Civilian killed in WesternWall by security guard

LOL, if you talk to many Sunnis, they'll tell you the Shi'a are 'not Muslims'.......

Exactly, yet the Druze consider themselves true Muslims and the harborers of the core of Islam. Islam being 80% dominated by Sunnis, anything other than Sunni practice isn't tolerated by Muslims, which is why Sunnis slaughter Sunnis routinely (and vice versa).

Such a racist apartheid state Israel is, that so many religious and ethnic minorities show so much loyalty to it. :lmao:
Look at how the Druze fight for Israel, this is why Israel is considered a democracy.

[ame=]Israeli Army Druze Battalion - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]10 Druze you need to know - YouTube[/ame]

Who are the Druze?

I draw blank stares when I tell people back home that there is a town near Haifa called Isifiya where Druze, Christians, Muslims, and a few Jews live together in peace. Who are the Druze? They are a monotheistic religious group of Arabic speakers that split off from Islam in the 11th century. According to Internet articles, there are about one million of them around the world, mostly in Syria and Lebanon. There are 125,000 Druze in Israel, less than 2% of the population, and about 20,000 Druze in the United States.Only a few enlightened individuals understand all the faith's secrets. About 20% of Druze are called*knowledgeable*initiates and have special dress. The rest are just followers. There is no fixed daily liturgy, defined holy days, or pilgrimage obligation. Five colors have special meaning**for the Druze: red for the universal soul, green for the universal mind, yellow for the Word, blue for potentiality, and white for immanence.Unlike Daliyat al-Carmel, which is almost all Druze with a small Muslim population, Isifiya has about 70% Druze, 20% Christians, and 10% Muslims, with a few Jews. Palestine Journal: Who are the Druze? The Druze are a distinct people. They are not seen as Muslims by their neighbors. And they do not see themselves as Muslims, either. Sherri

I just spoke with my friend who is very knowledgable about the Druze. First let me apologise to any Druze readers as I'm told you consider being called a Muslim a great insult. . I apologise to any Druze readers freaking out right now. I want to start off by saying that point is duly noted - that you do not wish to be recognized as a Muslim. Consider it DONE. So let's take a closer look at who the Druze are:

The Druze usually live on what they call their "high places", like the Golan Heights.

The Druze are a secret religious sect but most certainly not Muslim. They follow a religion that is even more ancient than Judaism. If you read the Bible you'll see that Moses married Ziporah, daughter of Jethro. Jethro and his family were Druze and their belief system existed even before Moses or Mohammad were born.

The Muslims tried to force the Druze to convert but they would not, so they were discriminated against on a grand scale which made their lives miserable for centuries. The Druze side with Israel and the Druze youth serve in the Israeli Army.

In fact, so severe was the Islamic Syrians and so deep was their hatred of the Druze that when Israel won the Six Day War, and took possession of the Golan Heights, the Syrians knowing that the Druze sided with Israel, and knowing the somewhat of the secret Druze theology which states that a child does not receive his/her soul until the age of 8, the Syrians took all the children under the age of 8 that they could find, and cut their heads off before their parents eyes!

That meant that the children who were so killed had not yet received their souls so their families would not see them in the afterlife -- assuming there was one. It started a blood feud between the Druze and the Muslims, particularly the Syrians, because of this slaughter of the innocents.

That never came up because the Arabs have oil and the Druze don't! It went unnoticed to the world.

Years later, while the Palestinians were in the Sabra and Shatilah refugee camps when the Christians in Lebanon were fighting the Muslims, it was a loose understanding between the soldiers that the practice was that during the holidays the Jewish soldiers would return home and the Druze soldiers would take over for them.

So this presented a golden opportunity for revenge by the the Druze soldiers who commenced to slaughter the Palestinians Muslims as a retaliation for the slaughter by the Muslims of the Druze children. Sabra and Shatilah were blamed upon the Jews because the Druze soldiers were in the Israeli Army. But the Jewish soldiers had all gone home to celebrate Yom Kippur and were replaced by Druze Soldiers. The soldiers at Sabra and Shatilah were Druze. Not one a single Jewish soldier was there at Sabra and Shatila. Are you following this?

Oy! Vey! That was a long trip around the world and back to get to this: Because the Druze are the most loyal of citizens in Israel and because they have no hatred or enmity towards the Jews it is no surprise that they would be considered a good candidate to become a guard at the Western Wall. This new guard - if he is found guilty - will more than likely be discovered to not be Druze at all. If he is found innocent then I would say he must be Druze because after the education I have received on Druze in the last 24 hours? These people are pure gold. Very good people. Salt of the earth is a good description for the Druze.

Hope that clears some things up here! As to the claim that Druze is a sect of Islam? According to Islamic scholars - they claim it is - don't know what to say about that other than that the bible predates Islam by many many centuries and Druze is in there. Yep. So the Torah settled that one. Alright then. Thank G-d for the Druze and far be it from me to offend a single one of them! Shalom! I'm out of here. :eusa_angel: - Jeri
At least everyone on this board now knows the truth about why the Druze did Sabra and Shatilla and why it is impossible that any Jewish soldiers were present. They were celebrating Yom Kippur while that was going on. Isn't it amazing how G-d is able to take a simple misunderstanding and use it to bring out TRUTH that vindicates His people? A TRUTH that should have been told decades ago? I think He's just totally awesome! I love you, LORD! You are so good to your people!

To G-d be the Glory!

- Jeri
I do not even know if the Israeli security gurad is a Druze. That may be simply a piece of Zionist Hasbara Propaganda.
Actually it seems that Sherri cannot handle the truth.

The name of the security guard is Amel Kamal, from northern Israel.

But of course, she'll doubt it simply because *I* give the details.

Details which can be very well be self-checked.

Unlike SOME people, I *don't* sit around making stuff up!:doubt:
It's obvious that the man was suicidal and mentally ill. It doesn't relate to the overall issue of the existence of Israel or the state of Palestine. Mean while, back at the ranch...

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