Climate Fraud: The Beginning

Yeah ... pretty damn amazing that the one I click didn't support your claim, it doesn't refute your claim either ... no, I haven't read any others ...

Finding a warm wet period between 100 and 1200 does support my claim. There are multiple colored balloons on that map...the red ones take you to studies that found that the MWP was warmer than the present...if you want to find studies that found that it was cooler, then click on the blue ones...although there aren't nearly as many.

If you're familiar with the ice core data, then you can see temperatures go up and back down over a 125,000 year period ... there's a lot of speculation why this is so, but no one knows for sure ... there's far more about the climate we don't know than we do ... research continues ...

I am familiar with the data...I would question your familiarity with it however...The GISP2 data for example, is considered a gold standard for temperature reconstructions over the past 10,000 years. It shows temperature changes with a resolution of between 100 and 200 years.

And shows that multiple times where the amount of, and rate of change happened far more quickly than the meager change we have seen in the past 150 years...and it shows that the present is considerably cooler than most of the past 10K years.


The Vostok ice core data for the past 10,000 years are also considered to be gold standard reconstructions. That data also has a resolution of less than 200 years....They show similar temperature spikes over the past 10K years. And they show that the present is cooler than it has been for much of the past 10,000 years.

I'd prefer to keep it to one subject for this thread. Michael Mann's hockey stick.


It's been confirmed multiple ways.

Everyone saying it's something sinister has been confirmed to be a fraud.

he will not allow anyone to see his "data".

Erratum: corrigendum: Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries

The data is readily available to anyone. It has always been available.

Your cult lied to your face about that, and you fell for it. You should ask your cult why they lied to you like that. That's presuming that you have a spine, and that you think lying is a bad thing.

This is a scientist? Fraud.

Do you feel any regret over your role in pushing your cult's fraud, or do you only regret getting busted for your small role in the fraud?
why didn't Mann just show his data at court?
I'd prefer to keep it to one subject for this thread. Michael Mann's hockey stick.


It's been confirmed multiple ways.

Everyone saying it's something sinister has been confirmed to be a fraud.

he will not allow anyone to see his "data".

Erratum: corrigendum: Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries

The data is readily available to anyone. It has always been available.

Your cult lied to your face about that, and you fell for it. You should ask your cult why they lied to you like that. That's presuming that you have a spine, and that you think lying is a bad thing.

This is a scientist? Fraud.

Do you feel any regret over your role in pushing your cult's fraud, or do you only regret getting busted for your small role in the fraud?
why didn't Mann just show his data at court?

Because actually showing his data will be a career ending event...he will do anything up to and including going to jail to avoid showing that jail he will be a poor victim...if he ever shows the data he is a fraud and there will be no plausible deniability...
It's hard to understand the denier cult ravings now, being how they all buried their heads in the sand when I pointed them right to Mann's data.

The lesson we learn is that they say what the cult tells them to say, no matter how stupid and reality-defying it may be. If the cult told them the sky was green, they'd repeat that, and scream hatred at anyone who said the sky was blue.
There are multiple colored balloons on that map

And they're all nonsense, part of a scam.

So, you fell for the fraud.

Thing is, nobody with a brain fell for the fraud. And they never will, no matter how often you push the fraud. The scientific community knows how your fraud works, and you can't scam them with it. You can't scam any honest and informed person with it. You're just preaching to your fraud cult here.
There are multiple colored balloons on that map

And they're all nonsense, part of a scam.

So, you fell for the fraud.

Thing is, nobody with a brain fell for the fraud. And they never will, no matter how often you push the fraud. The scientific community knows how your fraud works, and you can't scam them with it. You can't scam any honest and informed person with it. You're just preaching to your fraud cult here.
and yet still no observed or measured empirical evidence. thanks for continuing with the nonsense. I'm sure your handlers thank you .
and yet still no observed or measured empirical evidence. thanks for continuing with the nonsense. I'm sure your handlers thank you .

So, why did you lie about Mann not showing evidence at court?

Who told you that lie, and why did you fall for it?
and yet still no observed or measured empirical evidence. thanks for continuing with the nonsense. I'm sure your handlers thank you .

So, why did you lie about Mann not showing evidence at court?

Who told you that lie, and why did you fall for it?
He didn’t. You can show the link where he did!
He didn’t. You can show the link where he did!

I clearly can't show him producing something he wasn't asked for.

The burden of proof is on you here. You need to show, in the court proceedings, where such specific evidence was asked for. So far, none of the deniers have been able to do that. That's because they just made it up.
There are multiple colored balloons on that map

And they're all nonsense, part of a scam.

So, you fell for the fraud.

