Clingers to Guns and Religion


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It isn’t that the Democrats forgot the rest of the country, it’s that they disdain the rest of the country.

Even anti-Trump working-class voters are having second thoughts.

What is astounding, post-election, is the total lack of contrition Democrats have displayed for ignoring the workingman and -woman bloc that has been the party’s horn of plenty. The only regret they display is that they lost the election, not the voters.

What Democrats, academics and pundits keep refusing to see is that the loss was never about Trump’s candidacy; it was all about how Democrats have increasingly lost touch with their voters outside of coastal America — until those voters finally hit their breaking point.

“The Democratic Party has become a coastal elitist club and if there is any decision or discussion made to broaden that within the ranks it is squashed,” said Dane Strother, a legendary Washington, DC-based Democratic strategist.

“We have completely lost touch with Middle America,” he admits, “How did we go from the party of the little man to the party of the elite?” Then he answers; “Yes, we rightfully should protect the rights of minorities, African-Americans, Hispanics, the LBGTQ communities and we always should — but we can’t forget the rest of the country along the way,” he said.
The Democrat has managed to transform itself from the party of the working class to a party made up of welfare queens and the elite globalists. Amazing when you think about it.
AKA "Flyover Country". They took White Working Class for granted. Some media tried to twist that as racism on the part of the white working class going for Trump. Bullshit. For example, You don't go into coal country, fuck with a man's livelihood, and leave them with some specious, ephemeral jobs transition plan, and jet out to a coast by sun down for your $1,000 per plate fundraisers with the elite.
The isis and the taliban both cling to the same things. Wake up and realize that religion is idiocy.

there's that whole "I'm smarter than you" idiocy that got Trump elected in the first place.

It's like progressives can't help it.
AKA "Flyover Country". They took White Working Class for granted. Some media tried to twist that as racism on the part of the white working class going for Trump. Bullshit. For example, You don't go into coal country, fuck with a man's livelihood, and leave them with some specious, ephemeral jobs transition plan, and jet out to a coast by sun down for your $1,000 per plate fundraisers with the elite.
Dear White America: Your working class is literally dying—and this is your idea of an answer?
AKA "Flyover Country". They took White Working Class for granted. Some media tried to twist that as racism on the part of the white working class going for Trump. Bullshit. For example, You don't go into coal country, fuck with a man's livelihood, and leave them with some specious, ephemeral jobs transition plan, and jet out to a coast by sun down for your $1,000 per plate fundraisers with the elite.
Dear White America: Your working class is literally dying—and this is your idea of an answer?

You were preaching that crap even before Trump got elected. White America still elected Trump though, didn't they?
AKA "Flyover Country". They took White Working Class for granted. Some media tried to twist that as racism on the part of the white working class going for Trump. Bullshit. For example, You don't go into coal country, fuck with a man's livelihood, and leave them with some specious, ephemeral jobs transition plan, and jet out to a coast by sun down for your $1,000 per plate fundraisers with the elite.
Dear White America: Your working class is literally dying—and this is your idea of an answer?

You were preaching that crap even before Trump got elected. White America still elected Trump though, didn't they?

That they did and the DNC, Hillary, the media and the pollsters completely ignored the working class.

The working class that elected Trump. The Trump they all called a joke.

A Trump who got his message out and an America that responded.

Wonder how long they are going to moan and groan about no Hillary in the WH???
Trump ran on a platform to make America great again and to make life better for the people that were hurt by Obama's disastrous administration.

Crooked Hillary ran on a platform to raise taxes, bring in a million damn Muslims, allow open borders and to take away the Constitutional right to keep and bare arms.

Kind of a no brainer on why Trump will be sworn in as President and Crooked Hillary won't, right?

The Democrats put up a corrupt, dishonest and incompetent bitch that nobody really liked who had more baggage than Delta Airlines and then they wonder why they lost.

When Bernie Sanders was gets thousands of enthusiastic people at his rallies and Crooked Hillary was putting on $25K a plate fundraisers with a handful of her Limousine Liberal friends the party should have figured out something was not right.
It isn’t that the Democrats forgot the rest of the country, it’s that they disdain the rest of the country.

