Clinton Email Archive Found?

Irony...a guy named Weiner who emails pics of his crotch to underage married to Hillary's closest aide...who kept a trove of 650,000 emails on Hillary...cuts a deal with the FBI to save his own skin...its like Stephen King is scripting this, or God maybe God is messing with Hillary. :laugh:

All Huma had to do was look at what happened to Susan McDougal for trusting the Clintons. She needed a "life insurance" policy for when Hillary Corleone decided she had to go.

These fools brought it all upon themselves I have no sympathy for them. In fact if Hillary loses I will spend the next 4 years rubbing salt in the left's wounds I'm just that mean.
Well, we may never know. Keep in mind Podestas best law school bud and the guy Podesta credits with keeping him out of jail, will be in charge of the renewed investigation. Hope that helps ya sleep better tonight. NOT!

If Trump wins, and I'm optimistic he will, the chances are democrook sycophants won't be running the investigations anymore.

You're assuming the FBI won't destroy this laptop like they did with Mills.

I thought it came out recently that the higher ups told the FBI to destroy the lap tops but the agents refused and they are still at the FBI somewhere?

I can't find where I saw that though.

As far as I know it was party of an immunity deal and they destroyed it, I haven't heard anything to the contrary.

In the military and in the government, an agent can refuse to do something if they feel that it is illegal to do so.

I found an article actually talking about this:

DiGenova, appearing on The David Webb Show on SiriusXM Friday night, revealed that the laptops belonging to Mills and Samuelson had not been destroyed, the Daily Caller reported.

“According to the agreement reached with the attorneys who handed over their laptops, the laptops were to be destroyed per the agreement after the testimony was given – the interviews were given – by the attorneys. The bureau and the department agreed to that,” DiGenova said.

“However the laptops, contrary to published reports, were not destroyed, and the reason is the agents who are tasked with destroying them refused to do so. And by the way, the laptops are at the FBI for inspection by Congress or federal courts.”

Report: Clinton aides’ laptops not destroyed

I hope that's accurate.
If Trump wins, and I'm optimistic he will, the chances are democrook sycophants won't be running the investigations anymore.

You're assuming the FBI won't destroy this laptop like they did with Mills.

I thought it came out recently that the higher ups told the FBI to destroy the lap tops but the agents refused and they are still at the FBI somewhere?

I can't find where I saw that though.
That's why I love our FBI. Those guys are determined to finish what they start. They are very well trained and can sense when something isn't right. They don't miss anything.

So how'd they miss all of the blatant evidence of intent the first time?
McKabe was overseeing it.

Still is.
The FBI released the Clinton Email Investigation (first one) online tonite and in it is paragraph about Huma Abedin telling agents there was a laptop that was used to archive all the Clinton email's. As we all know that laptop went missing and never made it to the FBI. It got lost in the mail (don't laugh I know).

Could the laptop have been found and this is what triggered the re-opening of the investigation. This Reddit makes for some very compelling evidence that the laptop they got from Weiner is in fact their "Life Insurance" aka the Clinton email archive. As an FYI the Reddit OP is a copy/pasta of the FBI's investigation paper.

The thread makes for some good reading and if I were a betting man I'd say the FBI hit pay dirt and this archive contains the 33K deleted emails that contain Yoga and wedding stuff :lol: We'll find out in the coming months thats for sure.


BREAKING: Weiner/Huma Laptop is the Clinton Email Archive! • /r/The_Donald

Valerie Plame's husband Joe Wilson unearthed the lies surrounding Hussein's purchase of uranium. He helped the American people see what Trump knew all along - the war was a mistake based on heavily doctored intelligence. In retaliation Dick Chaney outed Valerie Plame, basically putting the nation's security at risk. When Karl Rove was subpoenaed, he deleted more emails than Hillary Clinton could ever dream of deleting.

Google "karl rove 22 million emails"

Rove went unpunished but somehow you didn't even know about this issue. Now that Hillary is in the crosshairs, you've found religion. Nobody is fooled.
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The FBI released the Clinton Email Investigation (first one) online tonite and in it is paragraph about Huma Abedin telling agents there was a laptop that was used to archive all the Clinton email's. As we all know that laptop went missing and never made it to the FBI. It got lost in the mail (don't laugh I know).

Could the laptop have been found and this is what triggered the re-opening of the investigation. This Reddit makes for some very compelling evidence that the laptop they got from Weiner is in fact their "Life Insurance" aka the Clinton email archive. As an FYI the Reddit OP is a copy/pasta of the FBI's investigation paper.

The thread makes for some good reading and if I were a betting man I'd say the FBI hit pay dirt and this archive contains the 33K deleted emails that contain Yoga and wedding stuff :lol: We'll find out in the coming months thats for sure.


