Climate change: 2015 will be the hottest year on record 'by a mile', experts say

What’s Really Melting: Obama’s Alaskan Lies

Alex Wong/Getty Images

by Steve Milloy1 Sep 201517

President Obama’s hike up the rapidly melting Exit Glacier today has run into some unfortunate buzzkill: reality.

The hike is supposed to be the high point of this week’s trip to Alaska, undertaken for the purpose of dramatizing global warming. The media pitch is that Exit Glacier has been rapidly retreating for decades because of global warming.

Sadly for the President’s play acting, though, the National Park Service previously reported that Exit Glacier has been exiting since at least the early 1800s — before the Industrial Revolution even got underway.

This isn’t the only intrusion of reality into the President’s staged climate drama.

While the President made big news announcing that he was changing the name of Mt. McKinley to Denali, the irony is that multiple glaciers there are actually expanding, according to the National Park Service, something hard to square with his global warming fantasy.

Also, while the media is busily hyping the storyline that Alaska is both melting and drowning, reality is more of a mixed bag.

First, surface temperature data from the National Climatic Data Center shows that the average temperature in Alaska isn’t much changed over the past 95 years.

Next, while sea level has apparently increased at parts of the Alaskan coastline, at other locations seal level has declined.

While in Alaska, John Kerry likened global warming to World War II. As over the top as that comparison is, Kerry is correct in one respect: climate alarmism has certainly blown science and reality to hell and back.

all of at:
What’s Really Melting: Obama’s Alaskan Lies - Breitbart

Scientific American Frontiers . Hot Times in Alaska. The Heat is On | PBS

Alaska's glaciers are melting. A University of Alaska group has been keeping track of 100 representative glaciers by taking precise height measurements from a specially equipped light plane. They've found that glaciers have been thinning for 50 years, and the rate is increasing. Their surfaces now are dropping an average of 6 feet a year. One result is staggering volumes of water added to the oceans-900 trillion gallons in the last 50 years from Alaska and western Canada alone, raising sea levels by about a quarter of an inch worldwide.

Alaska's permafrost, which underlies 85 percent of the land, also is heating up. Alan is shown boreholes sunk into the permafrost that are registering temperatures a fraction of a degree away from thawing, and he visits the Tanana River flats where collapsing "drunken forests" indicate that the underlying permafrost is already breaking up.



Certain insect pests thrive in warmer climates and are threatening to kill Alaska's vast boreal forests.

Everywhere, Alaska is getting warmer and dryer. Researchers analyzing satellite photographs have found that the state has lost 15 percent of its lake and pond area during the last 50 years. Forest scientist Glenn Juday shows Alan the insect pests that are thriving in the new warm conditions, and predicts that if present trends continue Alaska's vast boreal forest simply "won't be able to grow."

Of course a yellow rag like Breibart means more to you than real science.
Climate change: 2015 will be the hottest year on record 'by a mile', experts say
Even though there are still several months left in the year to gather temperature readings from around the world, climate researchers believe nothing short of a Krakatoa-sized volcanic eruption that cuts out sunlight for months on end can now stop last year’s record being beaten.

Utterly amazing! Nino enhanced warmth!!!!

This year will probably end up well into the .8c's on both surface datasets.

Sharpen up that pencil... Got whip those numbers up higher and ;lower the older ones... Got to show this year was theeeee HOOTTTESSSTTTT!...


I will call BU:LL SHIT! and I have empirical evidence to prove it! Why do you fools keep playing with broken models?
Given the globull scientists past record of fudging data....just saying
Given the dumb shit you have posted in the past, you have zero credibility. All accusations of your bettors, from someone about a 100 IQ points below the scientists.

I see no one showing any evidence that 2015 is not going to be the hottest ever.

Hottest ever?

Why do you keep on insisting the earth is only around 130 years old?

Damn pick up a history book once and a while...
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Given the globull scientists past record of fudging data....just saying
Given the dumb shit you have posted in the past, you have zero credibility. All accusations of your bettors, from someone about a 100 IQ points below the scientists.

