Cleptomania Outbreak: eTrade Ether


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
We've seen modernism Hollywood (USA) movies such as "The Wolf of Wall Street" (2013) and we know of the new age problem of profiteerism hysteria (i.e., eTrade).

While this sounds like tabletop sermonism, it also speaks to a sort of society focus issue that creates real world impact: i.e., political networking-related issues regarding the efficiency of the free market.

A culture of convenience (i.e., eBay) creates instincts to create labor short-cuts and streamline management even if it's at the cost of a general diligence attitude towards employment.

It's no wonder that recent Hollywood (USA) movies explore ideas about gang-related crime, mafia-related corruption, and petty crime outbreaks.

We just might start oozing green goo from our ears as a natural response to profit-networking 'urges.' Did you know that Algeria, a member of OPEC, is way ahead of the USA in wind energy development? How does such news affect our view of profiteerism-paranoia?


The Wolf of Wall Street


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