BREAKING: Weiner/Huma Laptop is the Clinton Email Archive! • /r/The_Donald

Valerie Plame's husband Joe Wilson unearthed the lies surrounding Hussein's purchase of uranium. He helped the American people see what Trump knew all along - the war was a mistake based on heavily doctored intelligence. In retaliation Dick Chaney outed Valerie Plame, basically putting the nation's security at risk. When Karl Rove was subpoenaed, he deleted more emails than Hillary Clinton could ever dream of deleting.

Google "karl rove 22 million emails"

Rove went unpunished but somehow you didn't even know about this issue. Now that Hillary is in the crosshairs, you've found religion. Nobody is fooled.

The Bush administration never lost 22 million Emails. This is a typical liberal lie intended to discredit Republicans and take the heat off Clinton. The following excerpts are from a CNN article published December 14, 2009:

Washington (CNN) -- Computer technicians have recovered about 22 million Bush administration e-mails that the Bush White House had said were missing, two watchdog groups that sued over the documents announced Monday.

The e-mails date from 2003 to 2005, and had been "mislabeled and effectively lost," according to the National Security Archive, a research group based at George Washington University. But Melanie Sloan, executive director of the liberal-leaning Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said it could be years before most of the e-mails are made public.

But Scott Stanzel, a former deputy press secretary in the Bush White House, said the group "has consistently tried to create a spooky conspiracy out of standard IT issues."

"We always indicated that there is an e-mail archiving system and a disaster recovery system," Stanzel said. We also indicated that e-mails not properly archived could be found on disaster recovery tapes. There is a big, big difference between something not being properly archived and it being 'lost' or 'missing,' as CREW would say."

Millions of Bush administration e-mails recovered -

Bush did not “lose” Emails the way Hillary “lost” them. He kept them and backed them up so that they are available today. Clinton, on the other hand, intentionally destroyed Emails in violation of the law and she destroyed them after they had been subpoenaed. Bush did nothing illegal. Hillary is a proven criminal and belongs in federal prison.

Hillary supporters are trying to make Bush look as bad as she is but there is no comparison. This “everybody else did it” defense employed by Clinton is childish and disgusting. To save her own derriere Clinton tried to smear Colin Powell and now her backers are attacking Bush. The Clinton organization has no shame. They don't care how many innocent people they destroy. Anyone who gets in their way is a target.

The article showing that Bush's Emails were properly backed up and recovered was published back in 2009; therefore, the Clinton campaign is obviously desperate and dishonest.
Huma flat out admitted to the FBI under oath that she forwarded State Department emails to her Yahoo account so she could print them out at home. These emails were not just from her State Department account, but her account on Hillary's private server.

As The Post first reported last week, Abedin told investigators in her April 5 interview that she “routinely forwarded emails from her account to either her or her account so that she could print them.” She explained that “it was difficult” to print from the State printer, so she printed the documents at home.

If true, why was she not charged right then and there? And why has it not been made public about her security status?
What ever the FBI has got they will probably make sure there is a record of everything before they let the DOJ touch it.

The first 24 hours were probably pretty sketchy as to who would come for that laptop. Comey has a new allegiance from the agents who only last week wouldn't speak to him in passing for what he did in July. I'd imagine they used every trick in the book to keep that laptop hidden from the DOJ. Even Raymond Reddington couldn't have gotten his hands on that little baby.
Funny how this a cross between The Blacklist and House of Cards.
The FBI released the Clinton Email Investigation (first one) online tonite and in it is paragraph about Huma Abedin telling agents there was a laptop that was used to archive all the Clinton email's. As we all know that laptop went missing and never made it to the FBI. It got lost in the mail (don't laugh I know).

Could the laptop have been found and this is what triggered the re-opening of the investigation. This Reddit makes for some very compelling evidence that the laptop they got from Weiner is in fact their "Life Insurance" aka the Clinton email archive. As an FYI the Reddit OP is a copy/pasta of the FBI's investigation paper.

The thread makes for some good reading and if I were a betting man I'd say the FBI hit pay dirt and this archive contains the 33K deleted emails that contain Yoga and wedding stuff :lol: We'll find out in the coming months thats for sure.


BREAKING: Weiner/Huma Laptop is the Clinton Email Archive! • /r/The_Donald

Valerie Plame's husband Joe Wilson unearthed the lies surrounding Hussein's purchase of uranium. He helped the American people see what Trump knew all along - the war was a mistake based on heavily doctored intelligence. In retaliation Dick Chaney outed Valerie Plame, basically putting the nation's security at risk. When Karl Rove was subpoenaed, he deleted more emails than Hillary Clinton could ever dream of deleting.

