Clinton Email Archive Found?

Well, yes, it's called being an independent thinker. I'm not going to cast a vote for the candidate that I feel is the "least worst" of the two. If neither of them resemble my morals, beliefs, and feelings, I'm not going to just toe a party line and blindly follow them. That's a horrible way to choose a candidate, let alone one that is running for President of the United States.
Like I said "Can't touch you" too great :2up:
What so many people don't realize is, you have to use some serious deep scrubbing software in order to totally clean your hard drive. Something like that Bleach Bit program Hillary used.

My assertion was that Tony is an idiot. I don't care about his "education", he is an idiot. Obozo is an idiot. Hitlery is an idiot.

They're well connected, utterly ruthless, manipulative and decorated with pedigree credentials, but no one with any brains works to undermine the country like they do. It proves that they have no minds of their own, they take orders in exchange for campaign cash and ride the gravy train.
And Trump is just the shining star of humanity?? ;)
It could be the "master File", would make sense on the 650,000 emails....but it would not be a master file of just govt work, and they would only have a warrant for govt related work and nothing else on the laptop, just like they only had the search warrant for Weiner emails and had to get a second warrant for Huma, and H's server emails....

The metadata that they spoke about, could pull out all the emails from her private server and other govt email systems/workers fairly quickly, you would think, to narrow it down asap?
You're assuming the FBI won't destroy this laptop like they did with Mills.

I thought it came out recently that the higher ups told the FBI to destroy the lap tops but the agents refused and they are still at the FBI somewhere?

I can't find where I saw that though.
That's why I love our FBI. Those guys are determined to finish what they start. They are very well trained and can sense when something isn't right. They don't miss anything.

So how'd they miss all of the blatant evidence of intent the first time?
I don't think they did. I think they were ordered to stand down. There are more honest FBI agents than some people may realize. They kept investigating even after they were told not to because they knew they were onto something and now we are seeing them go after her. They deserve credit and respect for what they have done and what they are doing right now. We will probably never know what they had to put up with from certain higher ups who were not honest and refused to do the right thing until they had no other choice because it became too big.

Explain how they failed to look at sworn congressional testimony.

Why they ignored her intent to avoid federal records keeping and FOIA laws with the server.

Why they ignored her keeping the server secret, even after subpoenas were issued for her records.

All go to intent and an ongoing crime.

Why did they break protocol and not employ a grand jury and its subpoena powers.

Why all the immunity deals. The destruction of Mills laptop was part of her immunity deal.

The FBI field agents most likely did their job, but supervisors and DOJ prosecutors that were directly involved didn't even come close. I fully believe the DOJ had predetermined the outcome and will most likely do it again. As I said before. Podestas best bud from law school is in charge of the renewed investigation.
Yup and here's the whole backstory if anyone is interested. Talk about a giant steaming pile of horse shit.
John Podesta's Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ's Probe Into Huma Abedin Emails | Zero Hedge

You got Rick Rolled one More time LOL ....
Right-wing media outlets are falsely claiming that a Justice Department official tied to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, is “overseeing” the FBI’s review of emails that may be tied to the investigation into her use of a private server as secretary of state. Their claims are based solely on the fact that the official sent a letter to Congress about the review. In fact, the official in question leads the FBI’s Office of Legislative Affairs, and in that capacity he is responsible for communications with Congress, not active investigations.

The story appears to originate with Gateway Pundit author Jim Hoft, who is notoriously stupid but nonetheless provides a ready pipeline to other conservative outlets.
No, A DOJ Official With Podesta Ties Isn't “Overseeing” The FBI's ...

You got Rick Rolled one More time LOL ....
Right-wing media outlets are falsely claiming that a Justice Department official tied to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, is “overseeing” the FBI’s review of emails that may be tied to the investigation into her use of a private server as secretary of state. Their claims are based solely on the fact that the official sent a letter to Congress about the review. In fact, the official in question leads the FBI’s Office of Legislative Affairs, and in that capacity he is responsible for communications with Congress, not active investigations.

The story appears to originate with Gateway Pundit author Jim Hoft, who is notoriously stupid but nonetheless provides a ready pipeline to other conservative outlets.
No, A DOJ Official With Podesta Ties Isn't “Overseeing” The FBI's ...

Is it this Jim Hoft LOL

Stupidest Man On The Internet Falls For Fake Poll Showing Rising Latino Support For Trump.
Jim Hoft, the man behind the right wing Gateway Pundit blog, is such a legend of blogging dumbassery that multiple observers have dubbed him "the stupidest man on the internet."Jun 11, 2016
Stupidest Man On The Internet Falls For Fake Poll Showing Rising .
Well, yes, it's called being an independent thinker. I'm not going to cast a vote for the candidate that I feel is the "least worst" of the two. If neither of them resemble my morals, beliefs, and feelings, I'm not going to just toe a party line and blindly follow them. That's a horrible way to choose a candidate, let alone one that is running for President of the United States.
Think on this for a little bit

but but but but "Hillary has E mails"

Trump Camp And NV GOP Ordered To Appear In Voter Intimidation Lawsuit

A federal judge ordered representatives from the Donald Trump campaign and the Nevada Republican Party to appear at a hearing in a lawsuit accusing them of the engaging in voter intimidation tactics.

