Climate Scientist: We Don't Need Data, You Can See Global Warming on TV

Mann and friends need to be thrown in the garbage bin with Nye the anti science guy. We don't need no stinking evidence... just look outside and ignore the facts/evidence... Its warm today so it must be man caused...

The shear ignorance of democrats and their religious cult leaders..
Throw out NOAA and their fake hurricane maps and their crazy cone of probability...these are fakers ...probably allies with the "Chi Com AGW scam" forget NOAA ...let the USMB Climate genius give those Hurricane forecasts instead of the scientific fakers at NOAA and NASA :badgrin:
I see your totally invested in altered and highly adjusted data... in other-words FANTASY!
Part of the reason we went to Court in Britain in 2007 was the fact that, after fudging data, the Tippy Toppiest "top climate scientists" are very very reluctant to share the data they fudged. They usually have to be sued to do so.

"This isn't about truth, it is about plausible deniability" Tippy Dr. Michael Mann
WTF? The sciencist have all the data and you loserterian freaks have none. You're the one that looks out your fucking windows and says it is snowing. Dumb bastards.
I watch TV and I see no sea level rise, a fundamental piece of agw. Now that's funny.
Explain to me how "tools ..... are increasingly unnecessary because we can see..... " is NOT the saying that intuition and observation are becoming all that is required to see the coming super apocalypse.

No problem.

Mann said something.

You declared Mann really meant something completely different.

That means you're just making up weird stories. Your use of cult terms like "super apocalypse" give us a clue about your motivation.

HE SAID -- no tools required.. Just turn on the news or look out your window.. If his tools were my tools, I'd toss them out the winder and watch the Weather Channel also... :mm:

He said no tools are required for the average person to see global warming.

Inexplicably, you've declared that means something to the effect of "Mann said scientists should stop collecting data".

If torturing statements to that extent is the best you can do now, you're more desperate than we thought.

"all the evidence for global climate warming change is right there under my pinkie"
Mann and friends need to be thrown in the garbage bin with Nye the anti science guy. We don't need no stinking evidence... just look outside and ignore the facts/evidence... Its warm today so it must be man caused...

The shear ignorance of democrats and their religious cult leaders..
Throw out NOAA and their fake hurricane maps and their crazy cone of probability...these are fakers ...probably allies with the "Chi Com AGW scam" forget NOAA ...let the USMB Climate genius give those Hurricane forecasts instead of the scientific fakers at NOAA and NASA :badgrin:

So how HAS the past 15 or so Atlantic hurricane seasons gone for you alarmists? Huh? Betcha still dancing for the big one...
An observation:
Most meteorologists have a hard time being accurate beyond about 72 hours.
Weather is cyclic (day is warmer than night, summer is warmer than winter).
Climate is cyclic ( several ice ages have occurred, followed by warming).
The earth has been around, in it's current state, for millennia.
Industrialized man has been around for ~150-200 years (depending on your definition).

How arrogant of someone to state that mankind can have a significant long term effect on global climate. Are they really saying that we are more powerful than "Mother Earth"?

Just some food for thought, if you are still willing to THINK CRITICALLY, and have the ability.
So how HAS the past 15 or so Atlantic hurricane seasons gone for you alarmists? Huh? Betcha still dancing for the big one...

Back to the "The Atlantic is the whole world!" strawman.

You're down to recycling really stupid strawmen. You reek of desperation. But then, you have to deflect from the data somehow, eh?
How arrogant of someone to state that mankind can have a significant long term effect on global climate. Are they really saying that we are more powerful than "Mother Earth"?

No. That's your loopy strawman. It's also a dumb statement because it's meaningless, unless you define "more powerful" and "Mother Earth" precisely. That is, it's fuzzy feelgood nonsense.

Just some food for thought, if you are still willing to THINK CRITICALLY, and have the ability.

You failed at thinking critically. You're relying on the logical fallacy "climate has changed naturally, therefore humans can't change climate". By that same bad logic, it's impossible for humans to cause forest fires, since forest fires used to always be natural.