I see no one showing any evidence that 2015 is not going to be the hottest ever.

Naww.. Just the satellite record that USED to agree perfectly with the surface data and for some strange reason -- known only to skeptics and politicians --- the surface data is going WAAAY out of whack... Won't be exceptional measured with space age technology out of the hands (largely) of activist political appointees like Gavin Schmidt at NASA...
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Climate change: 2015 will be the hottest year on record 'by a mile', experts say
Even though there are still several months left in the year to gather temperature readings from around the world, climate researchers believe nothing short of a Krakatoa-sized volcanic eruption that cuts out sunlight for months on end can now stop last year’s record being beaten.

Utterly amazing! Nino enhanced warmth!!!!

This year will probably end up well into the .8c's on both surface datasets.

Sharpen up that pencil... Got whip those numbers up higher and ;lower the older ones... Got to show this year was theeeee HOOTTTESSSTTTT!...


I will call BU:LL SHIT! and I have empirical evidence to prove it! Why do you fools keep playing with broken models?

That's land data from RSS.. Not gonna show the El Nino which WILL raise 2015 by a bit. I think intelligent folks can understand that an El Nino year is different from Global Climate change.. Just show the ENTIRE sat record. That's the only record that counts anyway..
Climate change: 2015 will be the hottest year on record 'by a mile', experts say
Even though there are still several months left in the year to gather temperature readings from around the world, climate researchers believe nothing short of a Krakatoa-sized volcanic eruption that cuts out sunlight for months on end can now stop last year’s record being beaten.

Utterly amazing! Nino enhanced warmth!!!!

This year will probably end up well into the .8c's on both surface datasets.

Sharpen up that pencil... Got whip those numbers up higher and ;lower the older ones... Got to show this year was theeeee HOOTTTESSSTTTT!...


I will call BU:LL SHIT! and I have empirical evidence to prove it! Why do you fools keep playing with broken models?

That's land data from RSS.. Not gonna show the El Nino which WILL raise 2015 by a bit. I think intelligent folks can understand that an El Nino year is different from Global Climate change.. Just show the ENTIRE sat record. That's the only record that counts anyway..

Like this one? Opps that's the old one..

Try this one..
RSS UAH comparison V6.JPG

Thats much better... Both from 1979 in two graphs...

ANd 1998 has this year beat to death by almost a full degree C!
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Given the globull scientists past record of fudging data....just saying
Given the dumb shit you have posted in the past, you have zero credibility. All accusations of your bettors, from someone about a 100 IQ points below the scientists.

I see no one showing any evidence that 2015 is not going to be the hottest ever.

Naww.. Just the satellite record that USED to agree perfectly with the surface data and for some strange reason -- known only to skeptics and politicians --- the surface data is going WAAAY out of whack... Won't be exceptional measured with space age technology out of the hands (largely) of activist political appointees like Gavin Schmidt at NASA...

His article yaps about how warm the ocean has been...I am still waiting for some to give me some day to day data on the ocean temperature between 1870 and 2004
Given the globull scientists past record of fudging data....just saying
Given the dumb shit you have posted in the past, you have zero credibility. All accusations of your bettors, from someone about a 100 IQ points below the scientists.

I see no one showing any evidence that 2015 is not going to be the hottest ever.

Naww.. Just the satellite record that USED to agree perfectly with the surface data and for some strange reason -- known only to skeptics and politicians --- the surface data is going WAAAY out of whack... Won't be exceptional measured with space age technology out of the hands (largely) of activist political appointees like Gavin Schmidt at NASA...

His article yaps about how warm the ocean has been...I am still waiting for some to give me some day to day data on the ocean temperature between 1870 and 2004

And make that ENOUGH ocean data to accurately figure out the GLOBAL ocean average for 1894... And while you're at it --- give us the VOLUMETRIC heating to depths of 700 meters.. And make it quick.... :badgrin:

And bring me an O'Doules.. I have to stay sober til my call to China tonight.. :beer:
Obama is a serial liar.

Obama continually claims AGW is a fact as he did today in Alaska.

