Herschel Walker Mocked Over False Claim He Was FBI Agent: 'Humiliating Lie'

You are confused Moon Bat.

Bush had a good economy for six years with a Republican Congress. Then in the 2006 election the goddamn Democrats took over the House and Seante and the economy went to hell. The Economy always goes to hell when Democrats get power.

In this case Democrats like that Barney Queerboi as Chairman of the House Banking Committee let the housing market go to hell because of that Democrat Community Reinvestment Act. "Hey, lets use the influence of the government to put pressure on lenders to give credit to people who neither had the means or inclination to pay it back, what could possibly go wrong?

What went wrong was the economy was almost destroyed. For the time The Worthless Negro took over until the sonofabitch went out poverty was greater, family income was lower, $10 trillion in debt with nothing to show for it, taxes increased, millions of Illegals flooded in, and we had dismal economic growth.

In addition to that the asshole fucked up healthcare and the military. The worst President we had up until that time.

However, as bad as he was he was not quite as a disaster as this Joe Potatohead that you dumbass Moon Bats voted for and allowed to get away with stealing the election from the American people.

You Libtards always make terrible choices at the polls and the American people always suffer. Americans are really suffering now with Potatohead's massive inflation, high cost of gas at the pump, tremendous debt, pending recession, millions of Illegals flooding, high crime in the Democrat controlled big cities and decreased family income.

Why did you do this terrible thing to our country?

If Bush could have fixed the economy before he left office he would have. Oil production doubled during the Obama years.. and the economy began to recover after 8 years of Bush.
If Bush could have fixed the economy before he left office he would have. Oil production doubled during the Obama years.. and the economy began to recover after 8 years of Bush.
No Moon Bat. That filthy ass 2006 Democrat Congress shut Bush down and allowed the housing market to collapse because they didn't do their Congressional oversight competently.

One of the reason was that Barney Queerboi was getting corruption kickbacks from the very lenders he was suppose to oversee. Like Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country.

Only idiots vote for Democrats. Too bad their stupidity always screws the rest of us Americans.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Bush had a good economy for six years with a Republican Congress. Then in the 2006 election the goddamn Democrats took over the House and Seante and the economy went to hell. The Economy always goes to hell when Democrats get power.

In this case Democrats like that Barney Queerboi as Chairman of the House Banking Committee let the housing market go to hell because of that Democrat Community Reinvestment Act. "Hey, lets use the influence of the government to put pressure on lenders to give credit to people who neither had the means or inclination to pay it back, what could possibly go wrong?

What went wrong was the economy was almost destroyed. For the time The Worthless Negro took over until the sonofabitch went out poverty was greater, family income was lower, $10 trillion in debt with nothing to show for it, taxes increased, millions of Illegals flooded in, and we had dismal economic growth.

In addition to that the asshole fucked up healthcare and the military. The worst President we had up until that time.

However, as bad as he was he was not quite as a disaster as this Joe Potatohead that you dumbass Moon Bats voted for and allowed to get away with stealing the election from the American people.

You Libtards always make terrible choices at the polls and the American people always suffer. Americans are really suffering now with Potatohead's massive inflation, high cost of gas at the pump, tremendous debt, pending recession, millions of Illegals flooding, high crime in the Democrat controlled big cities and decreased family income.

Why did you do this terrible thing to our country?

The US economy began to contract by the second quarter of 2001 before 9/11. Fortune 500 companies went into a hiring freeze . How old are you?

Bush was still promoting minority home ownership.

I watched Herschel Walker making a statement on TV the other day. He sounded like a total moron. Barely able to put simple sentences together.

In that way, he sounded a lot like Trump and asshole Biden.

And he already lies like a politician so he's almost certain to be elected. Losers love to vote for imbeciles. Maggot!!!

Sadly I agree with everything you just posted!!!

How many high paying jobs doing basically nothing did Hunter score after his Daddy was out of office? If he was good enough at compliance and legal shit to get paid over 50k a month 8 years ago I cant imagine he's lost all that knowledge and expertise that someone wouldn't be beating down his door to come work for them. But you keep believing that the politicians that say the things you like to hear arent as corrupt as the ones that say the things you dont like to hear.

How many high paying jobs doing basically nothing did Hunter score after his Daddy was out of office? If he was good enough at compliance and legal shit to get paid over 50k a month 8 years ago I cant imagine he's lost all that knowledge and expertise that someone wouldn't be beating down his door to come work for them. But you keep believing that the politicians that say the things you like to hear arent as corrupt as the ones that say the things you dont like to hear.

I don't know. When did he work for Amtrak? What do you do for a living?
I don't know. When did he work for Amtrak? What do you do for a living?
The answer is zero. But you knew that already.

While his Daddy was in the Senate stumping for them, getting the all that government gravy?

Im a retired Marine and own my own business. What does that have to do with anything?
He was appointed by Bush.

Ok. So one silver spoon fed political family feeds another. What’s your point? Are you under the delusion that political back scratching doesn’t happen across the aisle? Hunter Biden is was and always has been a drug addled loser who’s traded on his Fathers political positions. If Hunters last name were Smith do you really think he’s appointed to that position?
It was US foreign policy in agreement with the EU and UN to help Ukraine rise above their reputation for corruption. That's why Hunter was hired to teach highest and best business practices
does every threat have to become about Hunter?

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