Climate "Science" 101: Excess Heat

"Ocean warming dominates the global energy change inventory. Warming of the ocean accounts for about 93% of the increase in the Earth’s energy inventory between 1971 and 2010 (high confidence)"

See the lengths they hod to go to to make the pause "Disappear"? All of a sudden 93%, the vast majority of the "increase" in in fuzzy numbers land
Still waiting for AR5's "excess heat" Frank.

Pretty clear you never read it....or maybe read it and couldn't understand it....what a joke. Here....excess heat in AR5

ipcc said:
Arctic ampli cation (de ned as the 67.5 N° to 90°N warming compared to the global average warming for 2081–2100 versus 1986–2005) peaks in early winter (November to December) with a CMIP5 RCP4.5 multi-model mean warming for 67.5°N to 90°N exceeding the global average by a factor of more than 4. The warming is smallest in summer when excess heat at the Arctic surface goes into melting ice or is absorbed by the ocean, which has a relatively large thermal inertia.

Section 12.5.2
ipcc said:
Loss of excess heat from the ocean will lead to a positive surface air temperature anomaly for decades to centuries
Still waiting for AR5's "excess heat" Frank.

Read the thread numbnut, it's in there several times already

So, you still haven't read AR5?

Asking him to read is like asking a blind man to solve a Rubik's cube.

So if the oceans eat 93% of the warming, why are we even bothering with land readings?

But we have consensus.....consensus....consensus.....consensus....consensus...yeah, that's the ticket.....consensus.
Still waiting for AR5's "excess heat" Frank.

Read the thread numbnut, it's in there several times already

So, you still haven't read AR5?

Asking him to read is like asking a blind man to solve a Rubik's cube.

So if the oceans eat 93% of the warming, why are we even bothering with land readings?

But we have consensus.....consensus....consensus.....consensus....consensus...yeah, that's the ticket.....consensus.

I have peer reviewed the above post and find it 100% accurate.

Science = settled
A little internecine hostility?

The IPCC (redistribute wealth by Climate change) alleges that the oceans are "absorbing" 93% of "excess heat"

"Ocean warming dominates the global energy change inventory. Warming of the ocean accounts for about 93% of the increase in the Earth’s energy inventory between 1971 and 2010 (high confidence), with warming of the upper (0 to 700 m) ocean accounting for about 64% of the total.

It is likely that the ocean warmed between 700 and 2000 m from 1957 to 2009, based on 5-year averages. It is likely that the ocean warmed from 3000 m to the bottom from 1992 to 2005, while no significant trends in global average temperature were observed between 2000 and 3000 m depth during this period. Warming below 3000 m is largest in the Southern Ocean {3.2.4, 3.5.1, Figures 3.2b and 3.3, FAQ 3.1} ...

It is virtually certain that upper ocean (0 to 700 m) heat content increased during the relatively well-sampled 40-year period from 1971 to 2010."

Topic for discussion:

  1. What is Excess Heat?
  2. Where was this excess heat hiding before being absorbed by the oceans
  3. Describe the mechanism by which the ocean absorbs excess heat. The IPCC (redistribute wealth by Climate change) alleges that this process occurs from the surface all the dow to the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss

Frank, why do you have to work so hard to demonstrate the intractability of your ignorance? Excess heat is a phrase. It has no official scientific definition in the world of physics or thermodynamics or climate science. However, in conversations about a system that is being warmed, it's obviously a term that's going to come up now and then. In the context in which you've seen it most often, it is applied to the thermal energy accumulated by the greenhouse process in excess of the amount being radiated to space. I've told you this before and I have to say it makes me suspicious of your claims to be a seeker after knowledge when so often you pretend no one has told you anything.

The excess heat was not hiding anywhere. As usual, you've got the wrong picture.

