Civil Rights- those who say you can become a girl or boy if you parents raised you as one, proves its hormones!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Summer 1965. In a Winnipeg hospital, Janet Reimer's lifelong dream comes true as she gives birth to twin sons, Bruce and Brian.


But within six months, both boys develop difficulty urinating. The doctors suggest they be circumcised.

On April 27, 1966, Janet drops her boys off for the routine procedure and her dream turns into a nightmare.

The doctors had chosen an unconventional method of circumcision, one in which the skin would be burned. The procedure goes horribly wrong and Bruce's penis is burned so badly it can't be repaire
Janet Reimer did her best to raise Bruce as a girl. She dressed him in skirts and dresses and showed him how to apply make-up. But the transformation was anything but smooth. Bruce Reimer didn't like playing with the other girls – and he didn't move like one either. He got into schoolyard fistfights. The other kids called him names like "caveman," "freak" and "it."

In an interview with the CBC's The Fifth Estate, Reimer said it got so bad he didn't want to go to school anymore. He felt picked upon and increasingly lonely.

By the time Bruce turned nine, the Reimer family was having serious doubts. Not John Money. He published an article in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour pronouncing the experiment a resounding success. It became widely known in medical circles as the Joan/John case.

Money wrote: "The child's behaviour is so clearly that of an active little girl and so different from the boyish ways of her twin brother."

CBC News Indepth: David Reimer (

The twin brother, Brian, remembered it differently: "The only difference between him and I was he had longer hair." "I tried really, really hard to rear her as a gentle lady," Janet Reimer said. "But it didn't happen."

By the time Bruce was reaching puberty, it became increasingly clear the experiment was not working. He started developing thick shoulders and a thick neck.

CBC News Indepth: David Reimer (
this story proves that no matter what environment does to a child, sex and sexuality can't be learned.

This I got from the book of When Harry Became Sally.

Brian was the twin brother of (Bruce) aka David Reimer. They were "famous" for the story of David's botched circumcision, which caused his parents to allow him to be reared as a girl. Ultimately, the shock of it all was too much, the boys became estranged when the truth was revealed.

Brian Henry Reimer (1965-2002) - Find A Grave Memorial
his brother took his own life 2 years after David did.

When David decided to go public, with his book, As Nature Made Him, initially Brian was supportive, however, it caused him serious mental disturbance and he was eventually diagnosed as having schizophrenia.

He committed suicide by taking an overdose of his medications for schizophrenia.

David was devastated. He tended Brian's grave, cleaning it and leaving flowers. David also commited suicide, two years later.
Damn- helluva story- the Dr should have been hanged in public- but, civilized society doesn't allow a reckoning- SMH.
Damn- helluva story- the Dr should have been hanged in public- but, civilized society doesn't allow a reckoning- SMH.

During subsequent appointments with Reimer and Reimer's twin brother Brian, Money forced the two to rehearse sexual acts, with David playing the bottom role as his brother "[pressed] his crotch against" David's buttocks. Money also forced the two children to strip for "genital inspections", occasionally taking photos. Money justified these acts by claiming that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity".[4]

Pedophilia opinions[edit]
John Money participated in debates on chronophilias, especially pedophilia.[35] He stated that both sexual researchers and the public do not make distinctions between affectional pedophilia and sadistic pedophilia. Money asserted that affectional pedophilia was about love and not sex.

If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who's intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual ... then I would not call it pathological in any way.[36][37]
Money held the view that affectional pedophilia is caused by a surplus of parental love that became erotic, and is not a behavioral disorder. Rather, he took the position that heterosexuality is another example of a societal and therefore superficial, ideological concept.[

