Classified info leaker Adam Schiff needs to be cut off from intel.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
I agree with this assessment, and would add he needs to be prosecuted for leaking classified info.

Fred Fleitz: Trump should stop sharing sensitive intelligence with leaker Adam Schiff

It is time to end the fiction that Schiff's House Intelligence Committee is engaged in serious oversight of U.S. intelligence. Unless House Speaker Nancy Pelosi removes Schiff as chairman and cracks down on leaks by the committee’s Democratic members, the Trump administration should take drastic action to prevent the committee from further damaging U.S. national security through its constant leaks. These steps should include:

  • Ending the sharing of sensitive classified information to the House intelligence committee.
  • Avoiding and severely restricting briefings to the committee. The administration should also severely restrict cooperating with committee tasking to intelligence agencies, such as requests for reports.
  • Any intelligence or briefing provided to the House Intelligence Committee should be carefully scrubbed by the director of national intelligence and the national security adviser to remove classified material that Schiff and other committee members might leak. Pelosi and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., would still have access to this information.
  • House Intelligence Committee members travel extensively to visit CIA stations worldwide, often flying at great expense in small Air Force jets. During my five years as a member of the House Intelligence Committee staff, I often questioned the need for these trips. Some appeared to be taxpayer-funded shopping trips to exotic locales. Since the committee is no longer engaged in serious intelligence oversight, the Trump administration should immediately cease its support for House Intelligence Committee foreign travel.
  • Fred Fleitz: Trump should stop sharing sensitive intelligence with leaker Adam Schiff
Trump needs to have Schiff's phones bugged and put a tail on his treasonous ass....treat Schiff as a hostile foreign agent....because that's the way he is conducting his self....
Dead On!

I agree with this assessment, and would add he needs to be prosecuted for leaking classified info.

Fred Fleitz: Trump should stop sharing sensitive intelligence with leaker Adam Schiff

It is time to end the fiction that Schiff's House Intelligence Committee is engaged in serious oversight of U.S. intelligence. Unless House Speaker Nancy Pelosi removes Schiff as chairman and cracks down on leaks by the committee’s Democratic members, the Trump administration should take drastic action to prevent the committee from further damaging U.S. national security through its constant leaks. These steps should include:

  • Ending the sharing of sensitive classified information to the House intelligence committee.
  • Avoiding and severely restricting briefings to the committee. The administration should also severely restrict cooperating with committee tasking to intelligence agencies, such as requests for reports.
  • Any intelligence or briefing provided to the House Intelligence Committee should be carefully scrubbed by the director of national intelligence and the national security adviser to remove classified material that Schiff and other committee members might leak. Pelosi and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., would still have access to this information.
  • House Intelligence Committee members travel extensively to visit CIA stations worldwide, often flying at great expense in small Air Force jets. During my five years as a member of the House Intelligence Committee staff, I often questioned the need for these trips. Some appeared to be taxpayer-funded shopping trips to exotic locales. Since the committee is no longer engaged in serious intelligence oversight, the Trump administration should immediately cease its support for House Intelligence Committee foreign travel.
  • Fred Fleitz: Trump should stop sharing sensitive intelligence with leaker Adam Schiff
Trump needs to have Schiff's phones bugged and put a tail on his treasonous ass....treat Schiff as a hostile foreign agent....because that's the way he is conducting his self....
They should plant false intel with Schifferbrains, and him alone, then wait for it to hit the NYTs.

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