Civil Rights Icon debunks systemic racism

If we let go of white guilt then blacks would be forced to do better. But the fact white people let themselves be blamed and blame themselves for what happens to blacks just allows blacks to sit back and say "everything is whities fault. I'm a bad person and my life sucks because the white man is racist. I don't have what I want because of racism. When I get arrested for committing a crime it's the white cops fault".

There is no systemic racism. It's all bullshit. If systemic racism was real we wouldn't have black doctors, lawyers, senators, police chiefs, business owners and so on. Bill Cosby a black kid from the ghetto wouldn't have been able to get a college degree and become rich.

And what about the millions of poor trashy broke ass dumb white people in the country? Where is their white privilege at? What about all the poor and useless Mexicans/south Americans? Blacks seem to think everyone is rich and has a big house and a fancy job simply because they aren't black.

The man is absolutely right though. Their problems are created by themselves and only exacerbated by them just wanting to blame someone else. It goes to show how lazy, ambitionless, and dumb they are when they can simply just try. But they won't, they want to cry racism and get everything handed to them.

White people can go a long way to help them by simply stop having white guilt, stop trying to give them special treatment and attention just for being black, stop accepting their excuse of racism and ignoring them when they bring up racism, telling them "if you want to do better then be better", and truly treating them as equals which means stop treating them as special they want to be equal well then they need to act like equals.

No blacks alive today have been slaves and no white people alive were slave owners. We don't owe them shit and they don't deserve shit.

Every American should tell every black person that cries racism to go to another country if it's so bad here. Bitch and go somewhere else, or stay and shut up and be responsible for yourself.
I don't feel guilty for being white. And I don't feel guilty for all the black thugs there are in this country.

The left would claim I'm a racist.

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