The oceans are warmed by the absorption of SW and LW radiation and by conduction and convection from the air. Don't be misled by the observation that all that light gets absorbed quickly. Of course it does. But what does that mean? It means the ocean is good at absorbing energy. And no one on my side of the argument has EVER claimed that the deep ocean was being warmed by electromagnetic radiation. That whole argument was what you'd call a red herring. Aside from thermal vents and volcanoes and a tiny amount of heat coming through the ocean bottom from the Earth's core, the ocean is heated entirely betwee its surface and about the first 50 meters of depth. That covers all conduction and pretty much all electromagnetic radiation (SW and LW light). Heat below those depths gets there primarily by the motion of water. There are a number of vertically-oriented circulations in the oceans that very effectively move deep water up and shallow water down.

The Laurentian Abyss, Frank, is the fan of sediment at the mouth of the Ste Lawrence seaway. It is a long way from being the deepest spot in the ocean. It's not even the deepest spot in the Atlantic, the shallower of the two major bodies. Check terms you're not familiar with and don't use science from children's action movies. The deepest spot in the world is the Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench off Guam.
Quoted for posterity....

"Excess heat is a phrase. It has no official scientific definition...."

it all hidden in the ocean

A little internecine hostility?

The IPCC (redistribute wealth by Climate change) alleges that the oceans are "absorbing" 93% of "excess heat"

"Ocean warming dominates the global energy change inventory. Warming of the ocean accounts for about 93% of the increase in the Earth’s energy inventory between 1971 and 2010 (high confidence), with warming of the upper (0 to 700 m) ocean accounting for about 64% of the total.

It is likely that the ocean warmed between 700 and 2000 m from 1957 to 2009, based on 5-year averages. It is likely that the ocean warmed from 3000 m to the bottom from 1992 to 2005, while no significant trends in global average temperature were observed between 2000 and 3000 m depth during this period. Warming below 3000 m is largest in the Southern Ocean {3.2.4, 3.5.1, Figures 3.2b and 3.3, FAQ 3.1} ...

It is virtually certain that upper ocean (0 to 700 m) heat content increased during the relatively well-sampled 40-year period from 1971 to 2010."

Topic for discussion:

  1. What is Excess Heat?
  2. Where was this excess heat hiding before being absorbed by the oceans
  3. Describe the mechanism by which the ocean absorbs excess heat. The IPCC (redistribute wealth by Climate change) alleges that this process occurs from the surface all the dow to the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss

Frank, why do you have to work so hard to demonstrate the intractability of your ignorance? Excess heat is a phrase. It has no official scientific definition in the world of physics or thermodynamics or climate science. However, in conversations about a system that is being warmed, it's obviously a term that's going to come up now and then. In the context in which you've seen it most often, it is applied to the thermal energy accumulated by the greenhouse process in excess of the amount being radiated to space. I've told you this before and I have to say it makes me suspicious of your claims to be a seeker after knowledge when so often you pretend no one has told you anything.

The excess heat was not hiding anywhere. As usual, you've got the wrong picture.

The oceans are warmed by the absorption of SW and LW radiation and by conduction and convection from the air. Don't be misled by the observation that all that light gets absorbed quickly. Of course it does. But what does that mean? It means the ocean is good at absorbing energy. And no one on my side of the argument has EVER claimed that the deep ocean was being warmed by electromagnetic radiation. That whole argument was what you'd call a red herring. Aside from thermal vents and volcanoes and a tiny amount of heat coming through the ocean bottom from the Earth's core, the ocean is heated entirely betwee its surface and about the first 50 meters of depth. That covers all conduction and pretty much all electromagnetic radiation (SW and LW light). Heat below those depths gets there primarily by the motion of water. There are a number of vertically-oriented circulations in the oceans that very effectively move deep water up and shallow water down.

The Laurentian Abyss, Frank, is the fan of sediment at the mouth of the Ste Lawrence seaway. It is a long way from being the deepest spot in the ocean. It's not even the deepest spot in the Atlantic, the shallower of the two major bodies. Check terms you're not familiar with and don't use science from children's action movies. The deepest spot in the world is the Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench off Guam.
Quoted for posterity....