Even anti-Trump working-class voters are having second thoughts.

What is astounding, post-election, is the total lack of contrition Democrats have displayed for ignoring the workingman and -woman bloc that has been the party’s horn of plenty. The only regret they display is that they lost the election, not the voters.

What Democrats, academics and pundits keep refusing to see is that the loss was never about Trump’s candidacy; it was all about how Democrats have increasingly lost touch with their voters outside of coastal America — until those voters finally hit their breaking point.

“The Democratic Party has become a coastal elitist club and if there is any decision or discussion made to broaden that within the ranks it is squashed,” said Dane Strother, a legendary Washington, DC-based Democratic strategist.

“We have completely lost touch with Middle America,” he admits, “How did we go from the party of the little man to the party of the elite?” Then he answers; “Yes, we rightfully should protect the rights of minorities, African-Americans, Hispanics, the LBGTQ communities and we always should — but we can’t forget the rest of the country along the way,” he said.
The anti-gun nutters are eating crow. :lmao:

This is Barrys legacy... what his presidency will be most known for, a bunch of dead kids/people.
Barack Obama, there have been 162 mass shootings, compared to 11 under President Ronald Reagan, 20 under President George W. Bush and 23 under President Bill Clinton.
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Trump ran on a platform to make America great again and to make life better for the people that were hurt by Obama's disastrous administration.

Crooked Hillary ran on a platform to raise taxes, bring in a million damn Muslims, allow open borders and to take away the Constitutional right to keep and bare arms.

Kind of a no brainer on why Trump will be sworn in as President and Crooked Hillary won't, right?

The Democrats put up a corrupt, dishonest and incompetent bitch that nobody really liked who had more baggage than Delta Airlines and then they wonder why they lost.

When Bernie Sanders was gets thousands of enthusiastic people at his rallies and Crooked Hillary was putting on $25K a plate fundraisers with a handful of her Limousine Liberal friends the party should have figured out something was not right.

But they didn't and they all completely ignored the working men and women in this country.

Trump got his message out and was elected.

Hillary couldn't have cared less about the working man or woman and she's history.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving POS. And boy do I thank God that her elitist ass is gone.
AKA "Flyover Country". They took White Working Class for granted. Some media tried to twist that as racism on the part of the white working class going for Trump. Bullshit. For example, You don't go into coal country, fuck with a man's livelihood, and leave them with some specious, ephemeral jobs transition plan, and jet out to a coast by sun down for your $1,000 per plate fundraisers with the elite.
Dear White America: Your working class is literally dying—and this is your idea of an answer?
AKA "Flyover Country". They took White Working Class for granted. Some media tried to twist that as racism on the part of the white working class going for Trump. Bullshit. For example, You don't go into coal country, fuck with a man's livelihood, and leave them with some specious, ephemeral jobs transition plan, and jet out to a coast by sun down for your $1,000 per plate fundraisers with the elite.
Dear White America: Your working class is literally dying—and this is your idea of an answer?

Guno, I really hated to hear that the insane asylum turned down your admission by stating that they could only repair brains and were unable to manufacture them. That's really tough, Man.
It isn’t that the Democrats forgot the rest of the country, it’s that they disdain the rest of the country.

Even anti-Trump working-class voters are having second thoughts.

What is astounding, post-election, is the total lack of contrition Democrats have displayed for ignoring the workingman and -woman bloc that has been the party’s horn of plenty. The only regret they display is that they lost the election, not the voters.

What Democrats, academics and pundits keep refusing to see is that the loss was never about Trump’s candidacy; it was all about how Democrats have increasingly lost touch with their voters outside of coastal America — until those voters finally hit their breaking point.

“The Democratic Party has become a coastal elitist club and if there is any decision or discussion made to broaden that within the ranks it is squashed,” said Dane Strother, a legendary Washington, DC-based Democratic strategist.

