Claim to be an atheist = 10 years in jail + 2,000 lashes

Saudi Arabia sentences a man to 10 years in jail and 2,000 lashes for tweeting that he was an atheist

Evidently it's terrorism to be an atheist.

Saudi Arabia sentences a man to 10 years in jail and 2,000 lashes for tweeting that he was an atheist

A COURT in Saudi Arabia has sentenced a man to ten years in prison and 2,000 lashes for expressing his atheism on Twitter.

The 28-year-old reportedly refused to repent, insisting what he wrote reflected his beliefs and that he had the right to express them.


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The late King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia introduced laws defining atheists as terrorists
The hardline Islamic state’s religious police in charge of monitoring social networks found more than 600 tweets denying the existence of God, ridiculing Koranic verses, accusing all prophets of lies and saying their teaching fuelled hostilities.

The court also fined him around £4,000.

He was sentenced under a controversial law that defines atheism as “terrorism”.

In 2014 the late King Abdullah issued a string of royal decrees aimed at clamping down on all forms of political dissent and protests that could “harm public order”.

Article one of the new provisions defined terrorism as “calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based”.

Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa director of Human Rights Watch, said at the time the new measures were introduced: “Saudi authorities have never tolerated criticism of their policies, but these recent laws and regulations turn almost any critical expression or independent association into crimes of terrorism.”
rightwing christians he are licking their lips wishing they can do the same here

By excusing this terrible punishment, you're opposing religious freedom. You're a phony and a hypocrite.
Do you get those 2000 lashes all at one time? Or can I have say..........20 a day over 10 days? Do I have to raise up my male Burka?

I been thinking, USA has not had a good old fashioned Muslim blow up or shooting in a while.....tick tick tick.

typo.....this would require 200/day for 10 days. ouch. do they draw blood?
Flown London to Riyadh a few times and here's my advice to Westerners on any long flights to the Saudi capital. Plan your liquid intake/potty breaks in advance because if you have to take a leak the last hour before final approach seatbelt time you could be hurtin'. You'll find long lines of predominantly women waiting to get into the lavatories in order scrub off makeup and change from their tight jeans and other Western garb into traditional female Saudi attire. There will be some men too but they're in and out a lot quicker than the women. Lots of phonies who leave their rules, laws, customs, etc. at the border when they travel.

I thought I had heard where the burqa, hijab, niqab were not even in the Koran. They were from before the pedo prophet ..... So that begs the question..... Why are they still oppressing women?

Muslims are a messed up culture and need some serious reform.
Saudi Arabia sentences a man to 10 years in jail and 2,000 lashes for tweeting that he was an atheist

Evidently it's terrorism to be an atheist.

Saudi Arabia sentences a man to 10 years in jail and 2,000 lashes for tweeting that he was an atheist

A COURT in Saudi Arabia has sentenced a man to ten years in prison and 2,000 lashes for expressing his atheism on Twitter.

The 28-year-old reportedly refused to repent, insisting what he wrote reflected his beliefs and that he had the right to express them.


Getty Images
The late King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia introduced laws defining atheists as terrorists
The hardline Islamic state’s religious police in charge of monitoring social networks found more than 600 tweets denying the existence of God, ridiculing Koranic verses, accusing all prophets of lies and saying their teaching fuelled hostilities.

The court also fined him around £4,000.

He was sentenced under a controversial law that defines atheism as “terrorism”.

In 2014 the late King Abdullah issued a string of royal decrees aimed at clamping down on all forms of political dissent and protests that could “harm public order”.

Article one of the new provisions defined terrorism as “calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based”.

Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa director of Human Rights Watch, said at the time the new measures were introduced: “Saudi authorities have never tolerated criticism of their policies, but these recent laws and regulations turn almost any critical expression or independent association into crimes of terrorism.”
I wonder how they divvy up the lashes over the 10 years. All at once and there wouldn't be much left.
Saudi Arabia sentences a man to 10 years in jail and 2,000 lashes for tweeting that he was an atheist

Evidently it's terrorism to be an atheist.

Saudi Arabia sentences a man to 10 years in jail and 2,000 lashes for tweeting that he was an atheist

A COURT in Saudi Arabia has sentenced a man to ten years in prison and 2,000 lashes for expressing his atheism on Twitter.

The 28-year-old reportedly refused to repent, insisting what he wrote reflected his beliefs and that he had the right to express them.


Getty Images
The late King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia introduced laws defining atheists as terrorists
The hardline Islamic state’s religious police in charge of monitoring social networks found more than 600 tweets denying the existence of God, ridiculing Koranic verses, accusing all prophets of lies and saying their teaching fuelled hostilities.

The court also fined him around £4,000.

He was sentenced under a controversial law that defines atheism as “terrorism”.

In 2014 the late King Abdullah issued a string of royal decrees aimed at clamping down on all forms of political dissent and protests that could “harm public order”.

Article one of the new provisions defined terrorism as “calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based”.

Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa director of Human Rights Watch, said at the time the new measures were introduced: “Saudi authorities have never tolerated criticism of their policies, but these recent laws and regulations turn almost any critical expression or independent association into crimes of terrorism.”
I wonder how they divvy up the lashes over the 10 years. All at once and there wouldn't be much left.

Idk but the Muslim sympathizers on here will just say this is code for pats on the back.
You didn't think the KSA was a free country did you?

Never. Just showing the mindset of all these migrants. This is normal for them. Which would explain their behaviors and why we should ship every single one back where they came.

You are assuming the entire Muslim world think like Saudis do. Not even Saudi citizens think like the Saudi government does.

Many Saudis are actually fed up with the government. That's why they spend all their vacation time outside of Saudi. Even on the weekends they go to neighboring countries like Qatar and Dubai because fun is outlawed in Saudi.

They practice slavery in Qatar. Pretty sure the fun is outlawed there as well.

This is the Muslims norm and it's why they can't get along with westerners.

There are people right here that would be happy to support the same punishment for non Christians.

And, then, of course, there are people who in even greater numbers, would be happy to support the same punishment for CHRISTIANS.
You didn't think the KSA was a free country did you?

Never. Just showing the mindset of all these migrants. This is normal for them. Which would explain their behaviors and why we should ship every single one back where they came.

You are assuming the entire Muslim world think like Saudis do. Not even Saudi citizens think like the Saudi government does.

Many Saudis are actually fed up with the government. That's why they spend all their vacation time outside of Saudi. Even on the weekends they go to neighboring countries like Qatar and Dubai because fun is outlawed in Saudi.

They practice slavery in Qatar. Pretty sure the fun is outlawed there as well.

This is the Muslims norm and it's why they can't get along with westerners.

There are people right here that would be happy to support the same punishment for non Christians.

And, then, of course, there are people who in even greater numbers, would be happy to support the same punishment for CHRISTIANS.

That was my point. There are extremes for every group that twist the basic tenants of that group into something vile. The extremes don't represent the whole.
Do you get those 2000 lashes all at one time? Or can I have say..........20 a day over 10 days? Do I have to raise up my male Burka?

I been thinking, USA has not had a good old fashioned Muslim blow up or shooting in a while.....tick tick tick.
Maybe they do it 4 lashes a week over 10 years with a few lashes off for good behavior.

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