Google "karl rove 22 million emails"

Rove went unpunished but somehow you didn't even know about this issue. Now that Hillary is in the crosshairs, you've found religion. Nobody is fooled.
Is Rove running for President??
The FBI released the Clinton Email Investigation (first one) online tonite and in it is paragraph about Huma Abedin telling agents there was a laptop that was used to archive all the Clinton email's. As we all know that laptop went missing and never made it to the FBI. It got lost in the mail (don't laugh I know).

Could the laptop have been found and this is what triggered the re-opening of the investigation. This Reddit makes for some very compelling evidence that the laptop they got from Weiner is in fact their "Life Insurance" aka the Clinton email archive. As an FYI the Reddit OP is a copy/pasta of the FBI's investigation paper.

The thread makes for some good reading and if I were a betting man I'd say the FBI hit pay dirt and this archive contains the 33K deleted emails that contain Yoga and wedding stuff :lol: We'll find out in the coming months thats for sure.


BREAKING: Weiner/Huma Laptop is the Clinton Email Archive! • /r/The_Donald

See, that is the problem with America today, the people in power that make the rules, don't follow their own rules. :badgrin:

No Linking to, discussing, or promoting other Message Boards Anywhere on the Site.

That's what this whole election has been, overreaction to "breaking" news.
Here is the source of this story "breaking news"...kind of pathetic but oh well...the date is nearly 7 months ago and this proves that the Lap top in question belonged to Anthony Weiner ..." this is from the Trump site making hay for consumption by "Trump Animal Farm denizens " lol

That's what this whole election has been, overreaction to "breaking" news.
Here is the source of this story "breaking news"...kind of pathetic but oh well...the date is nearly 7 months ago and this proves that the Lap top in question belonged to Anthony Weiner ..." this is from the Trump site making hay for consumption by "Trump Animal Farm denizens " lol


That's not the only thing this is based on. In April when being interviewed by the FBI, Huma admitted that many times she would forward her State Department and Clinton server emails to her Yahoo account so that she could print them out from home. It is not out of the question, one bit, that she never accessed her email account on that lap top. I've known plenty of couples that would share computers, or borrow the other's computer when it was convenient.
That's not the only thing this is based on. In April when being interviewed by the FBI, Huma admitted that many times she would forward her State Department and Clinton server emails to her Yahoo account so that she could print them out from home. It is not out of the question, one bit, that she never accessed her email account on that lap top. I've known plenty of couples that would share computers, or borrow the other's computer when it was convenient.
One thing we do not have to guess about is Trump's civil trial for Rape...that is fully documented as REAL

Sean Hannity Spreads Fake News Story To Millions As Republicans Remain Brainwashed

Republicans are so far removed from reality that Sean Hannity spread a fake news story on his radio show, and nobody noticed the difference.…
That's not the only thing this is based on. In April when being interviewed by the FBI, Huma admitted that many times she would forward her State Department and Clinton server emails to her Yahoo account so that she could print them out from home. It is not out of the question, one bit, that she never accessed her email account on that lap top. I've known plenty of couples that would share computers, or borrow the other's computer when it was convenient.
One thing we do not have to guess about is Trump's civil trial for Rape...that is fully documented as REAL

Sean Hannity Spreads Fake News Story To Millions As Republicans Remain Brainwashed

Republicans are so far removed from reality that Sean Hannity spread a fake news story on his radio show, and nobody noticed the difference.…

Uh, once again, another stupid, idiotic defense mechanism.

"Oh my candidate is corrupt!?!? well that may be, but your's is worse! Neener! Neener!"

Sense you haven't paid attention, I'm not a Hillary OR a Trump supporter. So that little game of one-up-mansship, doesn't work with me. I've been quite extensively presented as saying both candidates this year are pieces of shit.
Sense you haven't paid attention, I'm not a Hillary OR a Trump supporter. So that little game of one-up-mansship, doesn't work with me. I've been quite extensively presented as saying both candidates this year are pieces of shit.
You are just superior ...its Impressive are standing in the middle of the road...brilliant LOL
Sense you haven't paid attention, I'm not a Hillary OR a Trump supporter. So that little game of one-up-mansship, doesn't work with me. I've been quite extensively presented as saying both candidates this year are pieces of shit.
You are just superior ...its Impressive are standing in the middle of the road...brilliant LOL

Well, yes, it's called being an independent thinker. I'm not going to cast a vote for the candidate that I feel is the "least worst" of the two. If neither of them resemble my morals, beliefs, and feelings, I'm not going to just toe a party line and blindly follow them. That's a horrible way to choose a candidate, let alone one that is running for President of the United States.

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