ClimateGate Totally Ignored By TV News Outlets Except Fox

Yeah - a bit more looking, and guess what?

Along with the blackout on the NY Times, NO mention of the climategate scandal on MSNBC's front page, nor ABC's front page, nor CBS's front page.

What does CBS have on it's front page? A story outlining how polling for belief in climate change in America has "dipped" - though according to the report, a majority of Americans still support capping our carbon output. (WTF???) NOT ONE SINGLE WORD on the climategate reports.

What we have here is a story that broke - a HUGE story within the climate change debate, followed QUICKLY by Obama announcing he is going to Copenhagen to speak at the climate change summit - something that was indicated he would not do just weeks prior. Then we have the media ignoring the climategate emails, and repeating the "Obama to Copenhagen" story over and over again on their front page news.

Collusion in climate science meet collusion in the media...

Fewer Believe Global Warming, Poll Finds - CBS News

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News-

News - ABC News
I know Ravi...when shit doesn't go your way the best medicine is probably to shrug it off.

Because according to you the media isn't liberal

The planet is 100% without a doubt warming specfically because of man

I mean

who the fuck needs evidence.

I would love to see how much data the IPCC uses from the CRU
This is getting to be as funny as the birther craze.

Since it is just funny, you will refrain from defending the global warming side then? Some of the strongest supporters are pealing away.
Fox has on its front page the following editorial:

Why You Should Be Hot and Bothered About 'Climate-gate'

...The New York Times argues: "The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they won’t be posted here." -- This from the same news organization that regularly publishes classified government documents! Yet, these e-mails were covered by England's Freedom of Information Act and should have been released when they were requested. Hiding data, destroying information, and doctoring their results raise real questions about many American academics at universities such as Pennsylvania State University, University of Arizona, and University of Massachusetts at Amherst. When at all possible available data must be shared.

Usually academic research is completely ignored by the general public but in this case proposed regulations, costing trillions of dollars, are being based on many of these claimed research results. This coordinated campaign to hide scientific information appears unprecedented.

Why You Should Be Hot and Bothered About 'Climate-gate' -
LexisNexis searches indicate that NPR appears to also be part of this news boycott.

You're wrong. NPR is reporting on it. NPR is one of the few objective news sources out there. BTW, BBC is also reporting.

Climategate: MSM Writers Try to Ignore Scandal in Global Warming Stories But Readers Bring Them Back to Reality

Climategate: Suing NASA


NPR is doing some reporting on it - but NPR is not CBS, ABC, NBC, or the NY Times.

Sadly, what NPR is doing is the exception - hopefully that will change.

In England, it is being treated -correctly - as far bigger news than it has in the US...

"Now we hear at the American Spectator that Chris Horner, on behalf of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, has filed a notice of intent to sue NASA for refusing for three years to turn over information requested under the Freedom of Information Act."

Hilarious. The right-wing American Spectator had best be careful about entering those muddy waters, since it was George Booooooooooooooooooosh's administration that squelched official NASA reports on global warming a long time ago.

Maggie, you are stretching and it's not going to hold. This reminds me a lot of the Dan Rather story, bet you were wrong on that too.

I swear some of you must have been in a coma or in diapers not too long ago. This was not a rumor, or even a story based on unsubstantiated evidence.

Political Interference with Climate Change Science Under the Bush Administration, December 2007 - Council on Foreign Relations
Oh, there's one...And she's flailing horribly. :lol:

Flailing? Sorry, Dud, but I always like to wait and see the end result before jumping to conclusions, as is the favorite MO of the rabid right. If these emails change the general opinion of top environmental scientists, so be it. Who am I to argue? That said, I do think it's oddly coincidental, based on the age of some of those emails, that they have suddenly appeared as being relevant. After all, there has been much opposing scientific analysis on global warming. Why weren't these presented before now to bolster their argument? Just saying.

But if you feel better thinking you've scored another smackdown of me, then I'm so glad I made your day. I always feel charitable this time of year. Enjoy your moment. :eusa_whistle:
Turns out the results of the AGW "experts" have been fudged.

Even the authors of those e-mails have come out and admitted that they're authentic...Besides, the embedded codes don't lie.

Yes, you're flailing every bit as much as the apologists for Nixon did.
This is getting to be as funny as the birther craze.

Oh they'll tire of this one too. Next week they'll be all over something else. It's frankly getting old.

Ironically, if you do try to find an article on these emails, all you get are page after page of right-wing publications and blogs on the subject. Maybe the rest of MSM has decided to let them play with this latest toy all by their lonesome. There are other more newsworthy topics at hand.
"Now we hear at the American Spectator that Chris Horner, on behalf of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, has filed a notice of intent to sue NASA for refusing for three years to turn over information requested under the Freedom of Information Act."

Hilarious. The right-wing American Spectator had best be careful about entering those muddy waters, since it was George Booooooooooooooooooosh's administration that squelched official NASA reports on global warming a long time ago.

Maggie, you are stretching and it's not going to hold. This reminds me a lot of the Dan Rather story, bet you were wrong on that too.

I swear some of you must have been in a coma or in diapers not too long ago. This was not a rumor, or even a story based on unsubstantiated evidence.

Political Interference with Climate Change Science Under the Bush Administration, December 2007 - Council on Foreign Relations
Ummm, Maggie...perhaps you heard about the story in the topic? Focus, just try.
lol there are more newsworthy topics at hand

you fucking dolt.

Thank you for proving our point.

It's not newsworthy to you because it doesn't push your fucking agenda and point of view and shows what a fucking joke you guys are.

I'm sure if it was e-mails of skeptics you would be all over it right

you stupid hypocritical bitch
This is getting to be as funny as the birther craze.

Oh they'll tire of this one too. Next week they'll be all over something else. It's frankly getting old.

Ironically, if you do try to find an article on these emails, all you get are page after page of right-wing publications and blogs on the subject. Maybe the rest of MSM has decided to let them play with this latest toy all by their lonesome. There are other more newsworthy topics at hand.
250+ gigs of incriminating evidence isn't going to go away any more than the Pentagon Papers did.
This is getting to be as funny as the birther craze.

Oh they'll tire of this one too. Next week they'll be all over something else. It's frankly getting old.

Ironically, if you do try to find an article on these emails, all you get are page after page of right-wing publications and blogs on the subject. Maybe the rest of MSM has decided to let them play with this latest toy all by their lonesome. There are other more newsworthy topics at hand.
250+ gigs of incriminating evidence isn't going to go away any more than the Pentagon Papers did.

As I said, why is this stuff appearing just NOW? Can you answer that?

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