Climate Panel to be dissolved.


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
How hard did I laugh when I saw this??

Like Ive said.......the debate is an exercise in futility at this point. As soon as the Republicans get into office next month, they are blowing up Nancy Pelosi's Climate Panel!!!!

Pelosi Climate Panel Dies in Republican Sweep of House of Representatives - Bloomberg

Pelosi Climate Panel Dies in Republican Sweep of House of RepresentativesBy Jim Snyder - Dec 1, 2010 5:39 PM ET

Republicans will eliminate the House committee created by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to highlight the threat of climate change, Representative James Sensenbrenner, the top Republican on the panel, said today.

In one of her first acts as speaker in 2007, Pelosi, a California Democrat, created the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming to draw attention to climate-change science and showcase how a cap on carbon dioxide needn’t be a threat to economic growth.

Republicans, who won control of the House in the Nov. 2 election, have opposed legislative efforts to regulate carbon emissions as a tax on energy. When the panel convened today, Sensenbrenner, a Wisconsin Republican, said that the hearing “will be the last of the select committee.”

And to think..........Im called the asshole in here.............:up::fu::funnyface::up::fu::funnyface::up::fu::funnyface:
It's a first step in the right direction.
It's a first step in the right direction.

West.......its the step that makes all this debate crap about the "science" completely and totally moot. Its that simple. Ive been saying for years now that this whole "green economy to fight global warming" was but a fad that will go the way of the hula fcukking hoop......said the whole thing will someday be looked upon a a scam of the early 21st century. And its all playing out that way...........just like I said it would!!!:mm::mm::mm:

The fact of the matter is that a large majority of economists predict that it may be 5 years at a minimum for jobs to come back which, of course, is dependent upon economic growth levels. As Boehner astutely put it today.............

“We have pledged to save taxpayers’ money by reducing waste and duplication in Congress,” said Michael Steel, a spokesman for Representative John Boehner, who is slated to become speaker in January. The committee, created as “a political forum to promote Washington Democrats’ job-killing national energy tax, was a clear example, and it will not continue” in the next Congress, he said

Weve lost enough jobs with these bozo's..............nobody gives a jack shit about global warming if it means higher taxes and lost jobs.

And so it is.............
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Climate does change violently and I believe that it is within our national interest to keep a close eye on it. Little ice age, Younger Dyas.
Do away with the climate panel, that will stop climate change in it's tracks.
If this is true it will be interesting to see what the eco-terrorists do about it. I predict some "losses" in the dummy camp. Twenty years ago there wasn't the data to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the rates of environmental degredation. Now there is sufficient results of hundreds of studies to justify an attitude of real threats to survival that some may see as enough justification for taking the fight directly to those that flaunt willfull ignorance for political and personal gain. My guess is that we may even see the first American suicide bombings in this conflict. These "kooks" as you call them take thier side of this issue much more seriously than the elected buffoons and criminals in the pockets of those that profit from irresponsible environmental destruction. I wonder if some of these environmentalists go postal the loss of a few on the other side will be considered "acceptable" losses much like when 20 or thirty miners get snuffed in the cause of making a handfull of assholes wealthy. My money says you won't find yourself laughing so glibly if a few leading the charge for insanity are being scraped off the walls and sidewalks of a town near you.

If or when this eco-war gets bloody I for one WILL be amused. If the Boner or MitchThe Bitch get blown to pizza topping ...thier camps will have to rethink the wisdom of not taking ecological suicide more seriously. Willfull stupidity can be dangerous for the stupid. I think they should just stick to the ignorant side of the debate. Trying to destroy the movement to preserve our planet can't work out well for those idiots. I don't think they realise how mad they will be making some people. Not me of course... I have no rainbow illusions about our future. I know we are already fucked. But some I fear hold out hope for a better future and may very well believe it is a cause worthy of sacrifice.
If this is true it will be interesting to see what the eco-terrorists do about it. I predict some "losses" in the dummy camp. Twenty years ago there wasn't the data to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the rates of environmental degredation. Now there is sufficient results of hundreds of studies to justify an attitude of real threats to survival that some may see as enough justification for taking the fight directly to those that flaunt willfull ignorance for political and personal gain. My guess is that we may even see the first American suicide bombings in this conflict. These "kooks" as you call them take thier side of this issue much more seriously than the elected buffoons and criminals in the pockets of those that profit from irresponsible environmental destruction. I wonder if some of these environmentalists go postal the loss of a few on the other side will be considered "acceptable" losses much like when 20 or thirty miners get snuffed in the cause of making a handfull of assholes wealthy. My money says you won't find yourself laughing so glibly if a few leading the charge for insanity are being scraped off the walls and sidewalks of a town near you.