Thing is, nobody with a brain fell for the fraud. And they never will, no matter how often you push the fraud. The scientific community knows how your fraud works, and you can't scam them with it. You can't scam any honest and informed person with it. You're just preaching to your fraud cult here.
No...You fucking idiot... Those colored balloons show the stations divergence from reality due to poor siting.. The RED ones indicate the station is off by as much +/- 5 deg F. That is a 10 deg F temperature range.. And you idiots want us to believe that your accuracy is +/- 0.01 deg C.. laughable loony left thinks they can remove errors 100 times their fantasy..
He didn’t. You can show the link where he did!

I clearly can't show him producing something he wasn't asked for.

The burden of proof is on you here. You need to show, in the court proceedings, where such specific evidence was asked for. So far, none of the deniers have been able to do that. That's because they just made it up.
What a liar... This is why I ignore you... You lie and when your caught you spout it again..
What a liar... This is why I ignore you... You lie and when your caught you spout it again..

So, where are the court proceedings that show Mann refusing to produce data that the court asked for?

Oh, that's right. You can't produce any such thing, because it's just another fraud that you're trying to push.

And I busted you for it. And now you're crying. Some things never change.
What a liar... This is why I ignore you... You lie and when your caught you spout it again..

So, where are the court proceedings that show Mann refusing to produce data that the court asked for?

Oh, that's right. You can't produce any such thing, because it's just another fraud that you're trying to push.

And I busted you for it. And now you're crying. Some things never change.

Mann is a fraud... Failing to produce his work makes him one... :aug08_031:
No...You fucking idiot... Those colored balloons show the stations divergence from reality due to poor siting.. The RED ones indicate the station is off by as much +/- 5 deg F. That is a 10 deg F temperature range.. And you idiots want us to believe that your accuracy is +/- 0.01 deg C.. laughable loony left thinks they can remove errors 100 times their fantasy..


You have no idea of what SSDD's propaganda was actual about, so you're just babbling random stupidity;

Here's a hint, dumbass. SSDD was talking about a fraud-filled denier study that supposedly showed the MWP was global.

Gawd, you're stupid.
ann is a fraud... Failing to produce his work makes him one...

Then surely you'll be able to show where that happened. But you won't, despite being asked over and over.

None of the deniers can show this thing they all swear is true. It's now part of their HolyCultScripture, so they literally don't care if it's true or not. They just BELIEVE. TheCult told them it was so, and that settles it for them, and anyone saying otherwise is a dirty heretic.
He didn’t. You can show the link where he did!

I clearly can't show him producing something he wasn't asked for.

The burden of proof is on you here. You need to show, in the court proceedings, where such specific evidence was asked for. So far, none of the deniers have been able to do that. That's because they just made it up.
well here. I'm happy to direct you to a link.

UPDATE – Dr. Tim Ball wins @MichaelEMann lawsuit – Mann “hides the decline” AGAIN

On that point, this is where readers may wish to refer to the article ‘Fatal Courtroom Act Ruins Michael ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann‘ (July 4, 2017). In it they offered analysis as to Mann’s fatal legal error. As Dr Ball explained at that time:

Michael Mann moved for an adjournment of the trial scheduled for February 20, 2017. We had little choice because Canadian courts always grant adjournments before a trial in their belief that an out of court settlement is preferable. We agreed to an adjournment with conditions. The major one was that he [Mann] produce all documents including computer codes by February 20th, 2017. He failed to meet the deadline.

As I explained in the article, Mann (and his crooked lawyer) had shown bad faith, thereby rendering his case liable for dismissal. I urged Tim to pursue that winning tactic and thankfully he did.
mamooth where’d you go loud mouth?

Right here, pointing out that you _still_ haven't backed up your kook claims.

I asked you for the court proceedings.

Instead, you gave us an unsupported claim by Tim Ball.

If you could have provided the data to back up your claims, you would have. You didn't, because your side faked it all.

You can run now. Don't worry. You always run, so you won't be disappointing anyone.
There are multiple colored balloons on that map

And they're all nonsense, part of a scam.

Spoken like a true quasi religious zealot...those balloons take you to studies published in practically every scientific journal there simply deny anything that doesn't conform to your faith..
and yet still no observed or measured empirical evidence. thanks for continuing with the nonsense. I'm sure your handlers thank you .

So, why did you lie about Mann not showing evidence at court?

Because he didn't....but the court transcripts are public record...feel free to copy and paste the sections where he entered his data and methodology into the record and explained them...

Who told you that he did? And why were you stupid enough to fall for it...providing that data and methodology to public scrutiny would be a career ending act for mann...his fraud would then be undeniable...and all the pseudoscience built upon his work by the climate science community would come tumbling down..

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