Cities will burn if Trump wins. Will / can such a fact have an influence on election results?

Trump WON before? What is the big deal? Pansy Liberals will wear pink hats and cry on election day. :)

And then those "pansie liberals" got busy organized on their ground game, registering the voters, and fighting the gerrymanding in court case after court case.

They reversed voter suppression laws, and ensured a fair vote. They worked their hard, turned out the vote, and took the House in 2018. And then they did the same thing for the next two years, while Donald Trump bungled the Southern Border and had to declare a national emergency there and that still stands,.

They kept working while Donald Trump started trade wars with all of your trading partners and increased the US trade deficit by 22% in 4 years, and while Donald Trump botched the covid response and crashed the economy.

Since Joe Biden was elected, Democrats have hard worked to end the pandemic, restore the economy, restock your shelves, reopen the country and get people back to work, and rebuild the infrastructure, reduce prescription drug prices, and contain Chinese and Russian agreesion,

Republicans have worked hard to ban abortion, restrict voting rights, and defend Donald Trump.
And then those "pansie liberals" got busy organized on their ground game, registering the voters, and fighting the gerrymanding in court case after court case.

They reversed voter suppression laws, and ensured a fair vote. They worked their hard, turned out the vote, and took the House in 2018. And then they did the same thing for the next two years, while Donald Trump bungled the Southern Border and had to declare a national emergency there and that still stands,.

They kept working while Donald Trump started trade wars with all of your trading partners and increased the US trade deficit by 22% in 4 years, and while Donald Trump botched the covid response and crashed the economy.

Since Joe Biden was elected, Democrats have hard worked to end the pandemic, restore the economy, restock your shelves, reopen the country and get people back to work, and rebuild the infrastructure, reduce prescription drug prices, and contain Chinese and Russian agreesion,

Republicans have worked hard to ban abortion, restrict voting rights, and defend Donald Trump.
Abortion isn't banned numbnuts
Democrats lost the House and did not gain in the Senate. It might be a tiny wave but it was still what took out Democrats.
Democrats did gain seats and majority in the Senate, and the republicans did gain the House, but by so little they are a non functioning majority..... The repubs were suppose to win the house by at minimum 40 seats over the Dems, but they didn't come through with the predicted Tsunami wave.
Democrats did gain seats and majority in the Senate, and the republicans did gain the House, but by so little they are a non functioning majority..... The repubs were suppose to win the house by at minimum 40 seats over the Dems, but they didn't come through with the predicted Tsunami wave.
27 Dem Congresscritters will not run again ( Only 11 GOP are not )
Democrats did gain seats and majority in the Senate, and the republicans did gain the House, but by so little they are a non functioning majority..... The repubs were suppose to win the house by at minimum 40 seats over the Dems, but they didn't come through with the predicted Tsunami wave.
How did the democrats gain seats in the Senate? Oh that's right those independents that vote democrat
The herds of illegals coming across our Southern Border will replace Americans fleeing Dem Run shitholes repaying them with votes. Cali is fleeing in droves most moving like Locusts to Texas.
The herds of illegals coming across our Southern Border will replace Americans fleeing Dem Run shitholes repaying them with votes. Cali is fleeing in droves most moving like Locusts to Texas.
Almost a third the Number of Californians who go to Texas are being matched by Texans moving to California ( This Number was over 45% in the 70s & 80s But has declined drastically in the 90s onward ) But is rising again due to folks making 10-30 % more in median income in Ca.
He won't win, no matter who is the other candidate. It's an illusion or delusion, that he will be President again....!!!!! imo!!! Just like the illusion that y'all would have this huge Red Wave in 2022, and you didn't!.

He will likely be serving time behind bars or under house arrest.....for a handful of those 91 felony charges, before then.....again, imo.

Certainly possible, but not for the reasons you believe. There may just be too much corruption in the election process now to get a fair election. I will go ahead and preemptively thank Democrats and easily influenced Independents for ruining our country just to satisfy their major TDS itch and quest for power.
Imagine what leaders of “densely populated“ blue cities are thinking and preparing for right now. With billions upon billions in damages at stake the motive to ‘steer’ election results has probably never been greater.
The very last thing I consider when voting is how pro-violence Democrats will react to losing.
Democrats did gain seats and majority in the Senate, and the republicans did gain the House, but by so little they are a non functioning majority..... The repubs were suppose to win the house by at minimum 40 seats over the Dems, but they didn't come through with the predicted Tsunami wave.
1 seat in the Senate. And Pelosi was driven out of office. I am pleased you think the Democrats did well.
Democrats did gain seats and majority in the Senate, and the republicans did gain the House, but by so little they are a non functioning majority..... The repubs were suppose to win the house by at minimum 40 seats over the Dems, but they didn't come through with the predicted Tsunami wave.
The more people vote for the Democrats the more I understand they are simply ignorant. In a few cases they are criminals.

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