If or when this eco-war gets bloody I for one WILL be amused. If the Boner or MitchThe Bitch get blown to pizza topping ...thier camps will have to rethink the wisdom of not taking ecological suicide more seriously. Willfull stupidity can be dangerous for the stupid. I think they should just stick to the ignorant side of the debate. Trying to destroy the movement to preserve our planet can't work out well for those idiots. I don't think they realise how mad they will be making some people. Not me of course... I have no rainbow illusions about our future. I know we are already fucked. But some I fear hold out hope for a better future and may very well believe it is a cause worthy of sacrifice.

The problem with that Huggy is if and when the eco terrorists really do start killing people the gloves will come off and they will be hunted down and killed. They have been vocal enough and they have posted enough of their videos online that they are known. They won't be able to hide.

Be very careful what you wish for.
Climate does change violently and I believe that it is within our national interest to keep a close eye on it. Little ice age, Younger Dyas.

The only time it changes rapidly is when volcanism or extraterrestrial influence is involved.
And it allways seems to get colder when those things happen. And as we have seen throughout history, cold kills much more than warmth.
If this is true it will be interesting to see what the eco-terrorists do about it. I predict some "losses" in the dummy camp. Twenty years ago there wasn't the data to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the rates of environmental degredation. Now there is sufficient results of hundreds of studies to justify an attitude of real threats to survival that some may see as enough justification for taking the fight directly to those that flaunt willfull ignorance for political and personal gain. My guess is that we may even see the first American suicide bombings in this conflict. These "kooks" as you call them take thier side of this issue much more seriously than the elected buffoons and criminals in the pockets of those that profit from irresponsible environmental destruction. I wonder if some of these environmentalists go postal the loss of a few on the other side will be considered "acceptable" losses much like when 20 or thirty miners get snuffed in the cause of making a handfull of assholes wealthy. My money says you won't find yourself laughing so glibly if a few leading the charge for insanity are being scraped off the walls and sidewalks of a town near you.

If or when this eco-war gets bloody I for one WILL be amused. If the Boner or MitchThe Bitch get blown to pizza topping ...thier camps will have to rethink the wisdom of not taking ecological suicide more seriously. Willfull stupidity can be dangerous for the stupid. I think they should just stick to the ignorant side of the debate. Trying to destroy the movement to preserve our planet can't work out well for those idiots. I don't think they realise how mad they will be making some people. Not me of course... I have no rainbow illusions about our future. I know we are already fucked. But some I fear hold out hope for a better future and may very well believe it is a cause worthy of sacrifice.

The problem with that Huggy is if and when the eco terrorists really do start killing people the gloves will come off and they will be hunted down and killed. They have been vocal enough and they have posted enough of their videos online that they are known. They won't be able to hide.

Be very careful what you wish for. that a threat? Go fuck yourself skank! I'll wish for any motherfucking thing I want.

Nothing in the political arena would amuse me more than seeing some of these corrupt christian findimentalist fuckwit assholes you morons vote for get to test thier theorys and "faith" on the existance of heaven and hell...the sooner the better..

Now that an extra 800,000 are hitting the streets desperate there aren't even close to enough cops to do the job of containing the chaos.

Another teensy weensy fly in your ointment is that the people your willfully ignorant precious leaders are pissing off are all well over twice as smart as you are. I think the last group of people I would want hunting ME down would be the smartest in the country.. You??? Ha Ha They will probably figure out a way to get the cops to suspect and arrest morons like you. I suspect these will be some extremely "Uncomom" criminals. Maybe they will plant evidence of these possible activities on the police hunting them and have the dog chase it's own tail.

Be carefull what YOU wish for asshole.
If this is true it will be interesting to see what the eco-terrorists do about it. I predict some "losses" in the dummy camp. Twenty years ago there wasn't the data to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the rates of environmental degredation. Now there is sufficient results of hundreds of studies to justify an attitude of real threats to survival that some may see as enough justification for taking the fight directly to those that flaunt willfull ignorance for political and personal gain. My guess is that we may even see the first American suicide bombings in this conflict. These "kooks" as you call them take thier side of this issue much more seriously than the elected buffoons and criminals in the pockets of those that profit from irresponsible environmental destruction. I wonder if some of these environmentalists go postal the loss of a few on the other side will be considered "acceptable" losses much like when 20 or thirty miners get snuffed in the cause of making a handfull of assholes wealthy. My money says you won't find yourself laughing so glibly if a few leading the charge for insanity are being scraped off the walls and sidewalks of a town near you.

