Climate Models and Evaporation

HAHA too funny!

but if even one of those tracks was kinda, sorta similar if you squinted your eyes just right.......the models are skillful!!!

LMOA.....indeed......but for the k00ks, if you're only 1,000 miles off with your computer model, that's ballpark enough to claim high degree of reliability!!:2up:

These people are mental cases.

NHC Forecast Verification Procedures
National Hurricane Center Forecast Verification

Official five-year mean errors and distributions
National Hurricane Center Forecast Verification


While you're "laughing at these fuckers" and "mental cases", they're working their asses off saving thousands of lives and billions of our dollars. You people really are a special class of assholes.

Oh please. You could take half the money they get and set up a weather company that could do even better work. Your faux outrage is duly noted.


Who cant laugh at these poor AGW fuckers so duped and obsessed by this computer model BS......the centerpiece of the ruse!!! Hysterical shit.......

Best climate model ever!!!!!

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk


Who cant laugh at these poor AGW fuckers so duped and obsessed by this computer model BS......the centerpiece of the ruse!!! Hysterical shit.......

HAHA too funny!

but if even one of those tracks was kinda, sorta similar if you squinted your eyes just right.......the models are skillful!!!

Skillful? It looks like a typical Weather Channel prediction. We know how right those always are.
I was halfway through when I ran into "Humid air is lighter". Want to rethink that one?

so Abraham.....has the last 24 hours proved to be fruitful for you? I cannot imagine how many changes to your worldview would be necessary to accommodate the reversal of believing moist air is heavy to moist air is light. perhaps you believed different things depending on the situation. is that it? how many other blind spots do you have in your understanding? that of course is a silly question because if we knew they were blind spots.....
I was halfway through when I ran into "Humid air is lighter". Want to rethink that one?

how did you get out of grade school science? have you never wondered how a barometer works for predicting the weather? what do you think powers the water cycle? giant water magnets in the sky?

No Ian, c'mon...he's a "ocean engineer" It's all whale farts...every bit of it.!

Don't forget the turtles....turtles all the way down.

As many times as he has been outed as a fraud, you would think that he would quietly disappear out of sheer embarassment and humiliation.
I was halfway through when I ran into "Humid air is lighter". Want to rethink that one?


you really are just a poser then? you have no concept of how things work?

Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor, m_w , per unit volume of total air and water vapor mixture, p_{net} , which can be expressed as:

AH = {m_w \over p_{net}}.
Absolute humidity in the atmosphere ranges from near zero to roughly 30 grams per cubic meter when the air is saturated at 30 °C

and here: a Climate Humidity table showing at the top of its range that saturated, 50C air contains 83 grams of water per cubic meter of dry air.

Please explain.
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I was halfway through when I ran into "Humid air is lighter". Want to rethink that one?


you really are just a poser then? you have no concept of how things work?

Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor, m_w , per unit volume of total air and water vapor mixture, p_{net} , which can be expressed as:

AH = {m_w \over p_{net}}.
Absolute humidity in the atmosphere ranges from near zero to roughly 30 grams per cubic meter when the air is saturated at 30 °C

and here: Climate/humidity table a Climate Humidity table showing at the top of its range that saturated, 50C air contains 83 grams of water per cubic meter of dry air.

Please explain.

So you think it is giant water magnets in the sky that drive the water cycles? If you were half as intelligent as you think you are, you would flee this board out of sheer humiliation mr fake engineer.
I was halfway through when I ran into "Humid air is lighter". Want to rethink that one?


you really are just a poser then? you have no concept of how things work?

Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor, m_w , per unit volume of total air and water vapor mixture, p_{net} , which can be expressed as:

AH = {m_w \over p_{net}}.
Absolute humidity in the atmosphere ranges from near zero to roughly 30 grams per cubic meter when the air is saturated at 30 °C

and here: Climate/humidity table a Climate Humidity table showing at the top of its range that saturated, 50C air contains 83 grams of water per cubic meter of dry air.

Please explain.
Ah, I see I was wrong.

Humidity (water vapor)
Main article: Humidity
The addition of water vapor to air (making the air humid) reduces the density of the air, which may at first appear counter-intuitive. This occurs because the molar mass of water (18 g/mol) is less than the molar mass of dry air[note 1] (around 29 g/mol). For any gas, at a given temperature and pressure, the number of molecules present is constant for a particular volume (see Avogadro's Law). So when water molecules (water vapor) are added to a given volume of air, the dry air molecules must decrease by the same number, to keep the pressure or temperature from increasing. Hence the mass per unit volume of the gas (its density) decreases.

I was halfway through when I ran into "Humid air is lighter". Want to rethink that one?

how did you get out of grade school science? have you never wondered how a barometer works for predicting the weather? what do you think powers the water cycle? giant water magnets in the sky?

Barometers measure atmospheric pressure, not humidity. Perhaps you're thinking of a sling psychrometer.

Your turn.
I was halfway through when I ran into "Humid air is lighter". Want to rethink that one?


you really are just a poser then? you have no concept of how things work?

Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor, m_w , per unit volume of total air and water vapor mixture, p_{net} , which can be expressed as:

AH = {m_w \over p_{net}}.
Absolute humidity in the atmosphere ranges from near zero to roughly 30 grams per cubic meter when the air is saturated at 30 °C

and here: Climate/humidity table a Climate Humidity table showing at the top of its range that saturated, 50C air contains 83 grams of water per cubic meter of dry air.

Please explain.

doubling down on stupidity?

so you really dont understand the water cycle??

you really are just a poser then? you have no concept of how things work?

Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor, m_w , per unit volume of total air and water vapor mixture, p_{net} , which can be expressed as:

AH = {m_w \over p_{net}}.
Absolute humidity in the atmosphere ranges from near zero to roughly 30 grams per cubic meter when the air is saturated at 30 °C

and here: Climate/humidity table a Climate Humidity table showing at the top of its range that saturated, 50C air contains 83 grams of water per cubic meter of dry air.

Please explain.

doubling down on stupidity?

so you really dont understand the water cycle??

Google is not his friend.

Although the climate models have been shown to be flawed including by showing when all values are entered at zero that some how the temperature still rises exponential and inexplicitly within 75 or so years.

you really are just a poser then? you have no concept of how things work?

Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor, m_w , per unit volume of total air and water vapor mixture, p_{net} , which can be expressed as:

AH = {m_w \over p_{net}}.
Absolute humidity in the atmosphere ranges from near zero to roughly 30 grams per cubic meter when the air is saturated at 30 °C

and here: Climate/humidity table a Climate Humidity table showing at the top of its range that saturated, 50C air contains 83 grams of water per cubic meter of dry air.

Please explain.

doubling down on stupidity?

so you really dont understand the water cycle??

In the next post after the one you quoted here (the one in which, despite the provocation from the lot of you, I did not throw a single insult) I admitted I was wrong about the density of humid air. It is decidedly untuitive, but humid air is less dense than dry air because water vapor is lighter per mole than is air - a fact I did not have at hand. I gave no thought whatsoever to the water cycle and thus your conclusion in that regard is unwarranted.

I would have thought you had seen my admission before posting this, or, having seen it afterwards, would have deleted this. But I see you did not and have not.
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An article over at WUWT is discussing the evaporation rates on the oceans and whether or not climate model assumptions are even in the ballpark with real world data. Apparently not.

Petschauer, an electrical engineer, also claims to have proven with similar models that CO2 is not a significant greenhouse gas.

Rather than assume the models are wrong, it's safer to assume any WUWT author is confused.
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WUWT has an amazing propensity for getting non-climate scientists to write climate science articles.
I was halfway through when I ran into "Humid air is lighter". Want to rethink that one?

how did you get out of grade school science? have you never wondered how a barometer works for predicting the weather? what do you think powers the water cycle? giant water magnets in the sky?

Barometers measure atmospheric pressure, not humidity. Perhaps you're thinking of a sling psychrometer.

Your turn.

And to think you wrote this AFTER you learned humid air is lighter. You still don't seem to be able to put the pieces together. Barometers measure the weight of air above them, which means you can infer how much moisture it contains. Tapping the glass adds info about direction of change.

Obviously you haven't had time to assimilate the ramifications yet. But someone with such obvious deficiencies in understanding such as yourself shouldn't be lecturing others on how to think.
how did you get out of grade school science? have you never wondered how a barometer works for predicting the weather? what do you think powers the water cycle? giant water magnets in the sky?

Barometers measure atmospheric pressure, not humidity. Perhaps you're thinking of a sling psychrometer.

Your turn.

And to think you wrote this AFTER you learned humid air is lighter. You still don't seem to be able to put the pieces together. Barometers measure the weight of air above them, which means you can infer how much moisture it contains. Tapping the glass adds info about direction of change.

Obviously you haven't had time to assimilate the ramifications yet. But someone with such obvious deficiencies in understanding such as yourself shouldn't be lecturing others on how to think.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I know! It's like my seven year old (smart as she is) lecturing Feynman!

These trolls are amazing!:lol::lol:
Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor, m_w , per unit volume of total air and water vapor mixture, p_{net} , which can be expressed as:

AH = {m_w \over p_{net}}.
Absolute humidity in the atmosphere ranges from near zero to roughly 30 grams per cubic meter when the air is saturated at 30 °C

and here: Climate/humidity table a Climate Humidity table showing at the top of its range that saturated, 50C air contains 83 grams of water per cubic meter of dry air.

Please explain.

doubling down on stupidity?

so you really dont understand the water cycle??

In the next post after the one you quoted here (the one in which, despite the provocation from the lot of you, I did not throw a single insult) I admitted I was wrong about the density of humid air. It is decidedly untuitive, but humid air is less dense than dry air because water vapor is lighter per mole than is air - a fact I did not have at hand. I gave no thought whatsoever to the water cycle and thus your conclusion in that regard is unwarranted.

I would have thought you had seen my admission before posting this, or, having seen it afterwards, would have deleted this. But I see you did not and have not.

You spent 24 hrs figuring out how to produce a dismissive answer. Now you think I have bad manners because I didn't see a post five minutes later where you admitted your mistake.

You are arguing niggling details. My problem with you is that don't understand basics. If you understand the water cycle then you couldn't make the mistake you did. I give most people the benefit of the doubt that they are capable of understanding but I am probably being too kind in youur case. I thought you were just being contrary when you refused to acknowledge things like uncertainty in XBTs, or the inappropriateness of grafting instrumental data on to proxies. But you really just don't understand, do you?
Barometers measure atmospheric pressure, not humidity. Perhaps you're thinking of a sling psychrometer.

Your turn.

And to think you wrote this AFTER you learned humid air is lighter. You still don't seem to be able to put the pieces together. Barometers measure the weight of air above them, which means you can infer how much moisture it contains. Tapping the glass adds info about direction of change.

Obviously you haven't had time to assimilate the ramifications yet. But someone with such obvious deficiencies in understanding such as yourself shouldn't be lecturing others on how to think.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I know! It's like my seven year old (smart as she is) lecturing Feynman!

These trolls are amazing!:lol::lol:

Abe mistakenly thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. He doesn't seem to be able to parse the evidence.

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