes psychotic democrats who abuse women at every level manage to convince themselves that republicans are at war with women.
The Democrats built up all three of these bozos, convincing Americans they somehow added something to the conversation. In fact they simply used them to gather political support. And when their usefulness ended, like Sheehan, they were discarded.
This is the Democrat way: use women for their own pleasure and benefit and then discard when needed. The party of "women as objects" as typified by Bill "The Rapist" Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Chris Dodd tell women that Republicans are really their enemies. That some people fall for it is sad.

Do you know what is one of conservatives' main problems? You guys treat people with contempt if and when they have the temerity to have an opinion that does not march in lock step with yours. As bad as that is, then you mock them and anything they say. You guys have some kind of what I can only describe as a sick need to belittle other people if and when their values are different than yours. Even if someone votes for a candidate you support, it's beyond me why it is that you think you'll ever win converts to your points of view with that kind of a contemptuous attitude.

And they're so damn gullible.

They just blindly believe whatever Fox/Limbaugh/Alex Jones screech at them.
The Democrats built up all three of these bozos, convincing Americans they somehow added something to the conversation. In fact they simply used them to gather political support. And when their usefulness ended, like Sheehan, they were discarded.
This is the Democrat way: use women for their own pleasure and benefit and then discard when needed. The party of "women as objects" as typified by Bill "The Rapist" Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Chris Dodd tell women that Republicans are really their enemies. That some people fall for it is sad.

Do you know what is one of conservatives' main problems? You guys treat people with contempt if and when they have the temerity to have an opinion that does not march in lock step with yours. As bad as that is, then you mock them and anything they say. You guys have some kind of what I can only describe as a sick need to belittle other people if and when their values are different than yours. Even if someone votes for a candidate you support, it's beyond me why it is that you think you'll ever win converts to your points of view with that kind of a contemptuous attitude.
The irony there is off the charts.

If you think that pointing to a lone example of something the same or similar on the liberal end of the spectrum negates my comment, you're wrong by country mile. Not that I didn't expect it since I've seen the tactic used incessantly as if any comparison negates all evidence to the contrary.

I've been listening to talk radio for a little over twenty years now. And if and when I elect to go back and forth up and down the dial during the course of a morning, AND then an afternoon, AND then an evening, AND then on into the late night, for every Ed Shultz who occasionally shows up on one show, and even equally as infrequently has what I would describe as "a moment," there are probably twenty shows or rebroadcasts of conservative shows that dole out a constant contemptuous drumbeat hour after hour. That doesn't even include the overtly conservative religious broadcasters who generally use what I would refer to as a somewhat softer partisan voice which is little more than a rhetorical hammer with a velvet covering to soften the harshness of the message without truly changing the substance of the message.

This goes on day after day after day. And do you know what? I don't even live in a conservative city. I live in Denver. I can only imagine how much more pronounced it would be in Texas, or Arizona, or anywhere in the South where it's unlikely any other views are aired on the airwaves which have been gobbled up in the wake of deregulation and now reflect a more centralized conservative programming message.
The Democrats built up all three of these bozos, convincing Americans they somehow added something to the conversation. In fact they simply used them to gather political support. And when their usefulness ended, like Sheehan, they were discarded.
This is the Democrat way: use women for their own pleasure and benefit and then discard when needed. The party of "women as objects" as typified by Bill "The Rapist" Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Chris Dodd tell women that Republicans are really their enemies. That some people fall for it is sad.

Do you know what is one of conservatives' main problems? You guys treat people with contempt if and when they have the temerity to have an opinion that does not march in lock step with yours. As bad as that is, then you mock them and anything they say. You guys have some kind of what I can only describe as a sick need to belittle other people if and when their values are different than yours. Even if someone votes for a candidate you support, it's beyond me why it is that you think you'll ever win converts to your points of view with that kind of a contemptuous attitude.
The irony there is off the charts.

If you think that pointing to a lone example of something the same or similar on the liberal end of the spectrum negates my comment, you're wrong by country mile. Not that I didn't expect it since I've seen the tactic used incessantly as if any comparison negates all evidence to the contrary.

I've been listening to talk radio for a little over twenty years now. And if and when I elect to go back and forth up and down the dial during the course of a morning, AND then an afternoon, AND then an evening, AND then on into the late night, for every Ed Shultz who occasionally shows up on one show, and even equally as infrequently has what I would describe as "a moment," there are probably twenty shows or rebroadcasts of conservative shows that dole out a constant contemptuous drumbeat hour after hour. That doesn't even include the overtly conservative religious broadcasters who generally use what I would refer to as a somewhat softer partisan voice which is little more than a rhetorical hammer with a velvet covering to soften the harshness of the message without truly changing the substance of the message.

