James Hansen Wishes he Wasn’t So Right about Global Warming

You can't change the Earth's temp by moving things around on the surface. You have to change what's entering or leaving the Earth system. You keep dodging that point.
I have never dodged that point. You haven't been reading what I have been writing. You've been so busy quibbling and arguing, you kept missing the point.
It's hilarious you still aren't getting it. The sun's output is constant. AGW people have argued that point. They argue the sun can't be responsible for the planet warming. If the sun can't be responsible for the planet warming, then it can't be responsible for the planet cooling. Yet we know for a fact the planet has cooled and warmed over 30 times in the last 3 million years.

That you still don't get it can only mean you are an idiot; a moron.
I have never dodged that point. You haven't been reading what I have been writing. You've been so busy quibbling and arguing, you kept missing the point.

Your finished your kindergarten climate report yet?

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