John Money - Wikipedia
He is a pedophile, and all convicted pedophiles and rapist deserve to be on a deserted island and they can kill each other off.
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Confusion in ones mind is a mental issue...a biological male is still a biological male no matter what kind of surgical transformation is performed....
Confusion in ones mind is a mental issue...a biological male is still a biological male no matter what kind of surgical transformation is performed....
That why he committed suicide. Its all in the hormonal make-up.
Confusion in ones mind is a mental issue...a biological male is still a biological male no matter what kind of surgical transformation is performed....
That why he committed suicide. Its all in the hormonal make-up.
In his mental makeup...maybe we should do more therapy and less invasive surgery....the real problem is this gender confusion has become a kind of a fad within our youth...and they are too young to know what they are and way too young for life altering decisions...
Our culture in order to codify confused individuals has done ever lasting harm to millions of people around the world by attempting to normalize this mental illness...and its sad....
Its one thing to be attracted to ones own sex but to want to become the opposite sex is a mental disorder and should be treated as such....
Confusion in ones mind is a mental issue...a biological male is still a biological male no matter what kind of surgical transformation is performed....
That why he committed suicide. Its all in the hormonal make-up.
In his mental makeup...maybe we should do more therapy and less invasive surgery....the real problem is this gender confusion has become a kind of a fad within our youth...and they are too young to know what they are and way too young for life altering decisions...
Our culture in order to codify confused individuals has done ever lasting harm to millions of people around the world by attempting to normalize this mental illness...and its sad....
Its one thing to be attracted to ones own sex but to want to become the opposite sex is a mental disorder and should be treated as such....

Some of it is social and environment, I'll give you that, but most is biological at birth.
BBC NEWS | Health | Transsexual gene link identified
Some of it is social and environment, I'll give you that, but most is biological at birth.
BBC NEWS | Health | Transsexual gene link identified
be that as it may- that doesn't absolve responsibility or mean sick people shouldn't be treated-

that said- one can change ones self- no one else can do it for you- IMNSHO, allowing people to inflict their desire on others is a slippery slope- that is never an answer, or a cure.
Summer 1965. In a Winnipeg hospital, Janet Reimer's lifelong dream comes true as she gives birth to twin sons, Bruce and Brian.


But within six months, both boys develop difficulty urinating. The doctors suggest they be circumcised.

On April 27, 1966, Janet drops her boys off for the routine procedure and her dream turns into a nightmare.

The doctors had chosen an unconventional method of circumcision, one in which the skin would be burned. The procedure goes horribly wrong and Bruce's penis is burned so badly it can't be repaire
Janet Reimer did her best to raise Bruce as a girl. She dressed him in skirts and dresses and showed him how to apply make-up. But the transformation was anything but smooth. Bruce Reimer didn't like playing with the other girls – and he didn't move like one either. He got into schoolyard fistfights. The other kids called him names like "caveman," "freak" and "it."

In an interview with the CBC's The Fifth Estate, Reimer said it got so bad he didn't want to go to school anymore. He felt picked upon and increasingly lonely.

By the time Bruce turned nine, the Reimer family was having serious doubts. Not John Money. He published an article in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour pronouncing the experiment a resounding success. It became widely known in medical circles as the Joan/John case.

Money wrote: "The child's behaviour is so clearly that of an active little girl and so different from the boyish ways of her twin brother."

CBC News Indepth: David Reimer (

The twin brother, Brian, remembered it differently: "The only difference between him and I was he had longer hair." "I tried really, really hard to rear her as a gentle lady," Janet Reimer said. "But it didn't happen."

By the time Bruce was reaching puberty, it became increasingly clear the experiment was not working. He started developing thick shoulders and a thick neck.

CBC News Indepth: David Reimer (
this story proves that no matter what environment does to a child, sex and sexuality can't be learned.

This I got from the book of When Harry Became Sally.

Brian was the twin brother of (Bruce) aka David Reimer. They were "famous" for the story of David's botched circumcision, which caused his parents to allow him to be reared as a girl. Ultimately, the shock of it all was too much, the boys became estranged when the truth was revealed.

Brian Henry Reimer (1965-2002) - Find A Grave Memorial
his brother took his own life 2 years after David did.

When David decided to go public, with his book, As Nature Made Him, initially Brian was supportive, however, it caused him serious mental disturbance and he was eventually diagnosed as having schizophrenia.

He committed suicide by taking an overdose of his medications for schizophrenia.

David was devastated. He tended Brian's grave, cleaning it and leaving flowers. David also commited suicide, two years later.
Parent is taking away free choice. We don't have the free chose, to be naked. Left people are robing people of free choice even farther. This thing would not be had the church not influence laws that terrify people, keeping then from showing whether they are male, or female. The church hates God's creation, saying hide it, or we will call the cops on you.
Parent is taking away free choice. We don't have the free chose, to be naked. Left people are robing people of free choice even farther. This thing would not be had the church not influence laws that terrify people, keeping then from showing whether they are male, or female. The church hates God's creation, saying hide it, or we will call the cops on you.
Free choice, do you think free choice is God chosen path, it is. We are all adept with free choice. We decide when we want to trans, murder, rob, gay, it free choice.