"Excess heat is a phrase. It has no official scientific definition...."

it all hidden in the ocean


There's been no warming for 2 decades, then AR5 backdates the records to magically include "excess heat" retained by the ocean, and we learn that 93% of the energy budget is now in this brand new X factor and VIOLA! No Pause

It just ain't science
A little internecine hostility?

The IPCC (redistribute wealth by Climate change) alleges that the oceans are "absorbing" 93% of "excess heat"

"Ocean warming dominates the global energy change inventory. Warming of the ocean accounts for about 93% of the increase in the Earth’s energy inventory between 1971 and 2010 (high confidence), with warming of the upper (0 to 700 m) ocean accounting for about 64% of the total.

It is likely that the ocean warmed between 700 and 2000 m from 1957 to 2009, based on 5-year averages. It is likely that the ocean warmed from 3000 m to the bottom from 1992 to 2005, while no significant trends in global average temperature were observed between 2000 and 3000 m depth during this period. Warming below 3000 m is largest in the Southern Ocean {3.2.4, 3.5.1, Figures 3.2b and 3.3, FAQ 3.1} ...

It is virtually certain that upper ocean (0 to 700 m) heat content increased during the relatively well-sampled 40-year period from 1971 to 2010."

Topic for discussion:

  1. What is Excess Heat?
  2. Where was this excess heat hiding before being absorbed by the oceans
  3. Describe the mechanism by which the ocean absorbs excess heat. The IPCC (redistribute wealth by Climate change) alleges that this process occurs from the surface all the dow to the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss

Frank, why do you have to work so hard to demonstrate the intractability of your ignorance? Excess heat is a phrase. It has no official scientific definition in the world of physics or thermodynamics or climate science. However, in conversations about a system that is being warmed, it's obviously a term that's going to come up now and then. In the context in which you've seen it most often, it is applied to the thermal energy accumulated by the greenhouse process in excess of the amount being radiated to space. I've told you this before and I have to say it makes me suspicious of your claims to be a seeker after knowledge when so often you pretend no one has told you anything.

The excess heat was not hiding anywhere. As usual, you've got the wrong picture.

The oceans are warmed by the absorption of SW and LW radiation and by conduction and convection from the air. Don't be misled by the observation that all that light gets absorbed quickly. Of course it does. But what does that mean? It means the ocean is good at absorbing energy. And no one on my side of the argument has EVER claimed that the deep ocean was being warmed by electromagnetic radiation. That whole argument was what you'd call a red herring. Aside from thermal vents and volcanoes and a tiny amount of heat coming through the ocean bottom from the Earth's core, the ocean is heated entirely betwee its surface and about the first 50 meters of depth. That covers all conduction and pretty much all electromagnetic radiation (SW and LW light). Heat below those depths gets there primarily by the motion of water. There are a number of vertically-oriented circulations in the oceans that very effectively move deep water up and shallow water down.

The Laurentian Abyss, Frank, is the fan of sediment at the mouth of the Ste Lawrence seaway. It is a long way from being the deepest spot in the ocean. It's not even the deepest spot in the Atlantic, the shallower of the two major bodies. Check terms you're not familiar with and don't use science from children's action movies. The deepest spot in the world is the Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench off Guam.
Quoted for posterity....

"Excess heat is a phrase. It has no official scientific definition...."

it all hidden in the ocean


There's been no warming for 2 decades, then AR5 backdates the records to magically include "excess heat" retained by the ocean, and we learn that 93% of the energy budget is now in this brand new X factor and VIOLA! No Pause

It just ain't science

it certainly is odd how libtard science works


noteworthy does CO2 increase/decreases lag behind warming/cooling

CO2 levels have been leveling off/dropping last two years also

Quoted for posterity....
Crick said:
"Excess heat is a phrase. It has no official scientific definition...."

