Cities will burn if Trump wins. Will / can such a fact have an influence on election results?

These people might have something to say about cities burning.

Let dimocrap scum have the Cities. They can burn them down, shit on the sidewalks and the streets. Live like the animals they are and do us the favor of killing each other by the truckload ever weekend.

Seriously, who cares if dimocrap scum burn their cities down? Certainly not I.
Let dimocrap scum have the Cities. They can burn them down, shit on the sidewalks and the streets. Live like the animals they are and do us the favor of killing each other by the truckload ever weekend.

Seriously, who cares if dimocrap scum burn their cities down? Certainly not I.
Vermin democrats don't yet understand that the majority of Americans don't live in democrat controlled cities. The big shock to the cities is the dawning of the understanding that we don't care what happens to the cities or to the inhabitants.
Vermin democrats don't yet understand that the majority of Americans don't live in democrat controlled cities. <>
true, but the majority of votes are counted in dimocrap scum-controlled Cities.

Remember, the head dimocrap scumbag once said, "It isn't who votes that counts, it is who counts the votes"

Cities will burn if Trump wins. Will / can such a fact​

But , OP , that is not a Fact .
It might be your opinion and one that you can give discussion support for . But you cannot ever change it from a strong belief( at most) to a Fact until you get to that point in time .

And equally , it might not be a Fact , and never was even a likely one , other than to fearmongers and pessimists .

And there even exist scenarios where you can make a strong case for the desirability of a Civil War that long term cleans your country of the filth that is presently sending it right down the plug hole .

So your Topic is unhelpful , imho.
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Imagine what leaders of “densely populated“ blue cities are thinking and preparing for right now. With billions upon billions in damages at stake the motive to ‘steer’ election results has probably never been greater.

Is Trump claiming cities will burn????
He won't win, no matter who is the other candidate. It's an illusion or delusion, that he will be President again....!!!!! imo!!! Just like the illusion that y'all would have this huge Red Wave in 2022, and you didn't!.

He will likely be serving time behind bars or under house arrest.....for a handful of those 91 felony charges, before then.....again, imo.

Cult is gonna cult. Let them have their fantasy.

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