Why would anyone believe anything a liar says?
What reason have I to give anything you post credibility?

And every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is a fact and that it is also a clear and present danger.
back at ya!!! Look up that word hypocrite yet and see your photo?
Obama is a serial liar.

Obama continually claims AGW is a fact as he did today in Alaska.

Why would anyone believe anything a liar says?
What reason have I to give anything you post credibility?

And every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is a fact and that it is also a clear and present danger.
hmmmm...And what have I told you socks. They lie, they all lie, Yes, yes yes, they all lie. Now until you post the experiment that gives them credibility, then you lie!!
The last time there was a major disagreement between Dr. Spencer's numbers, and those of the rest of the climate community, the result was one that Dr. Spencer does not like to talk about.
The last time there was a major disagreement between Dr. Spencer's numbers, and those of the rest of the climate community, the result was one that Dr. Spencer does not like to talk about.

Oh hell no.. The resultant change to the readings were in the 2nd digit right of the decimal point. Was a bit embarrassing --- but again --- not many groups tried to wrangle a team of 12 satellites and calibrate and normalize them. THIS TIME --- there is the RSS record to impugne. Making it 10 times harder for you and your warmernuts to claim problems with the satellite records. And just last month --- UAH brought out the last methodology that coincidentally gives even BETTER agreement with RSS.. Totally different signal processing -- Totally similar results for the entire fucking globe.. NOPE -- guess again who's cooking the books....

WDr. Gavin Schidmt... Carrying on the proud Hansen tradition of activism at NASA GISS...
Flac ... carrying on a proud tradition of finding hilariously bad justifications for ignoring all the real data.

Back in the real world, prelim results for August 2015 show an anomaly in the high .8's. Since the previous August record was +0.81C in 2014, it's basically a given that August 2015 will be found to be the hottest August in the historical record, continuing 2015's climb to a blowout record for hottest year.
Flac ... carrying on a proud tradition of finding hilariously bad justifications for ignoring all the real data.

Back in the real world, prelim results for August 2015 show an anomaly in the high .8's. Since the previous August record was +0.81C in 2014, it's basically a given that August 2015 will be found to be the hottest August in the historical record, continuing 2015's climb to a blowout record for hottest year.

Not a remarkable month in either of the satellite records. Matter of fact -- ALL of these historic record claims for 2015 are not backed by the satellite records that USED TO AGREE with NASA GISS.. What do YOU think is going on with that? I KNOW what's going on with the surface records. It's a high El Nino year and the kitchens at GISS are cooking the data.

Satellites will SHOW an El Nino bump.. But probably will be less or comparable to the 1998 bump...
Not a remarkable month in either of the satellite records. Matter of fact -- ALL of these historic record claims for 2015 are not backed by the satellite records that USED TO AGREE with NASA GISS.. What do YOU think is going on with that?

Like most people, I think the extremely complex, convoluted, fudged and twiddled satellite models are off.

I don't think the extremely reliable and straightforward surface temp measurements have been tampered with, given that there's never been a speck of evidence supporting such a deranged fantasy.

Finally, I'll point out the surface adjustments make the total warming look smaller, meaning that any conspiracy theory claiming the opposite can immediately be written off as being totally delusional.
Obama is a serial liar.

Obama continually claims AGW is a fact as he did today in Alaska.

Why would anyone believe anything a liar says?
What reason have I to give anything you post credibility?

And every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is a fact and that it is also a clear and present danger.

What reason should anyone give anything you post concerning AGW/CC any credibility?

After all, you do enjoy repeating the lies don't you? :eusa_liar: :cuckoo:
My, my, a bald statement without any indictation of what you are talking about. Nice emblem of Treason on the bottom there, also.

So tell me, who is directing this grand conspiracy that has the vast majority of scientists in the world telling us lies? Illumanti? The Masons? The Knights Templar? Tell me, must be some really powerful forces that can get all the different people from different nations and cultures to all agree to publish fraudelent papers in so many differant scientific journals. Tell me, oh all knowing person, Mr. Wildcard.

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