This goes on day after day after day. And do you know what? I don't even live in a conservative city. I live in Denver. I can only imagine how much more pronounced it would be in Texas, or Arizona, or anywhere in the South where it's unlikely any other views are aired on the airwaves which have been gobbled up in the wake of deregulation and now reflect a more centralized conservative programming message.

What I posted was a mere sample of the outright nastiness, mean spirited hatred that liberals have for anyone who disagrees with them. A sheer vindictiveness that is never, NEVER, present among conservatives.
Just ask Brendan Eich about it.
democrats fight to keep women barefoot and on the abortion table.

The reaction when the number of abortions declines is telling. No celebration from the left, only angst.
I would never allow an abortion in my family. I'd raise the kid myself if needed....

Seriously. Why would I allow my grandchild to be butchered?
You don't ALLOW it, the sorry bitch your son married does it behind your back and his back, paid for by US Fuckin' Army.
democrats fight to keep women barefoot and on the abortion table.

The reaction when the number of abortions declines is telling. No celebration from the left, only angst.
I would never allow an abortion in my family. I'd raise the kid myself if needed....

This is not an easy choice and this is why I hate progressives making light of this true life and death decision.

Because that is what it is. You are ending a life. Ask anyone who has done it.

You cry. You know what you are doing. You cry.
And hopefully if you have one, never lay your head down at night without hearing the wailing souls of your own murdered flesh and blood.
The Democrats built up all three of these bozos, convincing Americans they somehow added something to the conversation. In fact they simply used them to gather political support. And when their usefulness ended, like Sheehan, they were discarded.
This is the Democrat way: use women for their own pleasure and benefit and then discard when needed. The party of "women as objects" as typified by Bill "The Rapist" Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Chris Dodd tell women that Republicans are really their enemies. That some people fall for it is sad.

Do you know what is one of conservatives' main problems? You guys treat people with contempt if and when they have the temerity to have an opinion that does not march in lock step with yours. As bad as that is, then you mock them and anything they say. You guys have some kind of what I can only describe as a sick need to belittle other people if and when their values are different than yours. Even if someone votes for a candidate you support, it's beyond me why it is that you think you'll ever win converts to your points of view with that kind of a contemptuous attitude.
The irony there is off the charts.

If you think that pointing to a lone example of something the same or similar on the liberal end of the spectrum negates my comment, you're wrong by country mile. Not that I didn't expect it since I've seen the tactic used incessantly as if any comparison negates all evidence to the contrary.

I've been listening to talk radio for a little over twenty years now. And if and when I elect to go back and forth up and down the dial during the course of a morning, AND then an afternoon, AND then an evening, AND then on into the late night, for every Ed Shultz who occasionally shows up on one show, and even equally as infrequently has what I would describe as "a moment," there are probably twenty shows or rebroadcasts of conservative shows that dole out a constant contemptuous drumbeat hour after hour. That doesn't even include the overtly conservative religious broadcasters who generally use what I would refer to as a somewhat softer partisan voice which is little more than a rhetorical hammer with a velvet covering to soften the harshness of the message without truly changing the substance of the message.

This goes on day after day after day. And do you know what? I don't even live in a conservative city. I live in Denver. I can only imagine how much more pronounced it would be in Texas, or Arizona, or anywhere in the South where it's unlikely any other views are aired on the airwaves which have been gobbled up in the wake of deregulation and now reflect a more centralized conservative programming message.

What I posted was a mere sample of the outright nastiness, mean spirited hatred that liberals have for anyone who disagrees with them. A sheer vindictiveness that is never, NEVER, present among conservatives.
Just ask Brendan Eich about it.

You could not be any more wrong.

If you think liberals are nasty, try posting as a lib on any messege board.
The Democrats built up all three of these bozos, convincing Americans they somehow added something to the conversation. In fact they simply used them to gather political support. And when their usefulness ended, like Sheehan, they were discarded.
This is the Democrat way: use women for their own pleasure and benefit and then discard when needed. The party of "women as objects" as typified by Bill "The Rapist" Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Chris Dodd tell women that Republicans are really their enemies. That some people fall for it is sad.

Do you know what is one of conservatives' main problems? You guys treat people with contempt if and when they have the temerity to have an opinion that does not march in lock step with yours. As bad as that is, then you mock them and anything they say. You guys have some kind of what I can only describe as a sick need to belittle other people if and when their values are different than yours. Even if someone votes for a candidate you support, it's beyond me why it is that you think you'll ever win converts to your points of view with that kind of a contemptuous attitude.
The irony there is off the charts.