And I stick by this Frank. I see you managed a text search in AR5. But did your search find you that "official scientific definition" you seem to think it has? Now, if you had read AR5 and had comprehended even a little bit of it, you'd have dropped this nonsensical argument Frank. As apparently ALWAYS, all you done is demonstrate your ignorance and your dishonesty.

The world has been warming since the Industrial Revolution, most dramatically over the last 60 years or so. 1998 was an exceptionally warm year, as will be 2015 and 2016 (for the same reason). There has been no pause. The primary cause of that warming is the greenhouse effect acting on CO2 and methane that human activities have added to the atmosphere at rates and levels that haven't been seen in millions of years. The vast majority of climate scientists and scientists in general accept the IPCC's central conclusion. There is no controversy. There is no debate over the major points. AGW deniers who base their views on actual science are become a vanishing minority. The rest hold the position because they're ignorant, anti-science Republican conservatives who've been taken in (like their political leaders) by the fossil fuel industry's well-financed propaganda.[/QUOTE]
There's been no warming for 2 decades, then AR5 backdates the records to magically include "excess heat" retained by the ocean, and we learn that 93% of the energy budget is now in this brand new X factor and VIOLA! No Pause

It just ain't science

What is the official scientific definition of "excess heat" Frank?
There's been no warming for 2 decades, then AR5 backdates the records to magically include "excess heat" retained by the ocean, and we learn that 93% of the energy budget is now in this brand new X factor and VIOLA! No Pause

It just ain't science

What is the official scientific definition of "excess heat" Frank?

It's the amount of heat needed to make the pause disappear
Care to show me that in AR5 Frank? I didn't ask for you to make one up. You've been trying to shit on me for half the day now Frank, claiming that because you found those two words in AR5, that they have some huge scientific significance. What is it Frank? Can't you find them in the AR5 glossary Frank?

Or you could grow a set of balls and tell us the truth for once Frank.
There's been no warming for 2 decades, then AR5 backdates the records to magically include "excess heat" retained by the ocean, and we learn that 93% of the energy budget is now in this brand new X factor and VIOLA! No Pause

It just ain't science

What is the official scientific definition of "excess heat" Frank?

How about a description of the mechanism that caused the heat to shift from warming the atmosphere up till 1998 to moving to the deep ocean ever after? What sort of over the rainbow physics might account for that?
Quoted for posterity....
Crick said:
"Excess heat is a phrase. It has no official scientific definition...."

And I stick by this Frank. I see you managed a text search in AR5. But did your search find you that "official scientific definition" you seem to think it has? Now, if you had read AR5 and had comprehended even a little bit of it, you'd have dropped this nonsensical argument Frank. As apparently ALWAYS, all you done is demonstrate your ignorance and your dishonesty.

The world has been warming since the Industrial Revolution, most dramatically over the last 60 years or so. 1998 was an exceptionally warm year, as will be 2015 and 2016 (for the same reason). There has been no pause. The primary cause of that warming is the greenhouse effect acting on CO2 and methane that human activities have added to the atmosphere at rates and levels that haven't been seen in millions of years. The vast majority of climate scientists and scientists in general accept the IPCC's central conclusion. There is no controversy. There is no debate over the major points. AGW deniers who base their views on actual science are become a vanishing minority. The rest hold the position because they're ignorant, anti-science Republican conservatives who've been taken in (like their political leaders) by the fossil fuel industry's well-financed propaganda.

Doubling down on stupid.
Care to show me that in AR5 Frank? I didn't ask for you to make one up. You've been trying to shit on me for half the day now Frank, claiming that because you found those two words in AR5, that they have some huge scientific significance. What is it Frank? Can't you find them in the AR5 glossary Frank?

Or you could grow a set of balls and tell us the truth for once Frank.

Crick are you ESL? Find someone to read the OP to you.

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