Rest assured that all the scientists and rational people recognize how bad your logic is.
So how HAS the past 15 or so Atlantic hurricane seasons gone for you alarmists? Huh? Betcha still dancing for the big one...

Back to the "The Atlantic is the whole world!" strawman.

You're down to recycling really stupid strawmen. You reek of desperation. But then, you have to deflect from the data somehow, eh?

Either GLOBAL theories apply globally or they do not.. Either ALL seas are warming or they are not. Either WEATHER responds to uniform heating of the troposphere the same around the globe -- or not.

Or maybe you should dial up your clergy and ask them to consider a new logo. Maybe Semi-Global Climate Change or Pockets of Extreme Weather (PEW -- :eusa_dance:) or Vicious Isolated Man Aggravated Weather (VIMAW --- I like that one.).
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Mann and friends need to be thrown in the garbage bin with Nye the anti science guy. We don't need no stinking evidence... just look outside and ignore the facts/evidence... Its warm today so it must be man caused...

The shear ignorance of democrats and their religious cult leaders..
Throw out NOAA and their fake hurricane maps and their crazy cone of probability...these are fakers ...probably allies with the "Chi Com AGW scam" forget NOAA ...let the USMB Climate genius give those Hurricane forecasts instead of the scientific fakers at NOAA and NASA :badgrin:

So how HAS the past 15 or so Atlantic hurricane seasons gone for you alarmists? Huh? Betcha still dancing for the big one...
So how has the hurricane season in the Pacific gone for you denialists?
Mann and friends need to be thrown in the garbage bin with Nye the anti science guy. We don't need no stinking evidence... just look outside and ignore the facts/evidence... Its warm today so it must be man caused...

The shear ignorance of democrats and their religious cult leaders..
Throw out NOAA and their fake hurricane maps and their crazy cone of probability...these are fakers ...probably allies with the "Chi Com AGW scam" forget NOAA ...let the USMB Climate genius give those Hurricane forecasts instead of the scientific fakers at NOAA and NASA :badgrin:

So how HAS the past 15 or so Atlantic hurricane seasons gone for you alarmists? Huh? Betcha still dancing for the big one...
So how has the hurricane season in the Pacific gone for you denialists?

Last year was a rough year with the strongest El Nino in awhile affected the East Pac. I didn't see evidence of 0.5deg changing the historical norms tho.. What I DID SEE, was more complete instrumentation and coverage of storms on an hourly basis than we had even 20 years ago in the Pacific.
So how HAS the past 15 or so Atlantic hurricane seasons gone for you alarmists? Huh? Betcha still dancing for the big one...

Back to the "The Atlantic is the whole world!" strawman.

You're down to recycling really stupid strawmen. You reek of desperation. But then, you have to deflect from the data somehow, eh?

Either GLOBAL theories apply globally or they do not.. Either ALL seas are warming or they are not. Either WEATHER responds to uniform heating of the troposphere the same around the globe -- or not.

Or maybe you should dial up your clergy and ask them to consider a new logo. Maybe Semi-Global Climate Change or Pockets of Extreme Weather or Vicious Isolated Man Aggravated Weather (VIMAW --- I like that one.).
Now that is about the most dumbfuck thing that you have said yet, Mr. Flacaltenn. Mountains, distance to oceans, latitude, and vast prairies are not going to have any affect on distribution of of the warming? And you claim to be an engineer? Man, o', man.
So how HAS the past 15 or so Atlantic hurricane seasons gone for you alarmists? Huh? Betcha still dancing for the big one...

Back to the "The Atlantic is the whole world!" strawman.

You're down to recycling really stupid strawmen. You reek of desperation. But then, you have to deflect from the data somehow, eh?

Either GLOBAL theories apply globally or they do not.. Either ALL seas are warming or they are not. Either WEATHER responds to uniform heating of the troposphere the same around the globe -- or not.

