Climate change and moral judgement


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
Climate change and moral judgement

Converging evidence from the behavioural and brain sciences suggests that the human moral judgement system is not well equipped to identify climate change — a complex, large-scale and unintentionally caused phenomenon — as an important moral imperative. As climate change fails to generate strong moral intuitions, it does not motivate an urgent need for action in the way that other moral imperatives do. We review six reasons why climate change poses significant challenges to our moral judgement system and describe six strategies that communicators might use to confront these challenges. Enhancing moral intuitions about climate change may motivate greater support for ameliorative actions and policies.
Six psychological challenges posed by climate change to the human moral judgement system.
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Abstractness and cognitive complexity [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The abstract nature of climate change makes it non-intuitive and cognitively effortful to grasp
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]The blamelessness of unintentional action
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The human moral judgement system is finely tuned to react to intentional transgressions [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Guilty bias [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Anthropogenic climate change provokes self-defensive biases [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Uncertainty breeds wishful thinking [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The lack of definitive prognoses results in unreasonable optimism [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Moral tribalism [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The politicization of climate change fosters ideological polarization [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Long time horizons and faraway places [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Out-group victims fall by the wayside [/FONT][/FONT]

Six psychological strategies that communicators can use to bolster the recognition of climate change as a moral imperative.
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Use existing moral values[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Frame climate change using more broadly held values that appeal to untapped demographics[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Burdens versus benefits
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Focus messaging on the costs, not benefits, that we may impose on future generations[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Emotional carrots[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Whitney Semibold,Whitney Semibold][FONT=Whitney Semibold,Whitney Semibold], [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]not sticks[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Motivate action through appeals to hope, pride and gratitude rather than guilt, shame and anxiety[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Be wary of extrinsic motivators[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Pushing action on climate change as ‘good business’ may backfire[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Expand group identity[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Increase identification with and empathy for future generations and people living in other places[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Highlight positive social norms[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Leverage human susceptibility to social influence and approval[/FONT][/FONT]

...Fortunately, recent insights may point the way towards effective strategies to combat these challenges and increase recognition of action on climate change as a moral imperative; doing so may be particularly useful in motivating widespread public support for political action...

Worth a look through for those interested in more than simply discussing the issue casually on a political message board.

The problem with climate change isn't a moral one. It's a scientific issue. The evidence for AGW is weak, to say the least. Without strong evidence of a pending catastrophe, there is no moral issue involved. The premise of your entire post is therefore pure caca

Climate change and moral judgement

Converging evidence from the behavioural and brain sciences suggests that the human moral judgement system is not well equipped to identify climate change — a complex, large-scale and unintentionally caused phenomenon — as an important moral imperative. As climate change fails to generate strong moral intuitions, it does not motivate an urgent need for action in the way that other moral imperatives do. We review six reasons why climate change poses significant challenges to our moral judgement system and describe six strategies that communicators might use to confront these challenges. Enhancing moral intuitions about climate change may motivate greater support for ameliorative actions and policies.
Six psychological challenges posed by climate change to the human moral judgement system.
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Abstractness and cognitive complexity [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The abstract nature of climate change makes it non-intuitive and cognitively effortful to grasp
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]The blamelessness of unintentional action
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The human moral judgement system is finely tuned to react to intentional transgressions [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Guilty bias [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Anthropogenic climate change provokes self-defensive biases [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Uncertainty breeds wishful thinking [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The lack of definitive prognoses results in unreasonable optimism [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Moral tribalism [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The politicization of climate change fosters ideological polarization [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Long time horizons and faraway places [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Out-group victims fall by the wayside [/FONT][/FONT]

Six psychological strategies that communicators can use to bolster the recognition of climate change as a moral imperative.
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Use existing moral values[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Frame climate change using more broadly held values that appeal to untapped demographics[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Burdens versus benefits
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Focus messaging on the costs, not benefits, that we may impose on future generations[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Emotional carrots[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Whitney Semibold,Whitney Semibold][FONT=Whitney Semibold,Whitney Semibold], [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]not sticks[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Motivate action through appeals to hope, pride and gratitude rather than guilt, shame and anxiety[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Be wary of extrinsic motivators[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Pushing action on climate change as ‘good business’ may backfire[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Expand group identity[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Increase identification with and empathy for future generations and people living in other places[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Highlight positive social norms[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Leverage human susceptibility to social influence and approval[/FONT][/FONT]

...Fortunately, recent insights may point the way towards effective strategies to combat these challenges and increase recognition of action on climate change as a moral imperative; doing so may be particularly useful in motivating widespread public support for political action...

Worth a look through for those interested in more than simply discussing the issue casually on a political message board.

The problem with climate change isn't a moral one. It's a scientific issue. The evidence for AGW is weak, to say the least. Without strong evidence of a pending catastrophe, there is no moral issue involved. The premise of your entire post is therefore pure caca

Your lies, errors and confused misunderstandings of the science, much less the fringe political conspiracies you delusionally root such fantasies to, are irrelevent to this thread, but feel free to cite compelling evidence in support of your ravings.
Climate change and moral judgement

Converging evidence from the behavioural and brain sciences suggests that the human moral judgement system is not well equipped to identify climate change — a complex, large-scale and unintentionally caused phenomenon — as an important moral imperative. As climate change fails to generate strong moral intuitions, it does not motivate an urgent need for action in the way that other moral imperatives do. We review six reasons why climate change poses significant challenges to our moral judgement system and describe six strategies that communicators might use to confront these challenges. Enhancing moral intuitions about climate change may motivate greater support for ameliorative actions and policies.
Six psychological challenges posed by climate change to the human moral judgement system.
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Abstractness and cognitive complexity [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The abstract nature of climate change makes it non-intuitive and cognitively effortful to grasp
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]The blamelessness of unintentional action
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The human moral judgement system is finely tuned to react to intentional transgressions [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Guilty bias [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Anthropogenic climate change provokes self-defensive biases [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Uncertainty breeds wishful thinking [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The lack of definitive prognoses results in unreasonable optimism [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Moral tribalism [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]The politicization of climate change fosters ideological polarization [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Long time horizons and faraway places [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Out-group victims fall by the wayside [/FONT][/FONT]

Six psychological strategies that communicators can use to bolster the recognition of climate change as a moral imperative.
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Use existing moral values[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Frame climate change using more broadly held values that appeal to untapped demographics[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Burdens versus benefits
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Focus messaging on the costs, not benefits, that we may impose on future generations[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Emotional carrots[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Whitney Semibold,Whitney Semibold][FONT=Whitney Semibold,Whitney Semibold], [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]not sticks[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Motivate action through appeals to hope, pride and gratitude rather than guilt, shame and anxiety[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Be wary of extrinsic motivators[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Pushing action on climate change as ‘good business’ may backfire[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Expand group identity[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Increase identification with and empathy for future generations and people living in other places[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium][FONT=Whitney Medium,Whitney Medium]Highlight positive social norms[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book][FONT=Whitney Book,Whitney Book]Leverage human susceptibility to social influence and approval[/FONT][/FONT]

...Fortunately, recent insights may point the way towards effective strategies to combat these challenges and increase recognition of action on climate change as a moral imperative; doing so may be particularly useful in motivating widespread public support for political action...

Worth a look through for those interested in more than simply discussing the issue casually on a political message board.

Ahh...The invocation of morality, and what ecological heathens the skeptics are.

As though we needed more evidence that the anthropogenic Goebbels warming scam is a pseudo-scientific religious cult....But we'll take it.

Good job. :thup:

Just amazingly desparate... THe folks on the left with no sense of self-preservation providing the Charlie Brown 5c Psych Booth..

Go heal yourself --- And PASS THE PROZAC !!!!!

:wtf: :huddle: :wtf:
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Ahh...The invocation of morality, and what ecological heathens the skeptics are.

Nah, not heathens, pagans maybe, but mostly pitifully arrogant idiots determined to stand their ground regardless of facts, evidence or reality.

Good job. :thup:

Thank-you, you as well, without your presence, no one would believe that people like you really exist, outside of state run facillities!
Ahh...The invocation of morality, and what ecological heathens the skeptics are.

Nah, not heathens, pagans maybe, but mostly pitifully arrogant idiots determined to stand their ground regardless of facts, evidence or reality.

Good job. :thup:

Thank-you, you as well, without your presence, no one would believe that people like you really exist, outside of state run facillities!

:lol::lol: Religious anti-science zealots are ruling the roost with the AGW crowd....and it shows! Human brains incapable of recognizing blah, blah, blah. Priceless, truly priceless.
At the time that we are actually engineering with the basis of evolution, there are still those that deny the existance of evolution. Just as today, there are those who demonstrate their willfull ignorance by denying the science and evidence behind the AGW.

At this point we are no longer speaking of prevention but consequences now visible on a daily basis. Eventually, there will be a disaster big enough to force action, then these same people will be crying dictatorship, provided they are not victims of the disaster.
At the time that we are actually engineering with the basis of evolution, there are still those that deny the existance of evolution. Just as today, there are those who demonstrate their willfull ignorance by denying the science and evidence behind the AGW.

At this point we are no longer speaking of prevention but consequences now visible on a daily basis. Eventually, there will be a disaster big enough to force action, then these same people will be crying dictatorship, provided they are not victims of the disaster.

