Civil Rights Hero Nearly Killed By KKK Has A Warning About Donald Trump


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
History is repeating itself

Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) was nearly killed by the Ku Klux Klan while helping to lead the Freedom Rides in Alabama in 1961. He knows the destructive power of racist hatred first hand, and he is now warning about the forces that have been stirred up by the divisive presidential campaign of Republican candidate Donald Trump.
“I’ve been around a while and Trump reminds me so much of a lot of the things that George Wallace said and did,” Lewis said in an interview with The Times after speaking at Cal State L.A. “I think demagogues are pretty dangerous, really. … We shouldn’t divide people, we shouldn’t separate people.”
“Sometimes I feel like I am reliving part of my past. I heard it so much growing up in the South,” he said. “I heard it so much during the days of the civil rights movement. As a people, I just think we could do much better.”

Civil Rights Hero Nearly Killed By KKK Has A Warning About Donald Trump
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I don't want to see Trump nominated, I don't want to see Trump elected

but as far as this post?

I'd claim that if your hero was from Georgia, he had no business in the state of Alabama stirring up unrest.
Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) was nearly killed by the Ku Klux Klan while helping to lead the Freedom Rides in Alabama in 1961.

1961. For LibProgs it will always be 1961. Got to keep the narrative going. Just remember the country is exactly the same as it was 55 years ago. Keep repeating that over and over. Rinse and repeat.
Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) was nearly killed by the Ku Klux Klan while helping to lead the Freedom Rides in Alabama in 1961.

1961. For LibProgs it will always be 1961. Got to keep the narrative going. Just remember the country is exactly the same as it was 55 years ago. Keep repeating that over and over. Rinse and repeat.


because nothing has changed in the last 55 years
The John Lewis, ,one of the Freedom Riders, making the ride to protest the Democratic Virginia governors refusal to enforce Boynton vs Virginia (Democratic, mind you for decades at the time) which was a case lost by Virginia, and ordered to enforce desegregation. It simply boggles the mind why he is a Democrat.

You mean George Wallace, the Democratic governor of Alabama.
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Was just listening to President Kennedy on the radio. He's pushing NASA to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.

That's crazy talk.

What would be the problem, really, if people were "divided"?

I am always hearing conservatives complain that black radicals are "dividing" us.

I am hearing John Lewis complain that Trump is "divisive."

Is there such magic in togetherness? What is it? Has anyone noticed that races don't actually like each other or want to get along? Could evolution and biology help to explain this?

Let's get together and separate. Healthy for you, healthy for me.

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