Or maybe you should dial up your clergy and ask them to consider a new logo. Maybe Semi-Global Climate Change or Pockets of Extreme Weather or Vicious Isolated Man Aggravated Weather (VIMAW --- I like that one.).

Really? On what do you base this belief that conditions must be uniform across the planet? Word of god? Billy Bob the Atmospheric Physicist? Muhammed the Supremely Intelligent? LaDexter the I've-no-fooking-idea?

Warming is NOT uniform across the planet. Ever see one of these?


That's 1950-2015. The globe isn't even uniform over 65 years. And you think the hurricane seasons have to be symmetric.
So how HAS the past 15 or so Atlantic hurricane seasons gone for you alarmists? Huh? Betcha still dancing for the big one...

Back to the "The Atlantic is the whole world!" strawman.

You're down to recycling really stupid strawmen. You reek of desperation. But then, you have to deflect from the data somehow, eh?

Either GLOBAL theories apply globally or they do not.. Either ALL seas are warming or they are not. Either WEATHER responds to uniform heating of the troposphere the same around the globe -- or not.

Or maybe you should dial up your clergy and ask them to consider a new logo. Maybe Semi-Global Climate Change or Pockets of Extreme Weather or Vicious Isolated Man Aggravated Weather (VIMAW --- I like that one.).
Now that is about the most dumbfuck thing that you have said yet, Mr. Flacaltenn. Mountains, distance to oceans, latitude, and vast prairies are not going to have any affect on distribution of of the warming? And you claim to be an engineer? Man, o', man.

I am a scientist that got tired of academic primadonnas and decided to be an engineer. If that matters. I also get more personal satisfaction out of making things based on science that other people seem to have trouble with.

Anyways -- A uniform heating of the troposphere affected by "distance to oceans"? or prairies? What does that even mean? Either the back rad from CO2/Methane is Global or it is not.. How does one IGNORE the Global statistics when it's convenient?
So how HAS the past 15 or so Atlantic hurricane seasons gone for you alarmists? Huh? Betcha still dancing for the big one...

Back to the "The Atlantic is the whole world!" strawman.

You're down to recycling really stupid strawmen. You reek of desperation. But then, you have to deflect from the data somehow, eh?

Either GLOBAL theories apply globally or they do not.. Either ALL seas are warming or they are not. Either WEATHER responds to uniform heating of the troposphere the same around the globe -- or not.

Or maybe you should dial up your clergy and ask them to consider a new logo. Maybe Semi-Global Climate Change or Pockets of Extreme Weather or Vicious Isolated Man Aggravated Weather (VIMAW --- I like that one.).

Really? On what do you base this belief that conditions must be uniform across the planet? Word of god? Billy Bob the Atmospheric Physicist? Muhammed the Supremely Intelligent? LaDexter the I've-no-fooking-idea?

Warming is NOT uniform across the planet. Ever see one of these?


That's 1950-2015. The globe isn't even uniform over 65 years. And you think the hurricane seasons have to be symmetric.

You see an explanation for ATLANTIC/PACIFIC disparities in that graphic? I don't... In fact -- the Atlantic might have become a tad warmer overall..
A uniform heating of the troposphere? On a planet with a very active atmosphere that has clouds, jet streams, and hadley cells, just to name a few things going on. Whose leg are you trying to pull?
A uniform heating of the troposphere? On a planet with a very active atmosphere that has clouds, jet streams, and hadley cells, just to name a few things going on. Whose leg are you trying to pull?

Those things are weather makers. A "storm" requires both access to moisture, and a dry line feeder. Like ALL weather events -- they work off of DIFFERENTIALS in the variables -- not off of ABSOLUTES. .

Crick's graph is not because the FORCING is not uniform -- It is uniform. It's the fact that the Earth is not one simple Climate Zone. And different Zones have different "climate sensitivities" that have NOTHING TO DO with "weather" but are simply the temperature response to the back rad forcing.
duh :bye1::bye1:

"We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public's imagination...
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts...
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.

- Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports

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