Clilnton and Obama on TV, talking about ACA

I knew everything I needed to know about Obamacare when the Democrats had to bribe their own to vote for it and the Speaker of the House stated :

"We have to vote for it to see what's in it."

True story.........

I wonder, has any one person been able to read and understand the 20,000 pages of the bill yet? How about the 15,000 and growing pages of regulations it has generated?

Actually, as has been posted repeatedly and which the rw's have pointedly ignored - That's NOT a true story.

Really? Someone in Hollywood faked this?

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi Pass the Bill to find out what's in it - YouTube[/ame]
We need to file a freedom of information act request to find out who wrote H.R.3200

I would like to know who the people behind the curtain are.
They are describing how it works.

Yeah, I know how some of you hate ObamaCare, Obama, Clinton, yadda yadda. Nonetheless, you could be learning something right now.

Oh, but don't bother checking fux because they're not carrying this really important event. Why not? Because its important to keep the rw's ignorant.

If you want to EDUCATE YOURSELF, turn on MSNBC.

If you prefer to stay ignorant, turn on fux.

Your choice but don't whine that you don't know anything about ACA.

I know how it works, if you want to educate yourself read my posts.
Maybe you can teach me more but there have been hundreds of links posted and all the rw's can say is that they don't know.

I don't really care what you know or don't know. If you want to know more, you'll manage to find your way to google dot com and you'll learn.

If not, you won't.

Grow up. Its your business and your problem.

Not mine.
You know, I was thinking about responding to some of the right wing posts in this thread, but gave up when I realized I couldn't get that emotional over this and didn't want to cheat them with a disengenous reply.

This is a good thread and I do enjoy reading through it.

Ah, what the hell, I'll respond to one of them...
I knew everything I needed to know about Obamacare when the Democrats had to bribe their own to vote for it and the Speaker of the House stated :

"We have to vote for it to see what's in it."

True story.........

I wonder, has any one person been able to read and understand the 20,000 pages of the bill yet? How about the 15,000 and growing pages of regulations it has generated?
Did you feel this way about the Patriot Act?

Because if you didn't, shut your fuckin' mouth!
The world looks to Putin for global leadership while Obama looks to Clinton for domestic leadership

Obama, the downgraded president
We need to file a freedom of information act request to find out who wrote H.R.3200

I would like to know who the people behind the curtain are.

Google Liz Fowler

Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |

When the legislation that became known as "Obamacare" was first drafted, the key legislator was the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus, whose committee took the lead in drafting the legislation. As Baucus himself repeatedly boasted, the architect of that legislation was Elizabeth Folwer, his chief health policy counsel; indeed, as Marcy Wheeler discovered, it was Fowler who actually drafted it. As Politico put it at the time: "If you drew an organizational chart of major players in the Senate health care negotiations, Fowler would be the chief operating officer."

What was most amazing about all of that was that, before joining Baucus' office as the point person for the health care bill, Fowler was the Vice President for Public Policy and External Affairs (i.e. informal lobbying) at WellPoint, the nation's largest health insurance provider (before going to WellPoint, as well as after, Fowler had worked as Baucus' top health care aide). And when that health care bill was drafted, the person whom Fowler replaced as chief health counsel in Baucus' office, Michelle Easton, was lobbying for WellPoint as a principal at Tarplin, Downs, and Young.

Whatever one's views on Obamacare were and are: the bill's mandate that everyone purchase the products of the private health insurance industry, unaccompanied by any public alternative, was a huge gift to that industry; as Wheeler wrote at the time: "to the extent that Liz Fowler is the author of this document, we might as well consider WellPoint its author as well." Watch the five-minute Bill Moyers report from 2009, embedded below, on the key role played in all of this by Liz Fowler and the "revolving door" between the health insurance/lobbying industry and government officials at the time this bill was written and passed.