GOP's Trey Gowdy responds to this steaming Horse shit

The story quickly spread to Fox News, where Gowdy, one of the leading congressional investigators of Clinton, shot it down. On Fox & Friends, co-host Steve Doocy commented that he “was noticing on some of the blogs this morning” that Kadzik has ties to Podesta and asked Gowdy if he was concerned. Gowdy replied that he didn’t think it was relevant because “Peter Kadzik doesn’t make these decisions; they are made at the top of the DOJ.” He added, “Peter Kadzik is not a decision-maker, he is a messenger.”

You got Rick Rolled one More time LOL ....
Right-wing media outlets are falsely claiming that a Justice Department official tied to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, is “overseeing” the FBI’s review of emails that may be tied to the investigation into her use of a private server as secretary of state. Their claims are based solely on the fact that the official sent a letter to Congress about the review. In fact, the official in question leads the FBI’s Office of Legislative Affairs, and in that capacity he is responsible for communications with Congress, not active investigations.

The story appears to originate with Gateway Pundit author Jim Hoft, who is notoriously stupid but nonetheless provides a ready pipeline to other conservative outlets.
No, A DOJ Official With Podesta Ties Isn't “Overseeing” The FBI's ...

Seriously, you poo poo his source with media don't matter. No bias there, LMAO.
So basically Hillary was sending out e-mails every waking second of every day for 8 years. I mean it’s getting a bit cartoonish guys…don’t you think?
Seriously, you poo poo his source with media don't matter. No bias there, LMAO.

Except that Media Matters Quoted Trey Gowdy as debunking the Bull shit
....Here is Trey Gowdy in quotes ...Go to the link I provided for a Video of Trey Gowdy saying what is quoted below here

On Fox & Friends, co-host Steve Doocy commented that he “was noticing on some of the blogs this morning” that Kadzik has ties to Podesta and asked Gowdy if he was concerned. Gowdy replied that he didn’t think it was relevant because “Peter Kadzik doesn’t make these decisions; they are made at the top of the DOJ.” He added, “Peter Kadzik is not a decision-maker, he is a messenger
So basically Hillary was sending out e-mails every waking second of every day for 8 years. I mean it’s getting a bit cartoonish guys…don’t you think?

Synced from Cloud?
Source: Veterans Today

In a surprise announcement, the Department of Justice just admitted that there was no legal authorization in place to access email accounts of Hillary Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, estranged wife of accused sex offender former Congressman Anthony Weiner. Additionally, it has now been learned that the FBI had accessed Huma Abedin’s cloud based email account as early as September 22 and certainly by the beginning of October, according to CNN.

As the revelations are hitting every few minutes, the background and the basic legalities are being obscured, that and some serious questions such as the one just raised, not only why did the FBI director Comey wait but why did the FBI sit on these files for weeks, only releasing them when it is now too late to get the truth out, a truth that most likely will prove Hillary Clinton free of any criminal wrongdoing. What has driven this FBI ploy and what procedures and even laws have they broken leading to this state of affairs that, as Presidential candidate Donald Trump noted, rivals Watergate, though maybe in not in ways he had foreseen.

The government admitted that no warrant had been requested and that discussions to seek a warrant had not yet begun, making the letter FBI Director James Comey wrote to Congress on Friday a potentially criminal act, if it can be proven that Comey was aware of this fact and of the actions of his subordinates in “planting” Clinton emails on Weiner’s laptop. In fact, Comey now claims he wasn’t told by his agents who kept the information from him for weeks.

Read more: Breaking/Exclusive: Comey Lied: FBI “Synced” Weiner Laptop Under Misused Terror Warrant – Updated | Veterans Today
Seriously, you poo poo his source with media don't matter. No bias there, LMAO.

Except that Media Matters Quoted Trey Gowdy as debunking the Bull shit
....Here is Trey Gowdy in quotes ...Go to the link I provided for a Video of Trey Gowdy saying what is quoted below here

On Fox & Friends, co-host Steve Doocy commented that he “was noticing on some of the blogs this morning” that Kadzik has ties to Podesta and asked Gowdy if he was concerned. Gowdy replied that he didn’t think it was relevant because “Peter Kadzik doesn’t make these decisions; they are made at the top of the DOJ.” He added, “Peter Kadzik is not a decision-maker, he is a messenger

He does, though, have the power to deny a request for a special prosecutor, as he did last November.

The Daily Caller recently reported on how emails released by WikiLeaks showed the tight relationship between Podesta and Kadzik. The two met for dinner along with other friends the night after Clinton testified before the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

DOJ Official Involved In Clinton Email Investigation Is Podesta’s Friend

So he does have some decision making power.

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