Civilian killed in WesternWall by security guard

He was a new security guard and no one knew him, Lipush. He refused to answer any questions during interogation. This isn't looking good. My first impression hearing 10 shots fired into an unarmed elderly Jewish mans body struck me odd. An unarmed man could have been brought to his knees with a warning shot. Firing off 10 bullets into the civilians body was quite extreme to say the least.
Muslim guard shoots to death unarmed Jewish man at western wall and justifies it by claiming he shouted allah akbar while having his hands in his pockets. I'm not buying this one. Sorry, guys!

Get your facts right, this is an Israeli security guard killing an Israeli.

I have my facts straight. You obviously didn't know Druze was a sect of Islam. Now you do. Keep your own facts straight, Sherri, and find out what you are speaking about first the next time.

- Jeri

Druze, in Israel, are Israeli citizens. Those are the straight facts. It was an Israeli killing an Israeli. Sherri is right.
Sad and somewhat strange incident, today, at WestenWall, Jerusalem

A Druze security guard shot 10 times at a 55 year old man who yelled "Allahu-Ackbar" at western wall, and looked suspicious and threatened passersby.

he was shot and critically wounded, declared dead at the hospital.

Apparently, the man was a Jew who suffered from mental-illness


I'm not saying its justified, but you can clearly see that the guard was under the impression he's dealing with a potential suicide bomber / terrorist threat situation, and was just doing his job protecting people's lives.

I agree - if this happened in the US, I would have more doubts - it would seem a disproportionate response, but in the US it's highly unlikely to be a suicide bomber.
Sad and somewhat strange incident, today, at WestenWall, Jerusalem

A Druze security guard shot 10 times at a 55 year old man who yelled "Allahu-Ackbar" at western wall, and looked suspicious and threatened passersby.

he was shot and critically wounded, declared dead at the hospital.

Apparently, the man was a Jew who suffered from mental-illness


I'm not saying its justified, but you can clearly see that the guard was under the impression he's dealing with a potential suicide bomber / terrorist threat situation, and was just doing his job protecting people's lives.

I agree - if this happened in the US, I would have more doubts - it would seem a disproportionate response, but in the US it's highly unlikely to be a suicide bomber.

Outside of the Boston Marathon. Or a flight leaving Logan Airport.........
Get your facts right, this is an Israeli security guard killing an Israeli.

I have my facts straight. You obviously didn't know Druze was a sect of Islam. Now you do. Keep your own facts straight, Sherri, and find out what you are speaking about first the next time.

- Jeri

Druze, in Israel, are Israeli citizens. Those are the straight facts. It was an Israeli killing an Israeli. Sherri is right.

Actually I think we already clarified that Druze was a sect of Islam, Coyote. Perhaps you should read the entire thread. Thanks. - Jeri p.s. I'm sure the Israelis will give him a fair trial if they find evidence that he murdered the elderly Jewish man. Who was unarmed at the time. - Jeri
I have my facts straight. You obviously didn't know Druze was a sect of Islam. Now you do. Keep your own facts straight, Sherri, and find out what you are speaking about first the next time.

- Jeri

Druze, in Israel, are Israeli citizens. Those are the straight facts. It was an Israeli killing an Israeli. Sherri is right.

Actually I think we already clarified that Druze was a sect of Islam, Coyote. Perhaps you should read the entire thread. Thanks. - Jeri p.s. I'm sure the Israelis will give him a fair trial if they find evidence that he murdered the elderly Jewish man. Who was unarmed at the time. - Jeri

He is still an Israeli citizen. He is an Israeli.
My *impression* from the initial post in question - strictly reading the 'printed' words! - was that the other poster did not understand that the shooter was a Muslim AND an Israeli. IE, that the other poster was unaware that Muslim Israelis may legally carry guns, and in fact ARE employed in occupations where their duties require them to do so.

That, of course, never was allowed under actual 'apartheid'.
I'm not saying its justified, but you can clearly see that the guard was under the impression he's dealing with a potential suicide bomber / terrorist threat situation, and was just doing his job protecting people's lives.

I agree - if this happened in the US, I would have more doubts - it would seem a disproportionate response, but in the US it's highly unlikely to be a suicide bomber.

