clear cutting in Europe- unfettered capitalism run amok

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
One would think that Eastern Europe would learn from the "greed out of control" and its consequences suffered in the USA :(

Illegal Logging in Romania Benefits Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE

It's not easy to fight for your cause with pepper spray in your mouth and eyes, but Gabriel Paun tried it anyway in front of the gate of a huge sawmill in the Romanian town of Sebes. On that day last winter, Paun had followed a truck loaded with lumber after the vehicle left the Retezat National Park, located in the heart of the Carpathian Mountains -- one of Europe's most beautiful forested regions -- and in the heart of a threatened world.
37 views and no deniers/repub-voters want to stick up for unfettered capitalism/destruction of the planet? :eusa_think:
37 views and no deniers/repub-voters want to stick up for unfettered capitalism/destruction of the planet? :eusa_think:
With all the clearcutting and burning that goes on right here in the National Forest where I live, I don't feel I have too much right to complain about how people in Romania manage their forests.
37 views and no deniers/repub-voters want to stick up for unfettered capitalism/destruction of the planet? :eusa_think:
With all the clearcutting and burning that goes on right here in the National Forest where I live, I don't feel I have too much right to complain about how people in Romania manage their forests.
"manage"? Did you even read the link I sourced? The takings from the forest were not legal.
37 views and no deniers/repub-voters want to stick up for unfettered capitalism/destruction of the planet? :eusa_think:
With all the clearcutting and burning that goes on right here in the National Forest where I live, I don't feel I have too much right to complain about how people in Romania manage their forests.

LOL The cutting is being done for forestry management. The trees are replaced with young trees. They are burning the under brush to keep the fire danger low and as the new trees grow which provides fertilizer for the soil and pest control.

Its rather funny that people are trying to claim these people are just doing things totally ignorant and maliciously. DOT.FAIL is always baseless and without facts.

Liberal greens are the reason we have runaway wild fires and forest fires. Simply because they believe that we should not allow natural fires and natural cleansing of forests and wild lands. It is why California burns so hot and out of control every time a wild fire takes off. Because they do not allow the fallen fuels to be burned when there are small amounts and it can be controlled, it becomes an uncontrollable furnace when it does go up.
This is the type of criminal clear cutting that happens in S. America,

You mean the farmers who burn off land and use it for four or five years and when it is depleted it is allowed to return to jungle?

In your world you want people to starve to death and you would ok with it.

You morons might just get millions starving to death if the next glacial cycle starts. You and your beloved CO2 god will get a swift kick in the ass..
you people think this is one big joke eh?

NO I dont..

What I do think, is people need to research what it is they are posting on and present FACTS. You present hyperbole and conjecture because you do not understand the FACTS.. That my dear is why you FAIL...

You read something which you get emotional about and then fail to calm down, research it, and post facts to justify your reasoning. This is a common problem among liberals and Socialist's. They do not think for themselves, they believe the thinking has been done and that no further research or investigation needs to be done. Consensus and appeals to authority are your creed.

Had you taken the time to read about what it was you are posting about you might fair better.... Or not!
One would think that Eastern Europe would learn from the "greed out of control" and its consequences suffered in the USA :(

Illegal Logging in Romania Benefits Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE
It's not easy to fight for your cause with pepper spray in your mouth and eyes, but Gabriel Paun tried it anyway in front of the gate of a huge sawmill in the Romanian town of Sebes. On that day last winter, Paun had followed a truck loaded with lumber after the vehicle left the Retezat National Park, located in the heart of the Carpathian Mountains -- one of Europe's most beautiful forested regions -- and in the heart of a threatened world.

Hmmm . . . it's illegal.

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