If or when this eco-war gets bloody I for one WILL be amused. If the Boner or MitchThe Bitch get blown to pizza topping ...thier camps will have to rethink the wisdom of not taking ecological suicide more seriously. Willfull stupidity can be dangerous for the stupid. I think they should just stick to the ignorant side of the debate. Trying to destroy the movement to preserve our planet can't work out well for those idiots. I don't think they realise how mad they will be making some people. Not me of course... I have no rainbow illusions about our future. I know we are already fucked. But some I fear hold out hope for a better future and may very well believe it is a cause worthy of sacrifice.

The problem with that Huggy is if and when the eco terrorists really do start killing people the gloves will come off and they will be hunted down and killed. They have been vocal enough and they have posted enough of their videos online that they are known. They won't be able to hide.

Be very careful what you wish for. that a threat? Go fuck yourself skank! I'll wish for any motherfucking thing I want.

Nothing in the political arena would amuse me more than seeing some of these corrupt christian findimentalist fuckwit assholes you morons vote for get to test thier theorys and "faith" on the existance of heaven and hell...the sooner the better..

Now that an extra 800,000 are hitting the streets desperate there aren't even close to enough cops to do the job of containing the chaos.

Another teensy weensy fly in your ointment is that the people your willfully ignorant precious leaders are pissing off are all well over twice as smart as you are. I think the last group of people I would want hunting ME down would be the smartest in the country.. You??? Ha Ha They will probably figure out a way to get the cops to suspect and arrest morons like you. I suspect these will be some extremely "Uncomom" criminals. Maybe they will plant evidence of these possible activities on the police hunting them and have the dog chase it's own tail.

Be carefull what YOU wish for asshole.

No, it's not a threat you moron. It was a simple statement of fact. The reasonable people in this country don't like violence. Take a read of your local library some time and look up the San Francisco Vigilance Committees. Look up the Bodie VC's as well. In all cases the violent felons were left pretty much alone till they started killing the peaceable citizens. At that point the citizens took the law into their own hands because the judicial process was incapable. Within a very short time of its creation the SF Vigilance committee had gotten rid of the Sydney Ducks a violent gang that numbered around 3000.

In LA the gangs went crazy and local law enforcement was inneffective, the Koreans took their defence into their own hands and killed over 50 gangbangers. You are dreaming if you think that eco-terrorists are going to run rampant.

You also seem to forget that there are 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of the reasonable citizens of this country. If the caca ever hits the rotary oscillator it will get very ugly very quickly and I for one hope that it never comes to that. I was in LA during the riots and got to see up close and personal just how thin the veneer of civilization is. It isn't pretty and no one in their right mind should wish to see that occur.

Do you really want that to occur?
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The problem with that Huggy is if and when the eco terrorists really do start killing people the gloves will come off and they will be hunted down and killed. They have been vocal enough and they have posted enough of their videos online that they are known. They won't be able to hide.

Be very careful what you wish for. that a threat? Go fuck yourself skank! I'll wish for any motherfucking thing I want.

Nothing in the political arena would amuse me more than seeing some of these corrupt christian findimentalist fuckwit assholes you morons vote for get to test thier theorys and "faith" on the existance of heaven and hell...the sooner the better..

Now that an extra 800,000 are hitting the streets desperate there aren't even close to enough cops to do the job of containing the chaos.

Another teensy weensy fly in your ointment is that the people your willfully ignorant precious leaders are pissing off are all well over twice as smart as you are. I think the last group of people I would want hunting ME down would be the smartest in the country.. You??? Ha Ha They will probably figure out a way to get the cops to suspect and arrest morons like you. I suspect these will be some extremely "Uncomom" criminals. Maybe they will plant evidence of these possible activities on the police hunting them and have the dog chase it's own tail.

Be carefull what YOU wish for asshole.

No, it's not a threat you moron. It was a simple statement of fact. The reasonable people in this country don't like violence. Take a read of your local library some time and look up the San Francisco Vigilance Committees. Look up the Bodie VC's as well. In all cases the violent felons were left pretty much alone till they started killing the peaceable citizens. At that point the citizens took the law into their own hands because the judicial process was incapable. Within a very short time of its creation the SF Vigilance committee had gotten rid of the Sydney Ducks a violent gang that numbered around 3000.