Outside of the Boston Marathon. Or a flight leaving Logan Airport.........
Exactly. If you're in a plane and somebody gets up and yells "Allah Akbar!" acting crazy, what would the Air Marshall be doing at that moment, especially if he's inexperienced as this guard was. Would he be waiting for the suspect to pull on a suicide belt cord first? That is the equivalent of what happened. As I said its not justifiable and its possible that a more experienced security officer would have waited longer. It we have instances of cops right here in the US killing people in cases of mistaken identity as well, so how is that different? It's not.
Muslim guard shoots to death unarmed Jewish man at western wall and justifies it by claiming he shouted allah akbar while having his hands in his pockets. I'm not buying this one. Sorry, guys!

Get your facts right, this is an Israeli security guard killing an Israeli.

I have my facts straight. You obviously didn't know Druze was a sect of Islam. Now you do. Keep your own facts straight, Sherri, and find out what you are speaking about first the next time.

- Jeri

Druze,*also spelled*Druse, Arabic plural*Durūz, singular*Darazi,* relatively small Middle Eastern religious sect characterized by an eclectic system of doctrines and by a cohesion and loyalty among its members (at times politically significant) that have enabled them to maintain through almost a thousand years of turbulent history their close-knit identity and distinctivefaith. They numbered more than 250,000 in the late 20th century and lived mostly in*Lebanon, with smaller communities in*Israel*and*Syria. They call themselves*muwaḥḥidūn(“monotheists”).The Druze permit no conversion, either away from or to their religion, and no intermarriage. In these circumstances the survival of their religion and community across almost a millennium is the more remarkable in that their religious system is kept secret not only from the outside world but in part even from their own number; only an elite of initiates, known as*ʿuqqāl(“knowers”), participate fully in their religious services and have access to the secret teachings of the*ḥikmah,*the Druze religious doctrine. In times of persecution, a Druze is allowed to deny his faith outwardly if his life is in danger. This concession, or*taqīyah,*is allowed according to*at-Taʿlīm*(“Instruction”), the anonymously written “catechism” of Druze faith. .Druze (religion) -- Encyclopedia Britannica. Druze are not Muslims. And the article I initially read about this incident on Maan indicates only that an Israeli security guard killed an Israeli Jew.
I have my facts straight. You obviously didn't know Druze was a sect of Islam. Now you do. Keep your own facts straight, Sherri, and find out what you are speaking about first the next time.

- Jeri

Druze, in Israel, are Israeli citizens. Those are the straight facts. It was an Israeli killing an Israeli. Sherri is right.

Actually I think we already clarified that Druze was a sect of Islam, Coyote. Perhaps you should read the entire thread. Thanks. - Jeri p.s. I'm sure the Israelis will give him a fair trial if they find evidence that he murdered the elderly Jewish man. Who was unarmed at the time. - Jeri

No, we clarified no such thing. Druze are not Muslims.
Druze, in Israel, are Israeli citizens. Those are the straight facts. It was an Israeli killing an Israeli. Sherri is right.

Actually I think we already clarified that Druze was a sect of Islam, Coyote. Perhaps you should read the entire thread. Thanks. - Jeri p.s. I'm sure the Israelis will give him a fair trial if they find evidence that he murdered the elderly Jewish man. Who was unarmed at the time. - Jeri

No, we clarified no such thing. Druze are not Muslims.
Well a Druze sure as hell ain't a Jew, and is much closer historically, culturally and ethnically to the Arab Muslims. Besides if Israel was the "racist apartheid state" garbage you IslamoTerrorist worshippers keep repeating, why would the Druze be so loyal to Israel? Ha ha ha.
The Druze (Arabic: درزي, derzī or durzī*, plural دروز, durūz, Hebrew: דרוזים, "druzim") are a monotheistic ethnoreligious[7] community, found primarily in Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan which emerged during the 11th century from the Ismailism school of Shia Islam. Druze beliefs incorporate several elements from Abrahamic religions, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, and other philosophies. The Druze call themselves Ahl al-Tawhid "the People of Monotheism" or al-Muwaḥḥidūn "the Unitarians."

There ya go Sherri, trying to spread false propaganda and lies. The Druze's faith emerged from Shia Islam, and they ARE considered a sect of Islam.
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Druze, in Israel, are Israeli citizens. Those are the straight facts. It was an Israeli killing an Israeli. Sherri is right.

