Civilization Is In Jeopardy Nancy Pelosi Says


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Civilization would be in jeopardy if the GOP wins the Senate, said Nancy Pelosi.

No, she's not using scare tactics at all
She is there simply to make Obama appear reasonable.

Dingy Harry and Pelosi take the heat off of Obama when he screws up, which is a constant.
seem to me that civilization has been diminishing for a long time and especially these last 6 years .
Picturing Hillary Clinton doing yoga is a much bigger threat to civilization!
While obviously hyperbole, Nancy has an interesting point. American civilization was based on certain fundamental ideas and concepts as written into our preamble. We are also a land of immigrants. The republicans are opposed to women's rights and immigration, they oppose Christian concepts of helping those in need, another place where our civilization presumably operated. I have to give my reply more thought, but for the open minded, non-partisan reader check out Fernand Braudel's 'History of Civilizations,' a brilliant book which covers the complexity of civilizations.

"History may be divided into three movements: what moves rapidly, what moves slowly and what appears not to move at all." Fernand Braudel
She's a sick individual. Botox is no joke, it's a poison and she injects it into her face

That's her excuse, Midcan5 on the other hand is just a fucking moron
While obviously hyperbole, Nancy has an interesting point. American civilization was based on certain fundamental ideas and concepts as written into our preamble.

I have read some of your posts, and you seem to put actual thought into your positions rather than being another knee-jerk reactionary like many on the board. So, in reading my response below, please do not interpret it as being malicious or attacking, as I believe that your statements merit serious discussion.

The republicans are opposed to women's rights

Specifically, what rights?

and immigration,

As much as you seem to wish this was the case, it isn't. From the Republican Party's national platform:

We can accelerate the process of restoring our
domestic economy—and reclaiming this country’s
traditional position of dominance in international
trade—by a policy of strategic immigration, granting
more work visas
to holders of advanced degrees in
science, technology, engineering, and math from
other nations. Highly educated immigrants can assist
in creating new services and products. In the
same way, foreign students who graduate from an
American university with an advanced degree in science,
technology, engineering or math should be encouraged
to remain here
and contribute to economic
prosperity and job creation. Highly skilled, Englishspeaking,
and integrated into their communities, they
are too valuable a resource to lose. As in past generations,
we should encourage the world’s innovators
and inventors to create our common future and their
permanent homes here in the United States.

In reading the platform, it becomes abundantly obvious that the Republican Party is, in fact, very pro-immigration. So, I must ask you to elaborate on your statement that Republicans are opposed to immigration.

they oppose Christian concepts of helping those in need

Do they? Or do they merely oppose the un-Christian concept of the government taking money from taxpayers and claiming credit when those tax dollars go to the poor, and think that people helping people is a better method of charity than the government's "let's just throw someone else's money at the problem and hope it goes away"? I'm afraid you'll have to expound upon this one as well.
She is there simply to make Obama appear reasonable.

Dingy Harry and Pelosi take the heat off of Obama when he screws up, which is a constant.

Indeed. They are professional Fluffers.

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