Clint Eastwood Romney Boost Endorsement

Oh this thread is rich given the fact that you morons grilled him for being an obamabot with the superbowl commerical...

Haha fuck you...people are nothing but two faced assholes...

What board are you talking about. I don't remember this board going that way?
Amazing that you folks went nuts when Eastwood did the Chrysler ad about job growth in February.

You and Plasmaball are both claiming the same. Frankly and in all honestly I don't remember this board in particular and this is what we are talking about going koo koo bye bye over the advertisement.

Npw you both claim it. Can either of you provide proof of it?
Clint Eastwood Endorsing Romney's Presidential Bid

The Oscar-winning director and longtime movie star says he's endorsing the Republican presidential candidate. Eastwood tells The Associated Press that he's backing Romney because, in Eastwood's words, "I think the country needs a boost."

Yahoo News

I think Clint Eastwood has his ear to the ground in the behalf of all America. :)

Sorry... Im a big fan of his movies, but I could give a rats ass what he has to say about politics.

As far as I am concerned he is a bandwagon jumper.

Good to have him on board finally, but mehh... :neutral:
Oh this thread is rich given the fact that you morons grilled him for being an obamabot with the superbowl commerical...

Haha fuck you...people are nothing but two faced assholes...

Even he didn't think he was going to be played for it.

Clint's just been an all round American for forever. Hey your side is so good put Van Jones in commercials.

Go for it. :lol:

My side see's mittens and obama as the same person.....

Maybe you should put up westboro in yours....I see no difference.
As a former avid Eastwood fan, I say this: FUCK YOU, Clint.

Marion Morrison, aka John Wayne, was also a wingnut.

I really don't see Clint as a wingnut. He has his right to endorse Romney as does anyone. I think he's wrong, but so long as he isn't saying stupid shit, then I see no reason to get all upset about it.
Clint Eastwood Endorsing Romney's Presidential Bid

The Oscar-winning director and longtime movie star says he's endorsing the Republican presidential candidate. Eastwood tells The Associated Press that he's backing Romney because, in Eastwood's words, "I think the country needs a boost."

Yahoo News

I think Clint Eastwood has his ear to the ground in the behalf of all America. :)
Well... I put as much faith into Clint's view in politics as much as I do these people:

David Arquette
Scott Bakula
Alec Baldwin
Antonio Banderas
Angela Bassett
Jack Black
Jim Belushi
Nick Cannon
Kate Capshaw
George Clooney
Jamie Lee Curtis
Matt Damon
Robert De Niro
Danny DeVito
Kirk Douglas
Michael Douglas
Robert Downey, Jr.
Will Ferrell
Bridget Fonda
Jamie Foxx
Morgan Freeman
Jennifer Garner
Whoopi Goldberg
Melanie Griffith
Salma Hayek
Tom Hanks
Neil Patrick Harris
Samuel L. Jackson
Scarlett Johansson

Oh hell.... So many of them it's not funny. The point is I like to think for myself. Their opinions mean next to nothing unless they want to put up reasons as to why they do it... And even then they have to be factual, not feel good bullshit.

They are actors... It's their job to make you believe things.

Any actor or musician or artist or whatever they may be has just as much right as you and I to support whomever it is they want. Just don't think that because they are a Hollywood star that somehow they magically know any more than anyone else does.
Well... I put as much faith into Clint's view in politics as much as I do these people:

David Arquette
Scott Bakula
Alec Baldwin
Antonio Banderas
Angela Bassett
Jack Black
Jim Belushi
Nick Cannon
Kate Capshaw
George Clooney
Jamie Lee Curtis
Matt Damon
Robert De Niro
Danny DeVito
Kirk Douglas
Michael Douglas
Robert Downey, Jr.
Will Ferrell
Bridget Fonda
Jamie Foxx
Morgan Freeman
Jennifer Garner
Whoopi Goldberg
Melanie Griffith
Salma Hayek
Tom Hanks
Neil Patrick Harris
Samuel L. Jackson
Scarlett Johansson

Oh hell.... So many of them it's not funny. The point is I like to think for myself. Their opinions mean next to nothing unless they want to put up reasons as to why they do it... And even then they have to be factual, not feel good bullshit.

They are actors... It's their job to make you believe things.
That's too bad, Sheltzin. Clint Eastwood was the Mayor of Carmel, California, and always used his communication skills that are highly developed in actors and actresses to find the truth and get at it.

Much was given to him, and he has given much back.

And to be exact, he has a great singing voice, something a lot of people did not know.'s fair. I've seen "Paint your wagon" and heard him sing the theme for "Every which way but Loose" and the closing theme in "Grand Torino".

He writes music better then he sings.
I was thinking back to his days on Rawhide. He supposedly sang the theme song, and seems like the program went on forever. In Paint Your Wagon, I loved his rendition of song "I still see Elisa."

Clint also was able to write pieces a professional composer might not be able to come through with so simply as he could, with deep knowledge of his background theme of the story for which it was written. The man is versatile. This one is almost classical:

[ame=]Flags of Our Fathers - Soundtrack - Platoon Swims - YouTube[/ame]
Amazing that you folks went nuts when Eastwood did the Chrysler ad about job growth in February.

You and Plasmaball are both claiming the same. Frankly and in all honestly I don't remember this board in particular and this is what we are talking about going koo koo bye bye over the advertisement.

I remember all the wingnuts with a Republican corpuscle in their bodies blowing a nut over it.
Oh this thread is rich given the fact that you morons grilled him for being an obamabot with the superbowl commerical...

Haha fuck you...people are nothing but two faced assholes...

Maybe the point is...that Eastwood at least wised up to the disaster. Can't be said for the rest of the Obamabots. Changing ones political leaning in the face of the facts should be respected.
Oh this thread is rich given the fact that you morons grilled him for being an obamabot with the superbowl commerical...

Haha fuck you...people are nothing but two faced assholes...

Maybe the point is...that Eastwood at least wised up to the disaster. Can't be said for the rest of the Obamabots. Changing ones political leaning in the face of the facts should be respected.
I agree.

I find it amusing that people are willing to vote for a democrat or a republican after they say that.
Amazing that you folks went nuts when Eastwood did the Chrysler ad about job growth in February.

Eyep..many on this board swore off Eastwood films.

I know it wasnt me, I love me some clint, and his films are awesome....Dirty Harry is a critique on liberal "justice" he shoots the bad guys and people cheer.....noone likes a criminal, except a liberal.
As a former avid Eastwood fan, I say this: FUCK YOU, Clint.

Marion Morrison, aka John Wayne, was also a wingnut.

By the way, I wouldn't about it too much pal.
For every he-man in Hollwood like Clint, there are a hundred candy-ass liberals in Hollywood like Tom Hanks, or George cLooney who have their noses firmly planted between Obama's ass cheeks.

Now get off my lawn !
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