Really? Do tell. And no computer models are allowed. Also you must show categorically (with observed data) how any weather "event" of today is any different from those that have happened in the past. That's called science. You might want to learn how to do it.
Ah yes, Walleyes, real scientists don't know how to do science. Just a anonymous poster on a message board understands how to do science.

The science has been done. There is an overwhelming consensus among real scientists as to what is happening. Those in denial for reasons of politics stand out as fools, unworthy to be heard on any subject. Anyone that can lie to themselves on an issue as clear as this is clearly delusional.
At the time that we are actually engineering with the basis of evolution, there are still those that deny the existance of evolution. Just as today, there are those who demonstrate their willfull ignorance by denying the science and evidence behind the AGW.

At this point we are no longer speaking of prevention but consequences now visible on a daily basis. Eventually, there will be a disaster big enough to force action, then these same people will be crying dictatorship, provided they are not victims of the disaster.

You and Trakar make an efficient (and entertaining) AGW cell... You got the moral and intellectual judgements on one hand and the prophetic damnation and hellfire on the other..

All you need is a big white tent and some snakes..

THought you said you weren't preaching endtimes anymore gramps??
Ahh...The invocation of morality, and what ecological heathens the skeptics are.

Nah, not heathens, pagans maybe, but mostly pitifully arrogant idiots determined to stand their ground regardless of facts, evidence or reality.

Good job. :thup:

Thank-you, you as well, without your presence, no one would believe that people like you really exist, outside of state run facillities!

:lol::lol: Religious anti-science zealots are ruling the roost with the AGW crowd....and it shows! Human brains incapable of recognizing blah, blah, blah. Priceless, truly priceless.

hold your breath and stomp your feet, maybe the world will magically change to cater to your delusions!

btw, isn't it past your bedtime?
At the time that we are actually engineering with the basis of evolution, there are still those that deny the existance of evolution. Just as today, there are those who demonstrate their willfull ignorance by denying the science and evidence behind the AGW.

At this point we are no longer speaking of prevention but consequences now visible on a daily basis. Eventually, there will be a disaster big enough to force action, then these same people will be crying dictatorship, provided they are not victims of the disaster.

At the time that we are actually engineering with the basis of evolution, there are still those that deny the existance of evolution. Just as today, there are those who demonstrate their willfull ignorance by denying the science and evidence behind the AGW.

At this point we are no longer speaking of prevention but consequences now visible on a daily basis. Eventually, there will be a disaster big enough to force action, then these same people will be crying dictatorship, provided they are not victims of the disaster.

You and Trakar make an efficient (and entertaining) AGW cell... You got the moral and intellectual judgements on one hand and the prophetic damnation and hellfire on the other..

All you need is a big white tent and some snakes..

THought you said you weren't preaching endtimes anymore gramps??

:lmao::lmao::lmao: Can I get an AMEN brother!
Nah, not heathens, pagans maybe, but mostly pitifully arrogant idiots determined to stand their ground regardless of facts, evidence or reality.

Thank-you, you as well, without your presence, no one would believe that people like you really exist, outside of state run facillities!

:lol::lol: Religious anti-science zealots are ruling the roost with the AGW crowd....and it shows! Human brains incapable of recognizing blah, blah, blah. Priceless, truly priceless.

hold your breath and stomp your feet, maybe the world will magically change to cater to your delusions!

btw, isn't it past your bedtime?

Hey, it's your cult silly person. Science doesn't do morality. That is the perview of the religions of the world. Science isn't about "truth". That is the realm of religion, science is about testing and observing the natural world.

We KNOW that observations made today may very well be proven incorrect with the development of better instruments (as happens frequently) it is only within the cult of AGW that certainty exists. Yet another example of the now pseudo scientific nature of climatology.

And yes, it is past my bedtime but I'm watching NASA TV. Thanks for asking.
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Hey, it's your cult silly person. Science doesn't do morality. That is the perview of the religions of the world. Science isn't about "truth". That is the realm of religion, science is about testing and observing the natural world.

We KNOW that observations made today may very well be proven incorrect with the development of better instruments (as happens frequently) it is only within the cult of AGW that certainty exists. Yet another example of the now pseudo scientific nature of climatology.

And yes, it is past my bedtime but I'm watching NASA TV. Thanks for asking.

Sounds like your meds need adjusting again, either that or you're doing shots of lighter fluid again.
At the time that we are actually engineering with the basis of evolution, there are still those that deny the existance of evolution. Just as today, there are those who demonstrate their willfull ignorance by denying the science and evidence behind the AGW.

At this point we are no longer speaking of prevention but consequences now visible on a daily basis. Eventually, there will be a disaster big enough to force action, then these same people will be crying dictatorship, provided they are not victims of the disaster.

That's why you find Mass Graves at the end of every Progressive rainbow.

You are a fucking, frothing member of a Cult that is Fascist and can't wait to strangle Western Civilization.

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