If you think that pointing to a lone example of something the same or similar on the liberal end of the spectrum negates my comment, you're wrong by country mile. Not that I didn't expect it since I've seen the tactic used incessantly as if any comparison negates all evidence to the contrary.

I've been listening to talk radio for a little over twenty years now. And if and when I elect to go back and forth up and down the dial during the course of a morning, AND then an afternoon, AND then an evening, AND then on into the late night, for every Ed Shultz who occasionally shows up on one show, and even equally as infrequently has what I would describe as "a moment," there are probably twenty shows or rebroadcasts of conservative shows that dole out a constant contemptuous drumbeat hour after hour. That doesn't even include the overtly conservative religious broadcasters who generally use what I would refer to as a somewhat softer partisan voice which is little more than a rhetorical hammer with a velvet covering to soften the harshness of the message without truly changing the substance of the message.

This goes on day after day after day. And do you know what? I don't even live in a conservative city. I live in Denver. I can only imagine how much more pronounced it would be in Texas, or Arizona, or anywhere in the South where it's unlikely any other views are aired on the airwaves which have been gobbled up in the wake of deregulation and now reflect a more centralized conservative programming message.

What I posted was a mere sample of the outright nastiness, mean spirited hatred that liberals have for anyone who disagrees with them. A sheer vindictiveness that is never, NEVER, present among conservatives.
Just ask Brendan Eich about it.

You could not be any more wrong.

If you think liberals are nasty, try posting as a lib on any messege board.

This, of course, would give you great pleasure?

What did Jesus say about forgiving?
democrats fight to keep women barefoot and on the abortion table.

The reaction when the number of abortions declines is telling. No celebration from the left, only angst.
I would never allow an abortion in my family. I'd raise the kid myself if needed....

Seriously. Why would I allow my grandchild to be butchered?
You don't ALLOW it, the sorry bitch your son married does it behind your back and his back, paid for by US Fuckin' Army.

Wow ... Just wow....
I wouldn't classify those three as, women. They are political whores who will do anything for attention and to get into political office. ugly hearted, low class, as dirty as the men in the Democrat party.

shameful women in my book
Only a Democrat four term female Senator could get away with indicating the GOP's "war on women" prevents her from doing better in the election. Poor thing doesn't have a clue the people are more interested in her sorry 24 year long voting record in the Senate than her gender.

The Democrats built up all three of these bozos, convincing Americans they somehow added something to the conversation. In fact they simply used them to gather political support. And when their usefulness ended, like Sheehan, they were discarded.
This is the Democrat way: use women for their own pleasure and benefit and then discard when needed. The party of "women as objects" as typified by Bill "The Rapist" Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Chris Dodd tell women that Republicans are really their enemies. That some people fall for it is sad.

Do you know what is one of conservatives' main problems? You guys treat people with contempt if and when they have the temerity to have an opinion that does not march in lock step with yours. As bad as that is, then you mock them and anything they say. You guys have some kind of what I can only describe as a sick need to belittle other people if and when their values are different than yours. Even if someone votes for a candidate you support, it's beyond me why it is that you think you'll ever win converts to your points of view with that kind of a contemptuous attitude.
The irony there is off the charts.

If you think that pointing to a lone example of something the same or similar on the liberal end of the spectrum negates my comment, you're wrong by country mile. Not that I didn't expect it since I've seen the tactic used incessantly as if any comparison negates all evidence to the contrary.

I've been listening to talk radio for a little over twenty years now. And if and when I elect to go back and forth up and down the dial during the course of a morning, AND then an afternoon, AND then an evening, AND then on into the late night, for every Ed Shultz who occasionally shows up on one show, and even equally as infrequently has what I would describe as "a moment," there are probably twenty shows or rebroadcasts of conservative shows that dole out a constant contemptuous drumbeat hour after hour. That doesn't even include the overtly conservative religious broadcasters who generally use what I would refer to as a somewhat softer partisan voice which is little more than a rhetorical hammer with a velvet covering to soften the harshness of the message without truly changing the substance of the message.

This goes on day after day after day. And do you know what? I don't even live in a conservative city. I live in Denver. I can only imagine how much more pronounced it would be in Texas, or Arizona, or anywhere in the South where it's unlikely any other views are aired on the airwaves which have been gobbled up in the wake of deregulation and now reflect a more centralized conservative programming message.

What I posted was a mere sample of the outright nastiness, mean spirited hatred that liberals have for anyone who disagrees with them. A sheer vindictiveness that is never, NEVER, present among conservatives.
Just ask Brendan Eich about it.

You could not be any more wrong.

If you think liberals are nasty, try posting as a lib on any messege board.

That's your argument? Seriously?

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