ClimateGate Totally Ignored By TV News Outlets Except Fox

I don't doubt that the Earth is warming. I do doubt that we have anything to do with it. I will believe that humans are the cause when someone can explain what we humans did to cause the mini ice age.
The Obama administration has another reason to hate Fox: it appears to be the only national television news outlet in America interested in the growing ClimateGate scandal.

Despite last Friday morning's bombshell that hacked e-mail messages from a British university suggested a conspiracy by some of the world's leading global warming alarmists -- many with direct ties to the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- to manipulate temperature data, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NBC through Monday evening have completely ignored the subject.

LexisNexis searches indicate that NPR appears to also be part of this news boycott.

By contrast, here are some of the stories news organizations apparently favored by the Obama adminstration have covered since ClimateGate broke:

ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson" Friday did a very lengthy piece about Oprah Winfrey ending her syndicated daytime talk show
ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson" Monday did a lengthy piece on new revelations involving the marital affair of Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.)
CBS "Evening News" Saturday reported a ten-year-old pianist playing at Carnegie Hall
CBS "Evening News" Sunday did lengthy pieces on the website not being free and the movie "New Moon"
CBS "Evening News" Monday did lengthy pieces about defective drywall and a man who makes money wearing t-shirts
NBC "Nightly News" Friday reported on Switzerland's supercollider being turned back on
NBC "Nightly News" Saturday did a somewhat lengthy report on food carts
NBC "Nightly News" Sunday reported the release of British singer Susan Boyle's CD, and then followed it up with another report Monday on her promoting it.
It's not that these aren't valid news stories, but should they ALL be of greater importance than a scandal involving scientists from around the world including some employed by NASA and American colleges?

ClimateGate Totally Ignored By TV News Outlets Except Fox |

Yeah, totally ignored.

Hacker scandal sends ripples through ... - Google News

Hacked e-mails fuel climate change debate -

GOP opens probe into climate science e-mails - Politics-

Hackers Leak E-mails, Stoke Climate Debate - CBS News

Climate Skeptics Pounce On E-Mails Hackers Got From U.K. Scientists' Files - The Two-Way - Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR

Climate scientist criticizes skeptics, press - Capital Weather Gang

You were saying?

All of your sources tried to spin the information. Nice
You read all 12 Google pages of reports?

The OP claims the story is "ignored" by everyone except FNC. That is clearly false.
The New York Times refuses to publish any of the actual emails

Try again lol. email climate&st=cse

In the first sentence of the first paragraph, they link to the emails. Nice try, though.
They can't link to anything in the hard copy, where they've tried to claim the high ground by not printing "stolen" data, even though they had no compunctions against publishing the Pentagon Papers.
The New York Times refuses to publish any of the actual emails

Try again lol. email climate&st=cse

In the first sentence of the first paragraph, they link to the emails. Nice try, though.
They can't link to anything in the hard copy, where they've tried to claim the high ground by not printing "stolen" data, even though they had no compunctions against publishing the Pentagon Papers.

Or anything else that compromises the Security of this Republic. They're totally transparent. Great point.
All of your sources tried to spin the information. Nice
You read all 12 Google pages of reports?

The OP claims the story is "ignored" by everyone except FNC. That is clearly false.

They were ignored by everyone but Fox News. None of your stories aired on TV. Your just pissed someone bothered to check you and you failed. Not my problem.

This thread is a major fail. The story was carried by every major news outlet. Sorry.
The New York Times refuses to publish any of the actual emails

Try again lol. email climate&st=cse

In the first sentence of the first paragraph, they link to the emails. Nice try, though.
They can't link to anything in the hard copy, where they've tried to claim the high ground by not printing "stolen" data, even though they had no compunctions against publishing the Pentagon Papers.

Well, lets move the goalposts again LOL.

This was reported by every major news outlet. Period.
People try to continue to move the goal posts when this wasn't ignored by the media. In fact, this is turning out to be the same thing like the Tea Party rallies. The meme that only Fox covered it is a bold faced lie, just like it is here.
I never said it was completely ignored, just that the NYT street edition has printed none of the e-mails, and cynically claimed that their doing so is based upon claiming the moral high ground...Which is preposterous on its face.
heres the difference.

Sure the other media outlets may have reported it...but how much exposure are they actually giving it?

This should be a major story...I'm sure MSNBC and other media outlets talked about it for a minute did a little clip and never showed it again. I watched MSNBC (painfully) for 2 str8 hours yesterday and I didn't see one clip on it. I flipped back and forth on the opinion shows and didn't hear anything as well.

Perhaps the thread title should be no media outlet other then fox is giving this story any real exposure like it deserves.

I'm sure if it was reversed and there were e-mails from skeptics going back and forth saying they are wrong and manipulating would be ALL OVER THE FUCKING NEWS.

