The vast majority of temperature stations are not working, and about half of whats left isno longer calibrated properly or set up properly. So NOAA just makes shit up.
Meanwhile the sattelite data that is reading the entire planet, sees the earth COOLINGnot warming.
Global Temperatures Are Mostly Fake | Real Science
The issue Ray alludes to is that in addition to the issue
of many more drifters providing measurements over the last
5-10 years, the measurements are coming in from places where
we didn’t have much ship data in the past. For much of the SH between 40 and 60S the normals are mostly made up as there is very little ship data there.
relying on a blog created by a science denier?
this is why you don't know anything.
oh....and idiota, that loony claim that the numbers are faked.....
pants on fire lie.
"In June 2014, Goddard (the loon who created your fake BS) attracted considerable media attention for his claims that
NASA had manipulated temperature data to make it appear that 1998 was the hottest year in United States history. In fact, he claimed, it was 1934, but NASA had started incorrectly citing 1998 as the hottest year beginning in 2000.
[6] Goddard had been promoting these claims for years before this, including in a chapter of a book by
Don Easterbrook,
[7] but the mainstream media had not paid significant attention to it before then.
[8] Those who promoted the claim included
Christopher Booker, in a June 21 article in the Daily Telegraph,
[9] and
Fox News Channel host
Steve Doocy three days later in a
Fox and Friends segment.
The claim was dismissed by, which rated it as "pants on fire"—its lowest possible rating. Politifact contacted
Berkeley Earth energy systems analyst and environmental economist Zeke Hausfather,
[10] who told them that the problem with Goddard's analysis was that it ignored the changes the network of U.S. weather stations had undergone over the last eighty years.
[11] Goddard's claims were also criticized by fellow climate skeptic
Anthony Watts, who argued that his assertions of data fabrication were "wrong", and criticized him for using absolute temperatures rather than anomalies in his analysis.
Steven Goddard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia