Climate Data from NOAA Mostly Faked

The vast majority of temperature stations are not working, and about half of whats left isno longer calibrated properly or set up properly. So NOAA just makes shit up.

Meanwhile the sattelite data that is reading the entire planet, sees the earth COOLINGnot warming.

Global Temperatures Are Mostly Fake | Real Science

The issue Ray alludes to is that in addition to the issue
of many more drifters providing measurements over the last
5-10 years, the measurements are coming in from places where
we didn’t have much ship data in the past. For much of the SH between 40 and 60S the normals are mostly made up as there is very little ship data there.

It is amazing that anyone even believes this crap about global warming.........or climate change............and they say we are anti science......

We want actual science...not politically motivated/agenda driven science.....
The vast majority of temperature stations are not working, and about half of whats left isno longer calibrated properly or set up properly. So NOAA just makes shit up.

Meanwhile the sattelite data that is reading the entire planet, sees the earth COOLINGnot warming.

Global Temperatures Are Mostly Fake | Real Science

The issue Ray alludes to is that in addition to the issue
of many more drifters providing measurements over the last
5-10 years, the measurements are coming in from places where
we didn’t have much ship data in the past. For much of the SH between 40 and 60S the normals are mostly made up as there is very little ship data there.

relying on a blog created by a science denier?

this is why you don't know anything.

oh....and idiota, that loony claim that the numbers are faked.....

pants on fire lie. :cuckoo:

"In June 2014, Goddard (the loon who created your fake BS) attracted considerable media attention for his claims that NASA had manipulated temperature data to make it appear that 1998 was the hottest year in United States history. In fact, he claimed, it was 1934, but NASA had started incorrectly citing 1998 as the hottest year beginning in 2000.[6] Goddard had been promoting these claims for years before this, including in a chapter of a book by Don Easterbrook,[7] but the mainstream media had not paid significant attention to it before then.[8] Those who promoted the claim included Christopher Booker, in a June 21 article in the Daily Telegraph,[9] and Fox News Channel host Steve Doocy three days later in a Fox and Friends segment.

The claim was dismissed by, which rated it as "pants on fire"—its lowest possible rating. Politifact contacted Berkeley Earth energy systems analyst and environmental economist Zeke Hausfather,[10] who told them that the problem with Goddard's analysis was that it ignored the changes the network of U.S. weather stations had undergone over the last eighty years.[11] Goddard's claims were also criticized by fellow climate skeptic Anthony Watts, who argued that his assertions of data fabrication were "wrong", and criticized him for using absolute temperatures rather than anomalies in his analysis.[12]"

Steven Goddard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh....Politifact..........the leftwing temple of truth......:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
The vast majority of temperature stations are not working, and about half of whats left isno longer calibrated properly or set up properly. So NOAA just makes shit up.

Meanwhile the sattelite data that is reading the entire planet, sees the earth COOLINGnot warming.

Global Temperatures Are Mostly Fake | Real Science

The issue Ray alludes to is that in addition to the issue
of many more drifters providing measurements over the last
5-10 years, the measurements are coming in from places where
we didn’t have much ship data in the past. For much of the SH between 40 and 60S the normals are mostly made up as there is very little ship data there.

relying on a blog created by a science denier?

this is why you don't know anything.

Did you look at the NOAA data?

There's a thread on it

Now, why would you go around and fuck up a perfectly good ad hominem attack with real data?
You've seen the data?
The vast majority of temperature stations are not working, and about half of whats left isno longer calibrated properly or set up properly. So NOAA just makes shit up.

Meanwhile the sattelite data that is reading the entire planet, sees the earth COOLINGnot warming.

Global Temperatures Are Mostly Fake | Real Science

The issue Ray alludes to is that in addition to the issue
of many more drifters providing measurements over the last
5-10 years, the measurements are coming in from places where
we didn’t have much ship data in the past. For much of the SH between 40 and 60S the normals are mostly made up as there is very little ship data there.