If anyone denies that, they are just fucking crazy
heres the difference.

Sure the other media outlets may have reported it...but how much exposure are they actually giving it?

This should be a major story...I'm sure MSNBC and other media outlets talked about it for a minute did a little clip and never showed it again. I watched MSNBC (painfully) for 2 str8 hours yesterday and I didn't see one clip on it. I flipped back and forth on the opinion shows and didn't hear anything as well.

Perhaps the thread title should be no media outlet other then fox is giving this story any real exposure like it deserves.

I'm sure if it was reversed and there were e-mails from skeptics going back and forth saying they are wrong and manipulating would be ALL OVER THE FUCKING NEWS.

If anyone denies that, they are just fucking crazy

On the point. What this really boils down to is investigating and finding out the validity of it all. Lip service mention is a disservice, if the media wants to continue to cling to their self-proclaimed "unbiased" claims.

Investigation should commence no matter whaich "side" any untward story comes from.

As of right now? The Media as we know it IS Biased.

But then those whom wrote the mails are hoping it all blows over, and are counting on "Short Attention Span" Theatre that appears to be the American public of late.
I never said it was completely ignored, just that the NYT street edition has printed none of the e-mails, and cynically claimed that their doing so is based upon claiming the moral high ground...Which is preposterous on its face.

Defining line.
Well, let's see. Short of researching the transcripts of every cable news program going back to last Friday, I'd have to say that your "list" above is pretty picky. As I recall, last Friday the top news stories were that the Senate was set for final debate the following day on their health care bill, and most networks that INTELLIGENT people watch were focusing on that. Also of importance in the news was the new guidelines for mamograms and pap smears, widely discussed because widely controversial; and oh yes, Sarah Palin was about to embark on her book tour, Obama had just returned from his Asia trip and his accomplishments were at the fore, and of course continued apprehension over Afghanistan.

So forgive me if I happened to miss reporting on a bunch of e-mails (the text of which I still haven't seen) which just happen to coincide with the upcoming summit on global warming. And which just happens to be a MONUMENTAL issue for the far right to glom onto as an issue winner in order to get them back in power. Surprise surprise.
You didn't read them? lol...Yet you are already jumping to conclusions? You should look at them, read them, understand what they mean. Then you can cry for a while after you realize that you've been duped by a scientific hoax.

I saw no link anywhere to the actual e-mails. I'm not questioning their content, by the way. What I'M saying is that the right wing fringe has taken off once again on an issue that eventually will be resolved anyway, like THIS is THE most important thing in the whole world. It isn't, except to promulgate your political importance.
Al Gore has been promulgating his political importance for years with this global warming himself a Nobel Prize doin' it.

RealClearPolitics - The Skeptics Are Vindicated

"There is little doubt that the e-mails were real. Even so warmist a true-believer as George Monbiot led his column in the Guardian yesterday with: "It's no use pretending this isn't a major blow. The e-mails extracted ... could scarcely be more damaging. I am now convinced that they are genuine, and I'm dismayed and deeply shaken by them."

"Astonishingly, what appears, at least at first blush, to have emerged is that (a) the scientists have been manipulating the raw temperature figures to show a relentlessly rising global warming trend; (b) they have consistently refused outsiders access to the raw data; (c) the scientists have been trying to avoid freedom of information requests; and (d) they have been discussing ways to prevent papers by dissenting scientists being published in learned journals. ..."
They are about to pay dearly for their lying and trickery.

The Obama administration has another reason to hate Fox: it appears to be the only national television news outlet in America interested in the growing ClimateGate scandal.

Despite last Friday morning's bombshell that hacked e-mail messages from a British university suggested a conspiracy by some of the world's leading global warming alarmists -- many with direct ties to the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- to manipulate temperature data, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NBC through Monday evening have completely ignored the subject.

LexisNexis searches indicate that NPR appears to also be part of this news boycott.

By contrast, here are some of the stories news organizations apparently favored by the Obama adminstration have covered since ClimateGate broke:

ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson" Friday did a very lengthy piece about Oprah Winfrey ending her syndicated daytime talk show
ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson" Monday did a lengthy piece on new revelations involving the marital affair of Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.)
CBS "Evening News" Saturday reported a ten-year-old pianist playing at Carnegie Hall
CBS "Evening News" Sunday did lengthy pieces on the website not being free and the movie "New Moon"
CBS "Evening News" Monday did lengthy pieces about defective drywall and a man who makes money wearing t-shirts
NBC "Nightly News" Friday reported on Switzerland's supercollider being turned back on
NBC "Nightly News" Saturday did a somewhat lengthy report on food carts
NBC "Nightly News" Sunday reported the release of British singer Susan Boyle's CD, and then followed it up with another report Monday on her promoting it.
It's not that these aren't valid news stories, but should they ALL be of greater importance than a scandal involving scientists from around the world including some employed by NASA and American colleges?

