Claim that Trump showed classified docs to donors could be what brings him down: former FBI agent

yeah i heard he had them stored in a garage with the door left open half the time and he also had them stored at an office at a school that gets millions from the Chicoms .

Don't say that, JimH52 will actually believe that and start a phony bullshit thread about it. :laughing0301:
Every "classified" document that Trump or his minions removed from the WH were implicitly de-classified, even if the markings remained, and if they remained in folders with classified markings. Don't forget, Trump was STILL PRESIDENT when he moved out.

There is no case. This is all bullshit, just like every other accusation against him for the past 8 years.
Bombshell revelations claiming former President Donald Trump was showing classified documents to donors at his Mar-a-Lago home could be what brings him down, former FBI agent and Donald Trump foe Peter Strzok said Monday.

Donald Trump at at Trump International in New Jersey© Raw Story
Speaking to MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace, he cited a Sunday Washington Post article that claimed the Justice Department had obtained new evidence that proves obstructions of justice in the classified case.

Disgraced and fired FBI Agent Peter "we'll stop it" Strzok speculates about what could happen based on a Sunday WaPo article?

You've . . . ah . . . you've got him now, for shure.
Bombshell revelations claiming former President Donald Trump was showing classified documents to donors at his Mar-a-Lago home could be what brings him down, former FBI agent and Donald Trump foe Peter Strzok said Monday.

Donald Trump at at Trump International in New Jersey© Raw Story
Speaking to MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace, he cited a Sunday Washington Post article that claimed the Justice Department had obtained new evidence that proves obstructions of justice in the classified case.

Disgraced and fired FBI Agent Peter "we'll stop it" Strzok speculates about what could happen based on a Sunday WaPo article?

You've . . . ah . . . you've got him now, for shure.

Strzok was one of those who tried to get Trump in the first place. Why is that slimy greaseball Strzok not in Gitmo?
You have to wonder why the Rosenbergs were executed when Feinstein and Swalwell were working with Communist spies and Strok and Comey were bigger traitors
Every "classified" document that Trump or his minions removed from the WH were implicitly de-classified, even if the markings remained, and if they remained in folders with classified markings. Don't forget, Trump was STILL PRESIDENT when he moved out.

There is no case. This is all bullshit, just like every other accusation against him for the past 8 years.
That has already been proven a lie. There is a procedure for declassifying documents. He can't just think it and it happens.

trump is a pathological liar.
That has already been proven a lie. There is a procedure for declassifying documents. He can't just think it and it happens.

trump is a pathological liar.

At least a President has the authority to declassify documents. By what authority did Joe Biden have the right to be in possession of them in his garage and other locations? A Vice President does not have that authority.

And why is Joe Biden not being charged for those documents they found in his garage and other places?
That has already been proven a lie. There is a procedure for declassifying documents. He can't just think it and it happens.

trump is a pathological liar.
Link and quote the procedure highlighting the part that states that it applies to the president, in whom sole power of classification and declassification is vested, according to a USSC ruling.
I would wonder why JimH52 would put "former FBI agent" in his subject line, instead of "Peter Strozk."

Could it be possible that Jim did not recognize the famous disgraced agent? Is he that uninformed or what he hoping to slip that by us?

As a consequence of Trump’s arrogance and ignorance, he likely showed others the classified documents to impress them.
If someone will testify to that, trump is toast. I expect Jack Smith has already thought of that...but the clock it ticking. If trump can run this thing out until months before the 2024 election, the Moron could possibly be re-elected and the DOJ would not touch him.

This circus in NY is just the beginning. trump has been getting away with crimes for years, he is about to begin paying. The Bragg case may never see the court room. I heard this morning that Fulton County may be indicting in May 2023. Not long after that, the Mar a lago Obstruction case will begin to bite him.

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