Tell us something we didn't know.
Mine was the real data. His was the ad hom.

Pity. I had high hopes that you wouldn't be yet another hack
The real data shows no significant warming in nearly 20 years.

Why would I, or anyone else, give fuck number one about your hopes for me? Get over yourself.
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Conspiracy theories are literally all the global warming denier kooks have now.
You are such a freaking laugh.

The satellite data show the planet cooling and it if the ENTIRE planet, not just a fraction of its surface.

And just because you cant wrap your tiny brain around it, many conspiracies do happen, fromt he local drug dealers network to foreign intelligence operating in the USA to government officials using ghost employ positions to enrich themselves.

Again you demonstrate that you are a moron.




Rigged data to sponge more money off American tax payers for bullshit when we could be going to MArs, building maglev trains from city to city and supplementing our college sciences and engineering funding.
Tell me, JimBo, did they rig the glaciers that I have walked on in the Cascades and Rockies to melt this whole time? Are you saying that all the people that moniter the various satellites that the US, the EU, Japan, China, and Russia have put up are all in on a giant conspiracy to fool all of us? Do you need cash for more tinfoil for your little hats?
Tell me, JimBo, did they rig the glaciers that I have walked on in the Cascades and Rockies to melt this whole time?

Some glaciers are receding and some are GROWING. By ignoring the ones growing, you liars are making the deck stacked and the phenomena misleading.

Are you saying that all the people that moniter the various satellites that the US, the EU, Japan, China, and Russia have put up are all in on a giant conspiracy to fool all of us?

Big Drop In June Temperatures According To UAH
Roy Spencer has news of a big drop in satellite temperatures last month:

Second largest 2-month drop in global average satellite temperatures.
Largest 2-month drop in tropical average satellite temperatures....

The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for June, 2016 is +0.34 deg. C, down 0.21 deg. C from the May value of +0.55 deg. C (click for full size version):

This gives a 2-month temperature fall of -0.37 deg. C, which is the second largest in the 37+ year satellite record…the largest was -0.43 deg. C in Feb. 1988....


The June anomaly is well below the dashed red line which represents the average cooling rate required for the rest of 2016 to tie 1998 as the warmest year in the satellite record. So far my prediction that 2016 will end up being a new record warm year is not shaping up too well…the cooling we are seeing in the troposphere really is spectacular.

Do you need cash for more tinfoil for your little hats?

No, I dont try to protect myself from reality the way you libtards do.
Tell me, JimBo, did they rig the glaciers that I have walked on in the Cascades and Rockies to melt this whole time? Are you saying that all the people that moniter the various satellites that the US, the EU, Japan, China, and Russia have put up are all in on a giant conspiracy to fool all of us? Do you need cash for more tinfoil for your little hats?

Well we know your list of scientist include scientist who study worms...are the ones relying on the NOAA and signing off on it
We covered this before, record keeping in Alaska for example didn't start till the 1950s..also the thread on a thermometer hard it is to read one to a degree.
Idiots like Mamooth think that you can take multiple measurements of three significant digits and wind up with a dozen significant digits.

Most of the temperatures taken in the 1800's were accurate to only one degree, but they use them to get calculations to one hundredth degree accuracy, which is horse shit.
We covered this before, record keeping in Alaska for example didn't start till the 1950s..also the thread on a thermometer hard it is to read one to a degree.
Idiots like Mamooth think that you can take multiple measurements of three significant digits and wind up with a dozen significant digits.

Most of the temperatures taken in the 1800's were accurate to only one degree, but they use them to get calculations to one hundredth degree accuracy, which is horse shit.

What they have is 100 or so data taken off theremomter readings from the late 1800 in the northern hemisphere.

And now comparing it with thousands of data taken from modern computers including data from the southern hemisphere and saying ureka!!!

The earth warmed up to 4 hundredths of a degree in a 100 years

Or say look at melting glaciers that have been melting since the last ice age

The AGW cult is stupid beyond comprehension.
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