More amazingly still, when the Obama White House needed someone to oversee implementation of Obamacare after the bill passed, it chose . . . Liz Fowler. That the White House would put a former health insurance industry executive in charge of implementation of its new massive health care law was roundly condemned by good government groups as at least a violation of the "spirit" of governing ethics rules and even "gross", but those objections were, of course, brushed aside by the White House. She then became Special Assistant to the President for Healthcare and Economic Policy at the National Economic Council


But but but....LOLberals are against corporate interests swaying politics....unless, it's a democrat in the WH. Then, well, Bush did it! Or something!
I knew everything I needed to know about Obamacare when the Democrats had to bribe their own to vote for it and the Speaker of the House stated :

"We have to vote for it to see what's in it."

True story.........

I wonder, has any one person been able to read and understand the 20,000 pages of the bill yet? How about the 15,000 and growing pages of regulations it has generated?
Did you feel this way about the Patriot Act?

Because if you didn't, shut your fuckin' mouth!

Truth is dipshit i was very apprehensive about the patriot act. Still don't like parts of it but see the need for it. I do not at all like the way they have misused it under this administration though....

So shut your fucking mouth....

Some people have so little sense.......
We need to file a freedom of information act request to find out who wrote H.R.3200

I would like to know who the people behind the curtain are.

Google Liz Fowler

Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |

When the legislation that became known as "Obamacare" was first drafted, the key legislator was the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus, whose committee took the lead in drafting the legislation. As Baucus himself repeatedly boasted, the architect of that legislation was Elizabeth Folwer, his chief health policy counsel; indeed, as Marcy Wheeler discovered, it was Fowler who actually drafted it. As Politico put it at the time: "If you drew an organizational chart of major players in the Senate health care negotiations, Fowler would be the chief operating officer."

What was most amazing about all of that was that, before joining Baucus' office as the point person for the health care bill, Fowler was the Vice President for Public Policy and External Affairs (i.e. informal lobbying) at WellPoint, the nation's largest health insurance provider (before going to WellPoint, as well as after, Fowler had worked as Baucus' top health care aide). And when that health care bill was drafted, the person whom Fowler replaced as chief health counsel in Baucus' office, Michelle Easton, was lobbying for WellPoint as a principal at Tarplin, Downs, and Young.

Whatever one's views on Obamacare were and are: the bill's mandate that everyone purchase the products of the private health insurance industry, unaccompanied by any public alternative, was a huge gift to that industry; as Wheeler wrote at the time: "to the extent that Liz Fowler is the author of this document, we might as well consider WellPoint its author as well." Watch the five-minute Bill Moyers report from 2009, embedded below, on the key role played in all of this by Liz Fowler and the "revolving door" between the health insurance/lobbying industry and government officials at the time this bill was written and passed.

More amazingly still, when the Obama White House needed someone to oversee implementation of Obamacare after the bill passed, it chose . . . Liz Fowler. That the White House would put a former health insurance industry executive in charge of implementation of its new massive health care law was roundly condemned by good government groups as at least a violation of the "spirit" of governing ethics rules and even "gross", but those objections were, of course, brushed aside by the White House. She then became Special Assistant to the President for Healthcare and Economic Policy at the National Economic Council


But but but....LOLberals are against corporate interests swaying politics....unless, it's a democrat in the WH. Then, well, Bush did it! Or something!

It must have been the industry wrighting it through their lobbyist Elizabeth Folwer because,
Max Baucus, author of Obamacare, admits he never read his own bill
- When Baucus & Sebelius were asked "if either of you read the health care bill before it was passed" Max Baucus replied “I don’t think you want me to waste my time to read every page of the health care bill. You know why? It’s statutory language,” he said “We hire experts.”
Last edited:
Google Liz Fowler

Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |

When the legislation that became known as "Obamacare" was first drafted, the key legislator was the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus, whose committee took the lead in drafting the legislation. As Baucus himself repeatedly boasted, the architect of that legislation was Elizabeth Folwer, his chief health policy counsel; indeed, as Marcy Wheeler discovered, it was Fowler who actually drafted it. As Politico put it at the time: "If you drew an organizational chart of major players in the Senate health care negotiations, Fowler would be the chief operating officer."

What was most amazing about all of that was that, before joining Baucus' office as the point person for the health care bill, Fowler was the Vice President for Public Policy and External Affairs (i.e. informal lobbying) at WellPoint, the nation's largest health insurance provider (before going to WellPoint, as well as after, Fowler had worked as Baucus' top health care aide). And when that health care bill was drafted, the person whom Fowler replaced as chief health counsel in Baucus' office, Michelle Easton, was lobbying for WellPoint as a principal at Tarplin, Downs, and Young.

Whatever one's views on Obamacare were and are: the bill's mandate that everyone purchase the products of the private health insurance industry, unaccompanied by any public alternative, was a huge gift to that industry; as Wheeler wrote at the time: "to the extent that Liz Fowler is the author of this document, we might as well consider WellPoint its author as well." Watch the five-minute Bill Moyers report from 2009, embedded below, on the key role played in all of this by Liz Fowler and the "revolving door" between the health insurance/lobbying industry and government officials at the time this bill was written and passed.

More amazingly still, when the Obama White House needed someone to oversee implementation of Obamacare after the bill passed, it chose . . . Liz Fowler. That the White House would put a former health insurance industry executive in charge of implementation of its new massive health care law was roundly condemned by good government groups as at least a violation of the "spirit" of governing ethics rules and even "gross", but those objections were, of course, brushed aside by the White House. She then became Special Assistant to the President for Healthcare and Economic Policy at the National Economic Council


But but but....LOLberals are against corporate interests swaying politics....unless, it's a democrat in the WH. Then, well, Bush did it! Or something!

It must have been the industry wrighting it through their lobbyist Elizabeth Folwer because,
Max Baucus, author of Obamacare, admits he never read his own bill
- When Baucus & Sebelius were asked "if either of you read the health care bill before it was passed" Max Baucus replied “I don’t think you want me to waste my time to read every page of the health care bill. You know why? It’s statutory language,” he said “We hire experts.”

Surely rw's know that that bills are not written by congress.
Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |


But but but....LOLberals are against corporate interests swaying politics....unless, it's a democrat in the WH. Then, well, Bush did it! Or something!

It must have been the industry wrighting it through their lobbyist Elizabeth Folwer because,
Max Baucus, author of Obamacare, admits he never read his own bill
- When Baucus & Sebelius were asked "if either of you read the health care bill before it was passed" Max Baucus replied “I don’t think you want me to waste my time to read every page of the health care bill. You know why? It’s statutory language,” he said “We hire experts.”

Surely rw's know that that bills are not written by congress.

Maybe that's the problem......
It must have been the industry wrighting it through their lobbyist Elizabeth Folwer because,
Max Baucus, author of Obamacare, admits he never read his own bill
- When Baucus & Sebelius were asked "if either of you read the health care bill before it was passed" Max Baucus replied “I don’t think you want me to waste my time to read every page of the health care bill. You know why? It’s statutory language,” he said “We hire experts.”

Surely rw's know that that bills are not written by congress.

Maybe that's the problem......


IMO, its obscene.
Surely rw's know that that bills are not written by congress.

Maybe that's the problem......


IMO, its obscene.

And yet you support the Obama Tax bill even though it is a windfall for the insurance companies (and other helathcare related industries written by and for those very groups). Are you mental, or are you so incredibly partisan that you'd support "the presidents signature legislation" even though he didn't write it, lobbyists did?

How quaint.

Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |


But but but....LOLberals are against corporate interests swaying politics....unless, it's a democrat in the WH. Then, well, Bush did it! Or something!

It must have been the industry wrighting it through their lobbyist Elizabeth Folwer because,
Max Baucus, author of Obamacare, admits he never read his own bill
- When Baucus & Sebelius were asked "if either of you read the health care bill before it was passed" Max Baucus replied “I don’t think you want me to waste my time to read every page of the health care bill. You know why? It’s statutory language,” he said “We hire experts.”

Surely rw's know that that bills are not written by congress.

Surely you know how stupid you are.

Wait, that would require intelligence.

The fact is that, legally, laws are written by Congress. The law even requires the ones that say they wrote them to actually submit them with their names attacked so we know who to blame if something goes wrong. Yet you are defending people who admit they don't do the one thing you think they are supposed to do.

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