Citizen Pat

Rat in the Hat

Gold Member
Mar 31, 2010
In my opinion, Christopher Brown is using a sock puppet named Citizen Pat.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and uses the same arguments as a duck, it must be Chri$$y.
In my opinion, Christopher Brown is using a sock puppet named Citizen Pat.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and uses the same arguments as a duck, it must be Chri$$y.
isnt it pretty scary to think there could be another one as pathetically delusional as goof-o-phera?
In my opinion, Christopher Brown is using a sock puppet named Citizen Pat.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and uses the same arguments as a duck, it must be Chri$$y.
isnt it pretty scary to think there could be another one as pathetically delusional as goof-o-phera?

I really think they are one and the same, The wording and arguments are far too similar for 2 different people.
In my opinion, Christopher Brown is using a sock puppet named Citizen Pat.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and uses the same arguments as a duck, it must be Chri$$y.
isnt it pretty scary to think there could be another one as pathetically delusional as goof-o-phera?

I really think they are one and the same, The wording and arguments are far too similar for 2 different people.
well, it claimed to be female
chris is completely fucking insane. he's paranoid, schizophrenic and a complusive liar that is completely out of touch with reality.

does it surprise anyone that he has multiple personalities and is confused about his gender?
chris is completely fucking insane. he's paranoid, schizophrenic and a complusive liar that is completely out of touch with reality.

does it surprise anyone that he has multiple personalities and is confused about his gender?
this one repeats the very same discredited bullshit goof-o-phera posts
See what happens when you stay indoors to long, FIZZ and diveCON! I actually know Christophera and you are so offbase, it borders on libel and slander. He sticks to evidence, and lays it out carefully and scientifically. YOu both, however, use "shoot the messenger" tactics, which wastes space on a decent dialogue.
YOur name fits you rats in the attic. I stand my own ground, separate but supportive of Christophera's findings. I was appointed by the California Assembly Speaker to the California Coastal Commission in the past, and during that time, I dealt with a lot of one liners, like you boys. However, I based decisions on facts not attacks. YOu will learn one day how asleep you are at your computer.
The Congress should insist on all agencies turning over original approved plans of the both WTC 1 and WTC2

See what happens when you stay indoors to long, FIZZ and diveCON! I actually know Christophera and you are so offbase, it borders on libel and slander. He sticks to evidence, and lays it out carefully and scientifically. YOu both, however, use "shoot the messenger" tactics, which wastes space on a decent dialogue.

YOur name fits you rats in the attic. I stand my own ground, separate but supportive of Christophera's findings. I was appointed by the California Assembly Speaker to the California Coastal Commission in the past, and during that time, I dealt with a lot of one liners, like you boys. However, I based decisions on facts not attacks. YOu will learn one day how asleep you are at your computer.
See what happens when you stay indoors to long, FIZZ and diveCON! I actually know Christophera and you are so offbase, it borders on libel and slander. He sticks to evidence, and lays it out carefully and scientifically. YOu both, however, use "shoot the messenger" tactics, which wastes space on a decent dialogue.

chris is a fucking moron. he's a deadbeat dad that never paid his child support. he applied for social security disability while still working under the table and not paying taxes.

he has ZERO evidence. every little photo and wild, crazy story he has made up has been debunked long ago. he posts pics of the steel core and insists its concrete, rebar or elevator guide rail support steel yet has never.... not even once... been able to back up his claims.

he is a completely delusional moron. it isnt libel or slander if its true. its stating a fact.
Cow Pat said:
He sticks to evidence, and lays it out carefully and scientifically. YOu both, however, use "shoot the messenger" tactics, which wastes space on a decent dialogue.

Utter Bullshit ... He has no evidence, he repeats the same shit day after day, he doesn't understand the word science, he is not careful, and all he does IS waste space and other peoples time ... to get clicks to his imbecile website.

If you support this twit you are an ignoramus.

Dearest Cow Pat .. and I say that with some reservations ..

Cow Pat said:
I stand my own ground, separate but supportive of Christophera's findings. I was appointed by the California Assembly Speaker to the California Coastal Commission in the past, and during that time, I dealt with a lot of one liners, like you boys. However, I based decisions on facts not attacks.

.... the curriculum vitae you have posted indicates that you were either "GIVEN" a job by an insider... or you lied your ferking way into the organisation.

Since you clearly wish to associate with the arsehole Christopher A Brown I can only speculate with huge certainty that you LIED about your CV or you are simply pulling shit out of your arse like your friend and no doubt the pockets of your friend Christophera.
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See what happens when you stay indoors to long, FIZZ and diveCON! I actually know Christophera and you are so offbase, it borders on libel and slander. He sticks to evidence, and lays it out carefully and scientifically. YOu both, however, use "shoot the messenger" tactics, which wastes space on a decent dialogue.
if you know him personally, yiu should be getting him to seek out professional help for his clear paranoid delusions

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