ClimateGate Totally Ignored By TV News Outlets Except Fox |

Yeah, totally ignored.

Hacker scandal sends ripples through ... - Google News

Hacked e-mails fuel climate change debate -

GOP opens probe into climate science e-mails - Politics-

Hackers Leak E-mails, Stoke Climate Debate - CBS News

Hackers Leak E-Mails, Stoke Climate Debate - ABC News

Climate Skeptics Pounce On E-Mails Hackers Got From U.K. Scientists' Files - The Two-Way - Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR

Climate scientist criticizes skeptics, press - Capital Weather Gang

You were saying?
Thanks for posting those. They are indicative of the bias against those that have doubted the global warming scam from the beginning. Some even seem to write the manipulations off as inconsequential or harmless.

I say the scientific community has suffered a great blow regarding the public's confidence in their honesty.

It seems the skepticism was warranted. Al Gore and his band of "scientists" have been exposed as fraudulent. Al should go to prison.
Last edited:
I also went to and couldn't find it on the front page as well.

Maybe I missed it. I went through the sub topics...figured it would be under science and tech.


But good news

Assasins Creed 2 looks to be a great game...thank you MSNBC for that report!
You didn't read them? lol...Yet you are already jumping to conclusions? You should look at them, read them, understand what they mean. Then you can cry for a while after you realize that you've been duped by a scientific hoax.

I saw no link anywhere to the actual e-mails. I'm not questioning their content, by the way. What I'M saying is that the right wing fringe has taken off once again on an issue that eventually will be resolved anyway, like THIS is THE most important thing in the whole world. It isn't, except to promulgate your political importance.

The Obama administration has another reason to hate Fox: it appears to be the only national television news outlet in America interested in the growing ClimateGate scandal.

Despite last Friday morning's bombshell that hacked e-mail messages from a British university suggested a conspiracy by some of the world's leading global warming alarmists -- many with direct ties to the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- to manipulate temperature data, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NBC through Monday evening have completely ignored the subject.

LexisNexis searches indicate that NPR appears to also be part of this news boycott.

By contrast, here are some of the stories news organizations apparently favored by the Obama adminstration have covered since ClimateGate broke:

ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson" Friday did a very lengthy piece about Oprah Winfrey ending her syndicated daytime talk show
ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson" Monday did a lengthy piece on new revelations involving the marital affair of Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.)
CBS "Evening News" Saturday reported a ten-year-old pianist playing at Carnegie Hall
CBS "Evening News" Sunday did lengthy pieces on the website not being free and the movie "New Moon"
CBS "Evening News" Monday did lengthy pieces about defective drywall and a man who makes money wearing t-shirts
NBC "Nightly News" Friday reported on Switzerland's supercollider being turned back on
NBC "Nightly News" Saturday did a somewhat lengthy report on food carts
NBC "Nightly News" Sunday reported the release of British singer Susan Boyle's CD, and then followed it up with another report Monday on her promoting it.
It's not that these aren't valid news stories, but should they ALL be of greater importance than a scandal involving scientists from around the world including some employed by NASA and American colleges?

ClimateGate Totally Ignored By TV News Outlets Except Fox |

Yeah, totally ignored.

Hacker scandal sends ripples through ... - Google News

Hacked e-mails fuel climate change debate -

GOP opens probe into climate science e-mails - Politics-

Hackers Leak E-mails, Stoke Climate Debate - CBS News

Hackers Leak E-Mails, Stoke Climate Debate - ABC News

Climate Skeptics Pounce On E-Mails Hackers Got From U.K. Scientists' Files - The Two-Way - Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR

Climate scientist criticizes skeptics, press - Capital Weather Gang

You were saying?
Thanks for posting those. They are indicative of the bias against those that have doubted the global warming scam from the beginning. Some even seem to write the manipulations off as inconsequential or harmless.

I say the scientific community has suffered a great blow regarding the public's confidence in their honesty.

It seems the skepticism was warranted. Al Gore and his band of "scientists" have been exposed as fraudulent. Al should go to prison.

And so should the AUTHORS of the "Cap And Trade" Legislation that was/IS based upon a false premise.

I hope the calls to investigate this in the Congress are heeded before a gross seizing of American Liberty is voted in as LAW.
I also went to and couldn't find it on the front page as well.

Maybe I missed it. I went through the sub topics...figured it would be under science and tech.


But good news

Assasins Creed 2 looks to be a great game...thank you MSNBC for that report!

I also went to and couldn't find it on the front page as well.

Maybe I missed it. I went through the sub topics...figured it would be under science and tech.


But good news

Assasins Creed 2 looks to be a great game...thank you MSNBC for that report!
HEY!.....Donny Osmond won Dancing with the Stars!

And they say that journalism is dead.

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