In LA the gangs went crazy and local law enforcement was inneffective, the Koreans took their defence into their own hands and killed over 50 gangbangers. You are dreaming if you think that eco-terrorists are going to run rampant.

You also seem to forget that there are 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of the reasonable citizens of this country. If the caca ever hits the rotary oscillator it will get very ugly very quickly and I for one hope that it never comes to that. I was in LA during the riots and got to see up close and personal just how thin the veneer of civilization is. It isn't pretty and no one in their right mind should wish to see that occur.

Do you really want that to occur?

What I want isn't really the issue. If you think the eco whackos are going to go gorilla and act like ignorant muslim terrorists you are mistaken. A handfull might suicide bomb if they feel stongly enough about thier cause. Like that guy that flew his airplane into the IRS building a few months ago. His effort got a good news splash...He would have been more successfulif he had loaded his plane up with dynomite. In fact that is probably how the next suicide bomb will be delivered. I'm thinkin an out door or even an indoor political rally getting tapped by a fully fueled medium twin holding 2000 pds of TNT and big nails. Something like a 100 foot blast zone. Oh and it would probably be more likely rigged for remote control flying. Did you know that your average country road makes an excellent runway? White people that are just out of money and desperate aren't going to burn down thier neigborhoods like those idiots in LA. Eco terrorists will think it out and get thier most bang for the buck. So far it has just been college radicals..just wait until the REAL scientists get involved. Those boys are CLEVER!!!

Back to your question... Would I enjoy seeing K street get bombed? ABSOLUTELY!!!!

A re-election rally featuring The Boner, BitchMitchMcConnell..Karl Rove on the same stage..Ya sure it would make me all tingly all over if some disgruntled group wacked those guys..

Maybe that's what is needed to have those fucks take the American people more seriously.

If they defund all ecological testing and disband the government oversight I believe that might be enough pressure to find out how far is pushed too far.

As far as all those guns you mentioned...I predict at least half of them would be in the hands of the most successful psychopathes and terrorists within a few months...if the shit truly hit the fan. Most of your "good reasonable people" don't have the killer mentality. Sure they would get thier share of easy kills but the dedicated criminals and eco-geniuses would easily win out. Mom and pop would just be a free source of weapons.

Just sayin...
Last edited: that a threat? Go fuck yourself skank! I'll wish for any motherfucking thing I want.

Nothing in the political arena would amuse me more than seeing some of these corrupt christian findimentalist fuckwit assholes you morons vote for get to test thier theorys and "faith" on the existance of heaven and hell...the sooner the better..

Now that an extra 800,000 are hitting the streets desperate there aren't even close to enough cops to do the job of containing the chaos.

Another teensy weensy fly in your ointment is that the people your willfully ignorant precious leaders are pissing off are all well over twice as smart as you are. I think the last group of people I would want hunting ME down would be the smartest in the country.. You??? Ha Ha They will probably figure out a way to get the cops to suspect and arrest morons like you. I suspect these will be some extremely "Uncomom" criminals. Maybe they will plant evidence of these possible activities on the police hunting them and have the dog chase it's own tail.

Be carefull what YOU wish for asshole.

No, it's not a threat you moron. It was a simple statement of fact. The reasonable people in this country don't like violence. Take a read of your local library some time and look up the San Francisco Vigilance Committees. Look up the Bodie VC's as well. In all cases the violent felons were left pretty much alone till they started killing the peaceable citizens. At that point the citizens took the law into their own hands because the judicial process was incapable. Within a very short time of its creation the SF Vigilance committee had gotten rid of the Sydney Ducks a violent gang that numbered around 3000.

In LA the gangs went crazy and local law enforcement was inneffective, the Koreans took their defence into their own hands and killed over 50 gangbangers. You are dreaming if you think that eco-terrorists are going to run rampant.

You also seem to forget that there are 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of the reasonable citizens of this country. If the caca ever hits the rotary oscillator it will get very ugly very quickly and I for one hope that it never comes to that. I was in LA during the riots and got to see up close and personal just how thin the veneer of civilization is. It isn't pretty and no one in their right mind should wish to see that occur.

Do you really want that to occur?

