Classified Report Leaked to NBC

No, he didn't. He said "andor highly confidential report". It had been considered that, and he was to receive a briefing before it was released. So he quantified his report. You just chose to make something out of his words for no reason other than to make a mountain out of a mole hill, and accused him of lying, when technically he didn't- just as you claimed you didn't when I made a mountain out of a mole hill regarding your mistake. Understand now? Or will you continue to spread rumors he lied to be petty?
You said highly classified. According to the tweet you posted he said classified or highly confidential. See? You lied, just as you are accusing him
Jeeesuuuusss... Really?!? Ok, my mistake, I accidentally switched a word, it was not intentional... He said "Before I, or anyone, saw the classified and/or highly confidential hacking intelligence report, it was leaked out to @NBCNews. So serious!"

So I missed a word and he outright lied... glad we got that cleared up.
I just copied his exact quote do don't accuse me of lying... Just because I paraphrased his tweet (because I don't have it memorized) doesn't constitute as anything similar to him stating that a "classified and/or highly confidential hacking intelligence report" was leaked when it wasn't. That is a straight up lie... not a play on words
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Many reports are considered highly confidential until released by proper protocol. Be real. And if they weren't going to brief him first, then why set such a meeting to begin with?
And did you publicly call out Obama when he only attended one briefing pre-inauguration as you are Trump? If not, why not?
You said highly classified. According to the tweet you posted he said classified or highly confidential. See? You lied, just as you are accusing him
:420:You lied, just as you accused him of doing. That isn't what he said.
Now, I know you did this on purpose just as you just Know he did.
Don't even try to tell us otherwise, as we now know you lie.
Trump said a highly classified report was leaked to NBC. I haven't seen any evidence of this... since you are paying attention Can you post a link showing this is true?
What did I lie about? I posted the actual Tweet from Trump. How is that lying about what he said?

Classified and highly confidential are both forms of information that wouldn't be released to the public. MSNBC received the UNCLASSIFIED report that the government put out, and Trump was butt hurt that he didn't get a chance to spin the report before MSNBC put out the information.

If he just had gotten his classified briefs when he was supposed to, he might have known about this earlier.
You really aren't following this are ya?? Ok, here it is... Trump had a meeting schedule on Friday to go over the classified intelligence report that showed the results of 4 agencies that investigated. This report never got released or leaked, although yesterday (Monday) his tweet implied that it did. The only report i've seen is that NBC interviewed an source from an intelligence agency that validated findings that were released in the UNCLASSIFIED version of this report. The unclassified report may have been leaked to the press before publicly released although, i have not seen evidence of that.

Its ok to call Trump our on his shit, nobody should be allowed to lie to the American people... Even people you support. I hope he does a good job as president but lying on Twitter like he does should not be permitted.

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