Cleveland Guardians Name To Become Official Tomorrow

Even Orwell's NewSpeak Is Misleading; We Aren't Made to Speak Obvious Distortions Such As His "Doubleplus Ungood"

With all the people from India moving here, we really need to change Indian as referring to the indigenees. But the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords, whom Conservatives also follow blindly, are all about confusing the language instead, so it won't happen.
It was mixed up the first moment Columbus opened his mouth back in Spain, so that's that.
You can say Indian if you do say Indian. I always do. Don't let other people intimidate your language, I'd say. I think it's important to keep these words, and if anyone complains, face them [ him ] right the hell down. They absolutely don't get to censor what I say. They can walk away, but they cannot change my words.
The People in 1984 Didn't Realize What Was Being Done to Them, Either

You did it right there, not practicing what you preach. When English was rational, he was always used where the forced and dysfunctional "he or she" or "they" is used in this New Age. It should go without saying that such OldSpeak also applies to him and himself.
The People in 1984 Didn't Realize What Was Being Done to Them, Either

You did it right there, not practicing what you preach. When English was rational, he was always used where the forced and dysfunctional "he or she" or "they" is used in this New Age. It should go without saying that such OldSpeak also applies to him and himself.
You caught me there. In theory, I HATE saying "them" as a substitute for "him or her," but language, you know, it just goes its own way.

Right now I'm making a big effort to use the nominative case after the verb "to be." DEAD out of fashion, but I remember when people did it.
You caught me there. In theory, I HATE saying "them" as a substitute for "him or her," but language, you know, it just goes its own way.

Right now I'm making a big effort to use the nominative case after the verb "to be." DEAD out of fashion, but I remember when people did it.
Penis-Envy Piranhas

Once again, the clumsy and unnecessary "he or she" was forced into the language, too, by the powerful Femininny clique. Unlike what the Limousine Lesbos mistakenly think, he is all we need.
You're so funny.

No seriously, I'm not trying to be funny. It's just awful if a Trump supporter supports abortion and I haven't seen any of his posts so I was asking you a legit question even though it's a bit off topic I admit.
I think you are confusing who the poster was referring to. I'm very much against abortion in nearly all case except rape or where the mother's life is at stake.

Yeah, she just told me that and I was just going to say something about it. Sorry about the misunderstanding. Rape babies you can always adopt out though, but back to the topic at hand.
No seriously, I'm not trying to be funny. It's just awful if a Trump supporter supports abortion and I haven't seen any of his posts so I was asking you a legit question even though it's a bit off topic I admit.
Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I was not aiming that comment at that poster, but at the poster who (allegedly) call them a murderer.
I'd say more like ignorance. If you looked up woke in the dictionary I bet you would find her picture right by it. She's Woke with a capital W.

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