What I want isn't really the issue. If you think the eco whackos are going to go gorilla and act like ignorant muslim terrorists you are mistaken. A handfull might suicide bomb if they feel stongly enough about thier cause. Like that guy that flew his airplane into the IRS building a few months ago. His effort got a good news splash...He would have been more successfulif he had loaded his plane up with dynomite. In fact that is probably how the next suicide bomb will be delivered. I'm thinkin an out door or even an indoor political rally getting tapped by a fully fueled medium twin holding 2000 pds of TNT and big nails. Something like a 100 foot blast zone. Oh and it would probably be more likely rigged for remote control flying. Did you know that your average country road makes an excellent runway? White people that are just out of money and desperate aren't going to burn down thier neigborhoods like those idiots in LA. Eco terrorists will think it out and get thier most bang for the buck. So far it has just been college radicals..just wait until the REAL scientists get involved. Those boys are CLEVER!!!

Back to your question... Would I enjoy seeing K street get bombed? ABSOLUTELY!!!!

A re-election rally featuring The Boner, BitchMitchMcConnell..Karl Rove on the same stage..Ya sure it would make me all tingly all over if some disgruntled group wacked those guys..

Maybe that's what is needed to have those fucks take the American people more seriously.

If they defund all ecological testing and disband the government oversight I believe that might be enough pressure to find out how far is pushed too far.

As far as all those guns you mentioned...I predict at least half of them would be in the hands of the most successful psychopathes and terrorists within a few months...if the shit truly hit the fan. Most of your "good reasonable people" don't have the killer mentality. Sure they would get thier share of easy kills but the dedicated criminals and eco-geniuses would easily win out. Mom and pop would just be a free source of weapons.

Just sayin...

You are very sadly mistaken about ma and pa moses losing their guns Huggy. A woman, fighting for her children, is the most dangerous creature on the planet and you take them lightly at your peril. You also discount that a LOT of those reasonable people have fought in some very real wars and killed people who were shooting back. That changes people.

My dad is the most reasonable person on the planet but if he saw someone trying to harm any of the family he would drop the hammer on them in a second. No questions asked.

As far as your fantasy scenario goes, if they were to limit their targets to politicians they would probably get away with it for quite awhile, because most of those reasonable people I speak of are as disgusted with both sides politicians as the terrorists are.
But if they start to target civilians, watch out. The people will not stand for it one iota and if the governemnt can't or won't take care of it the people will.

This is not a prediction this is a well documented fact. Look up the old west history some day. Most of the big gangs were brought down by civilians. Northfield for the James-Younger gang, Coffeyville for the Daltons, and I think it was Castle Gate that dealt with some of the Wild Bunch.

The people will take only so much and then they will deal with it. The most recent case I know of a vigilance committee carrying out justice was in Skidmore Missouri back in 1980.

It is rare but when the judicial system fails the people fight back. And they play for keeps.

Seems the pie in the sky Global Warming movement is being cleaned out of Congress. Committees that addressed this phony issue are about to be axed.

It's about time.

Looks like it's gonna save us some cash.

Republicans will eliminate the House committee created by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to highlight the threat of climate change, Representative James Sensenbrenner, the top Republican on the panel, said today.

In one of her first acts as speaker in 2007, Pelosi, a California Democrat, created the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming to draw attention to climate-change science and showcase how a cap on carbon dioxide needn’t be a threat to economic growth.

Republicans, who won control of the House in the Nov. 2 election, have opposed legislative efforts to regulate carbon emissions as a tax on energy. When the panel convened today, Sensenbrenner, a Wisconsin Republican, said that the hearing “will be the last of the select committee.”

I think it could be that the administration is beginning to recognize that sending what they consider their top priorities, ie., green programs and health care to Congress may have not been the best idea, no matter how boring the details are:

Obama backtracks on plan to open more Gulf waters to offshore drilling -

Obama backtracks on plan to open more Gulf waters to offshore drilling

By Patrik Jonsson, Staff writer / December 1, 2010

The United States Interior Department on Wednesday backtracked on a plan to open up the eastern Gulf of Mexico and parts of the Atlantic seaboard to new offshore drilling leases – a decision sparked by the Gulf oil spill this summer and the failure to strike a political deal with Republicans on global-warming legislation.

The decision, which bans oil exploration in these areas until at least 2017, could have an impact on short-term energy independence while also laying a more permanent framework for the development of alternative energy sources.

It also hints at what could be a new method of governing for President Obama in the wake of last month's midterm elections, with the president attempting to set energy policy himself rather than incorporating Congress...
Sounds good to me. Junk science shouldnt be anywhere near our government.

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