If you want to be pro life, cuddles to you, but the right of the matter is free choice.

When it comes to the vaccine it free choice but if you want to have a certain job get the vaccine.

All kids if they want to go to schools get vaccinated.

Laws and freedom of choice do not intermix.

If a person whats to be trans , not amount of free choice will stop them,
if you don't have free choice, not amount of anything or anyone can stop you from being trans.
You say it is not a person yet Trans and homosexuals say that they are born that way. So they must be admitting that they ARE human.

If you leftists want to kill your children, go ahead. But don't ask the rest of us to foot the bill.
Summer 1965. In a Winnipeg hospital, Janet Reimer's lifelong dream comes true as she gives birth to twin sons, Bruce and Brian.


But within six months, both boys develop difficulty urinating. The doctors suggest they be circumcised.

On April 27, 1966, Janet drops her boys off for the routine procedure and her dream turns into a nightmare.

The doctors had chosen an unconventional method of circumcision, one in which the skin would be burned. The procedure goes horribly wrong and Bruce's penis is burned so badly it can't be repaire
Janet Reimer did her best to raise Bruce as a girl. She dressed him in skirts and dresses and showed him how to apply make-up. But the transformation was anything but smooth. Bruce Reimer didn't like playing with the other girls – and he didn't move like one either. He got into schoolyard fistfights. The other kids called him names like "caveman," "freak" and "it."

In an interview with the CBC's The Fifth Estate, Reimer said it got so bad he didn't want to go to school anymore. He felt picked upon and increasingly lonely.

By the time Bruce turned nine, the Reimer family was having serious doubts. Not John Money. He published an article in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour pronouncing the experiment a resounding success. It became widely known in medical circles as the Joan/John case.

Money wrote: "The child's behaviour is so clearly that of an active little girl and so different from the boyish ways of her twin brother."

CBC News Indepth: David Reimer (

The twin brother, Brian, remembered it differently: "The only difference between him and I was he had longer hair." "I tried really, really hard to rear her as a gentle lady," Janet Reimer said. "But it didn't happen."

By the time Bruce was reaching puberty, it became increasingly clear the experiment was not working. He started developing thick shoulders and a thick neck.

CBC News Indepth: David Reimer (
this story proves that no matter what environment does to a child, sex and sexuality can't be learned.

This I got from the book of When Harry Became Sally.

Brian was the twin brother of (Bruce) aka David Reimer. They were "famous" for the story of David's botched circumcision, which caused his parents to allow him to be reared as a girl. Ultimately, the shock of it all was too much, the boys became estranged when the truth was revealed.

Brian Henry Reimer (1965-2002) - Find A Grave Memorial
his brother took his own life 2 years after David did.

When David decided to go public, with his book, As Nature Made Him, initially Brian was supportive, however, it caused him serious mental disturbance and he was eventually diagnosed as having schizophrenia.

He committed suicide by taking an overdose of his medications for schizophrenia.

David was devastated. He tended Brian's grave, cleaning it and leaving flowers. David also commited suicide, two years later.
Doesn't matter what descriptive name anyone wants to slap on themselves or another person, we all can't escape Mother Nature. The body and DNA is physical, and there's no gay and no Trans gene. So if the mind doesn't match the body, the mind is having a brain fart.
During subsequent appointments with Reimer and Reimer's twin brother Brian, Money forced the two to rehearse sexual acts, with David playing the bottom role as his brother "[pressed] his crotch against" David's buttocks. Money also forced the two children to strip for "genital inspections", occasionally taking photos. Money justified these acts by claiming that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity".[4]

Pedophilia opinions[edit]
John Money participated in debates on chronophilias, especially pedophilia.[35] He stated that both sexual researchers and the public do not make distinctions between affectional pedophilia and sadistic pedophilia. Money asserted that affectional pedophilia was about love and not sex.

Money held the view that affectional pedophilia is caused by a surplus of parental love that became erotic, and is not a behavioral disorder. Rather, he took the position that heterosexuality is another example of a societal and therefore superficial, ideological concept.[

John Money - Wikipedia
He is a pedophile, and all convicted pedophiles and rapist deserve to be on a deserted island and they can kill each other off.
Money should have been executed, I have no use for that crap. I feel bad for the kid, the doctor should have been sued for malpractice, not sure why he wasn't. Transgender is a mental issue, IMHO.

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