Climate Change Alarmists UNITE! ISIS Lights Mosul Oil Wells on Fire


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

They probably don't even believe in climate change because they are RACIST!!

The alt-left environmental movement should act swiftly and aggressively against these CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS.

ISIS is clearly racist. Look at all of those greenhouse gases that ISIS is putting into the atmosphere. THEY ARE MONSTERS!!!!

...they also throw homosexuals off of rooftops and execute women for getting raped...but I guess you have to pick your battles.

Iraqis in 'smoke-filled hell' as ISIS oil fires create LA-sized cloud

Mod Note: ColonelAngus No ALL CAP titles please ..

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They probably don't even believe in climate change because they are RACIST!!

The alt-left environmental movement should act swiftly and aggressively against these CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS.

ISIS is clearly racist. Look at all of those greenhouse gases that ISIS is putting into the atmosphere. THEY ARE MONSTERS!!!!

...they also throw homosexuals off of rooftops and execute women for getting raped...but I guess you have to pick your battles.

Iraqis in 'smoke-filled hell' as ISIS oil fires create LA-sized cloud


Looks like they heard Trump calling for stealing the Iraqi's oil and giving it to Exxon-Mobil.
One of his biggest gaffes that never got any coverage. Guess 20 yr locker room was more substantial to the media and the public..
This is a fake story . The righties told us months ago that Putin destroyed isis in one fell swoop!
How many tons of co2 per day does these oil wells burning release??? How severe would the cuts need to be to make up for it?

The isis is a bunch of religious assholes doing stupid shit.

They probably don't even believe in climate change because they are RACIST!!

The alt-left environmental movement should act swiftly and aggressively against these CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS.

ISIS is clearly racist. Look at all of those greenhouse gases that ISIS is putting into the atmosphere. THEY ARE MONSTERS!!!!

...they also throw homosexuals off of rooftops and execute women for getting raped...but I guess you have to pick your battles.

Iraqis in 'smoke-filled hell' as ISIS oil fires create LA-sized cloud


Looks like they heard Trump calling for stealing the Iraqi's oil and giving it to Exxon-Mobil.
One of his biggest gaffes that never got any coverage. Guess 20 yr locker room was more substantial to the media and the public..

Yep. That's why they lit fire to the wells.

By lighting the wells on fire, ISIS has created a million environmentalists...way to go, ISIS, you will now be used as alt-conservationist propoganda. I hope you guys are happy!
I am guessing that the co2 pollution produced by these open air fires has to be pretty big?
I know liberals don't care about ISIS throwIng gays off of buildings and executing women who have the audacity to get raped. (It's their fault for tempting the men)...but it's a new day when those that worship at the altar of change ignore this horrible attack on the environment and the world. This means New York City will be underwater EVEN SOONER THAN AL GORE TOLD YOU US.

I guess if you can't manufacture bullshit fear here at home then liberals don't care.

The extent of the liberal concern of their "causes" is domestic political gain and nothing more.

Wow, what idealists!!!!
You really think that I don't condemn these religious animals for their violent behavior against women, children and gays? This is part of what I fear will come here with the religious nutz at home...
I know liberals don't care about ISIS throwIng gays off of buildings and executing women who have the audacity to get raped. (It's their fault for tempting the men)...but it's a new day when those that worship at the altar of change ignore this horrible attack on the environment and the world. This means New York City will be underwater EVEN SOONER THAN AL GORE TOLD YOU US.

I guess if you can't manufacture bullshit fear here at home then liberals don't care.

The extent of the liberal concern of their "causes" is domestic political gain and nothing more.

Wow, what idealists!!!!
Wow, what a lot of shit from ColonelAnalgus. The little cocksuck simply lacks the intellect to argue the points honestly.
I know liberals don't care about ISIS throwIng gays off of buildings and executing women who have the audacity to get raped. (It's their fault for tempting the men)...but it's a new day when those that worship at the altar of change ignore this horrible attack on the environment and the world. This means New York City will be underwater EVEN SOONER THAN AL GORE TOLD YOU US.

I guess if you can't manufacture bullshit fear here at home then liberals don't care.

The extent of the liberal concern of their "causes" is domestic political gain and nothing more.

Wow, what idealists!!!!
Here's why... they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. They act like religious fanatics because they are religious fanatics. Pass it on.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.
Ah... Ding stands up. But I'm wondering what this has to do with the environment.
I fail to see any link between my comments and my objectivity or reliability as a witness (to what we are not told). I definitely see nothing here relating to any discussion of the environment.
I fail to see any link between my comments and my objectivity or reliability as a witness (to what we are not told). I definitely see nothing here relating to any discussion of the environment.
I would have been shocked if you had recognized it and even more amazed if you would have admitted it.

Is your reply button broken?
You're getting better and better at not answering. What link do you find between "Ah... Ding stands up. But I'm wondering what this has to do with the environment." and my objectivity and reliability?
You're getting better and better at not answering. What link do you find between "Ah... Ding stands up. But I'm wondering what this has to do with the environment." and my objectivity and reliability?
I already answered that. It proves that you are an unreliable witness when it comes to the environment.
Your statements and reality do not map.

Are you happy about the Mosul oil well fires? They will move us closer and closer to your 600 ppm goal. BTW, does your ideal world have polar bear, walrus or leopard seals?
You know, part of the problem is that Iraq doesn't have the infrastructure nor the knowledge of how to fight these fires.

What should the oil companies do? Find some fire fighters that were trained by Red Adair (the famous oil rig firefighter who figured out how to put them out with explosives), and send them over there to put them out.

Ever day they burn is just more crap in the atmosphere.

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