Actually I think we already clarified that Druze was a sect of Islam, Coyote. Perhaps you should read the entire thread. Thanks. - Jeri p.s. I'm sure the Israelis will give him a fair trial if they find evidence that he murdered the elderly Jewish man. Who was unarmed at the time. - Jeri

No, we clarified no such thing. Druze are not Muslims.

Some of them are.

Who are the Druze?

I draw blank stares when I tell people back home that there is a town near Haifa called Isifiya where Druze, Christians, Muslims, and a few Jews live together in peace. Who are the Druze? They are a monotheistic religious group of Arabic speakers that split off from Islam in the 11th century. According to Internet articles, there are about one million of them around the world, mostly in Syria and Lebanon. There are 125,000 Druze in Israel, less than 2% of the population, and about 20,000 Druze in the United States.Only a few enlightened individuals understand all the faith's secrets. About 20% of Druze are called*knowledgeable*initiates and have special dress. The rest are just followers. There is no fixed daily liturgy, defined holy days, or pilgrimage obligation. Five colors have special meaning**for the Druze: red for the universal soul, green for the universal mind, yellow for the Word, blue for potentiality, and white for immanence.Unlike Daliyat al-Carmel, which is almost all Druze with a small Muslim population, Isifiya has about 70% Druze, 20% Christians, and 10% Muslims, with a few Jews. Palestine Journal: Who are the Druze? The Druze are a distinct people. They are not seen as Muslims by their neighbors. And they do not see themselves as Muslims, either. Sherri

Who are the Druze?

I draw blank stares when I tell people back home that there is a town near Haifa called Isifiya where Druze, Christians, Muslims, and a few Jews live together in peace. Who are the Druze? They are a monotheistic religious group of Arabic speakers that split off from Islam in the 11th century. According to Internet articles, there are about one million of them around the world, mostly in Syria and Lebanon. There are 125,000 Druze in Israel, less than 2% of the population, and about 20,000 Druze in the United States.Only a few enlightened individuals understand all the faith's secrets. About 20% of Druze are called*knowledgeable*initiates and have special dress. The rest are just followers. There is no fixed daily liturgy, defined holy days, or pilgrimage obligation. Five colors have special meaning**for the Druze: red for the universal soul, green for the universal mind, yellow for the Word, blue for potentiality, and white for immanence.Unlike Daliyat al-Carmel, which is almost all Druze with a small Muslim population, Isifiya has about 70% Druze, 20% Christians, and 10% Muslims, with a few Jews. Palestine Journal: Who are the Druze? The Druze are a distinct people. They are not seen as Muslims by their neighbors. And they do not see themselves as Muslims, either. Sherri
Do you have reading comprehension problems? Druze are an offshoot of Shia Islam. Ethnically tribally, genetically historically they are the same as the rest of the Arabs. Except, I have to admit, these guys can clearly trace their ancestry back at least 1000 years to the region, yet, they align themselves with the Israelis? Unlike those fake Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.

How about all these non Jewish groups you just listed, which live as equals with the Israeli Jews and have so much loyalty to the Jewish state? Thanks for blowing a hole in your apartheid accusations against Israel! You did it all in your own so I give all the credit to you.

Tell your Muslim "handlers" about this, or maybe not, they'd fire you. LOL
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LOL, if you talk to many Sunnis, they'll tell you the Shi'a are 'not Muslims'.......
I do not even know if the Israeli security gurad is a Druze. That may be simply a piece of Zionist Hasbara Propaganda.
It seems sherri hasn't been reading the articles in the papers about the incident: people who know the shooter have been quoted, and identified as fellow Druze.
Regarding the idea of 'propaganda' being involved: casting aspersions upon Druze people would NOT be good for the current government of Israel at all. It would directly *oppose* that government, in fact:

Elections Surprise: Arab Support for Jewish Home - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News
"Party head Naftali Bennett has stated that he believes it is vital for the party to work with Bedouin and Druze communities, which often fight side by side with Jewish Israelis. Bennett spoke at Tuesday’s event and noted that a Druze commander had once saved his life by warning him of a land mine.

The Jewish Home party is an open home to any Israeli citizen who loves his or her country and is willing to perform national service, whether military or civilian, Bennett declared. The party sees integration as a real value, and will not make promises just to disappear after the elections as other parties have, he pledged."

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