“We have completely lost touch with Middle America,” he admits, “How did we go from the party of the little man to the party of the elite?” Then he answers; “Yes, we rightfully should protect the rights of minorities, African-Americans, Hispanics, the LBGTQ communities and we always should — but we can’t forget the rest of the country along the way,” he said.
The anti-gun nutters are eating crow. :lmao:

This is Barrys legacy... what his presidency will be most known for, a bunch of dead kids/people.
Barack Obama, there have been 162 mass shootings, compared to 11 under President Ronald Reagan, 20 under President George W. Bush and 23 under President Bill Clinton.
Complete bullshit of course. Probably doesn't matter though in the new post-truth America.
It isn’t that the Democrats forgot the rest of the country, it’s that they disdain the rest of the country.

Even anti-Trump working-class voters are having second thoughts.

What is astounding, post-election, is the total lack of contrition Democrats have displayed for ignoring the workingman and -woman bloc that has been the party’s horn of plenty. The only regret they display is that they lost the election, not the voters.

What Democrats, academics and pundits keep refusing to see is that the loss was never about Trump’s candidacy; it was all about how Democrats have increasingly lost touch with their voters outside of coastal America — until those voters finally hit their breaking point.

“The Democratic Party has become a coastal elitist club and if there is any decision or discussion made to broaden that within the ranks it is squashed,” said Dane Strother, a legendary Washington, DC-based Democratic strategist.

“We have completely lost touch with Middle America,” he admits, “How did we go from the party of the little man to the party of the elite?” Then he answers; “Yes, we rightfully should protect the rights of minorities, African-Americans, Hispanics, the LBGTQ communities and we always should — but we can’t forget the rest of the country along the way,” he said.
The anti-gun nutters are eating crow. :lmao:

This is Barrys legacy... what his presidency will be most known for, a bunch of dead kids/people.
Barack Obama, there have been 162 mass shootings, compared to 11 under President Ronald Reagan, 20 under President George W. Bush and 23 under President Bill Clinton.
Complete bullshit of course. Probably doesn't matter though in the new post-truth America.
Barrys presidency inspired nut jobs to kill other people more so than other presidencies… fact
It brought nutters out of the woodwork.
It isn’t that the Democrats forgot the rest of the country, it’s that they disdain the rest of the country.

Even anti-Trump working-class voters are having second thoughts.

What is astounding, post-election, is the total lack of contrition Democrats have displayed for ignoring the workingman and -woman bloc that has been the party’s horn of plenty. The only regret they display is that they lost the election, not the voters.

What Democrats, academics and pundits keep refusing to see is that the loss was never about Trump’s candidacy; it was all about how Democrats have increasingly lost touch with their voters outside of coastal America — until those voters finally hit their breaking point.

“The Democratic Party has become a coastal elitist club and if there is any decision or discussion made to broaden that within the ranks it is squashed,” said Dane Strother, a legendary Washington, DC-based Democratic strategist.

“We have completely lost touch with Middle America,” he admits, “How did we go from the party of the little man to the party of the elite?” Then he answers; “Yes, we rightfully should protect the rights of minorities, African-Americans, Hispanics, the LBGTQ communities and we always should — but we can’t forget the rest of the country along the way,” he said.
The anti-gun nutters are eating crow. :lmao:

This is Barrys legacy... what his presidency will be most known for, a bunch of dead kids/people.
Barack Obama, there have been 162 mass shootings, compared to 11 under President Ronald Reagan, 20 under President George W. Bush and 23 under President Bill Clinton.
Complete bullshit of course. Probably doesn't matter though in the new post-truth America.
Barrys presidency inspired nut jobs to kill other people more so than other presidencies… fact
It brought nutters out of the woodwork.
"Fact." Lol.
The isis and the taliban both cling to the same things. Wake up and realize that religion is idiocy.
So when was the last time a christian group invaded an area and used Jesus as an excuse to kill everyone that doesn't follow their beliefs exactly ? Before you manically type something remember the current year is 2016. I would also like to throw out there that I'm not a Christian.

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