Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to...

Vaginal, dumb old fuck. Obviously you did not research that insane article. There are no uranium, nor any other commercially valuable deposits known to be in the area of the Malhuer Refuge. There are some massive epithermal deposits, very low grade, east of there in the Owyhee, but none that I have ever heard of in that area.

Well then, I suggest you WRITE the articles author, and COMPLAIN BITTERLY about his MIS-INFORMATION, if that makes you wet!

What if you stopped uncritically regurgitating the crap Drudge pours into the funnel fused to your toothless gums?
This is nothing to do with Drudge. I just googled Uranium One because the story was teetering between believable and incredulous. Wanted to find out more details from sources that weren't biased.

Where do you think Vag got the story?
I didn't know, but it was assumed it was from Drudge.
Clinton Charity Fund Donor Facts...Do these add up to wrong doings by Hillary and Bill? You decide.

The New York Times, which received an advance copy of the book, wrote an article April 23 that said the Clinton Foundation failed to publicly disclose millions in contributions it received from investors who stood to profit from the sale of Uranium One, a Canadian-based company with uranium mining stakes in the West, to Rosatom, the Russian nuclear energy agency.

Approval of the transfer of American uranium resources to a Russian controlled-company occurred during Hillary Clinton's tenure as United States Secretary of State. There were a number of donations to the Clinton Foundation by principals of Uranium One.
During the same period there was a speaking engagement in Russia by former president Bill Clinton for which he was paid $500,000.

A Kazakh official involved in brokering a controversial mining deal for a major Clinton Foundation donor is behind bars for his role in the transaction, undercutting a Clinton campaign "fact-check" thatattempted to dismiss ethical questions about the former president's ties to the lucrative contract.
Hillary for America and the Clinton-aligned group Media Matterspushed back on allegations that the Clintons had used their political clout to drum up millions in foundation donations and speaking fees by furthering the financial interests of friends in the wake of Tuesday's publication of Peter Schweizer's Clinton Cash.

Bill Clinton downplayed criticism of his family's foundation during a fundraiser in Morocco on Wednesday by claiming not to understand the "problem" with accepting foreign donations because he "just works here."
"There's one set of rules for politics in America and there's another set of rules in real life, and you just have to learn to deal with it," Clinton said when pressed about the controversy onstage during the event's opening session before quickly changing the subject.

Still, he questioned why the Clinton Foundation has done little to defend its philanthropy.

Hillary Clinton was slated to appear at the Marrakech summit, but her name was removed from the schedule as scrutiny over the foundation's foreign activities heated up in April.

Bill and Chelsea Clinton traveled to the conference from Kenya, where they had spent several days with major donors before heading to the lavish Palmeraie Golf Palace in Marrakech, where the three- day event is taking place.
It's disgusting how corrupted they both are. but she is backbone bitch of the operation. We'd probably be shocked to find out all they have sold us and our country out to Foreigners. take kick backs for helping Unions and Big Corps land jobs and on and on

and then these people in her base is still thinking of putting her in as President while she under investigation while running. wtf
A major Clinton Foundation donor who stood to profit immensely from the highly scrutinized takeover of Uranium One by the Russian government struggled to explain his involvement with the charity under questioning Tuesday.

Frank Holmes, one of several investors cited in a New York Timesarticle about the deal, attempted to dismiss allegations that he had donated to the Clinton Foundation in an effort to secure Hillary Clinton's approval for the 2010 transaction during an interview on CNBC's "Squawk Box."

Several of his claims directly contradicted statements that flashed on the screen while he was speaking.

An official who was closely involved with the transaction, Mukhtar Dzhakishev, wound up behind bars for his role in the deal several years later.

Uranium One ultimately inherited Giustra's Kazakh assets when it acquired his company in 2007.
As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton sat on a cabinet-level committee tasked with reviewing commercial transactions with foreign entities that may have affected national security.
Because Uranium One, then a Canada-based firm, owned a significant portion of uranium deposits in the U.S., its transfer to a state-owned Russian atomic agency placed the deal before the committee in 2010.

Ian Telfer, Uranium One's chairman during the acquisition, funneled $2.35 million into the Clinton Foundation between 2009 and 2013. The charity never disclosed those contributions despite an agreement with the White House to name its foreign donors.

Chalk it up to a small world or to a tangled web, but Uranium One, the Russian-owned uranium mining company at the center of a recent scandal involving the Clintons and a close Canadian business partner, has lobbied the State Department through a firm co-founded by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman.

Senate records show that The Podesta Group has lobbied the State Department on behalf of Uranium One — once in 2012, when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, and once in 2015.

he Uranium One story starts in 2005 when Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra and several business partners came to own a small mining company called UrAsia Energy.
azaClinton flew with Giustra in September 2005 on a private jet to Kazakhstan. There, the mining tycoon negotiated with that nation’s mining agency, Kazataprom, for rights to three mines. After Clinton appeared publicly in support of Kkhstan’s president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, who had just allegedly won an election with more than 90 percent of the vote, the mining deal was approved.

Months later, Giustra donated $31 million to the Clinton Foundation with a pledge of $100 million more.

As money was flowing to the Clinton Foundation, the State Department, which came under the control of Hillary Clinton in January 2009, approved a series of transactions that allowed Russia’s Rosatom to buy up shares in Uranium One. By June 2009, Rosatom had a 51 percent stake in the company.

It's all confusing, but lead the reader to know that the Clintons made major deals (lucrative!) that ended up with foreign donors to the Clinton Fund for multi millions of dollars...
So the Clintons are layered in teflon or, they know all the right people to ensure they don't get caught.

I read or heard that there were 100's of investigators examining Clinton (and her server). Could some of them be working in the illegal donations to the Clinton Foundation by foreign nationals? You know, the donations they keep forgetting to declare?

They are a real piece of work.

"There's one set of rules for politics in America and there's another set of rules in real life, and you just have to learn to deal with it," Clinton said when pressed about the controversy onstage during the event's opening session before quickly changing the subject.

Did Clinton really mean, "
"There's one set of rules for politics in America and there's another set of rules for us, and you just have to learn to deal with it,"Clinton said when pressed about the controversy onstage during the event's opening session before quickly changing the subject.

And all of that still adds up to nothing to do with the Hammond's or the Malhuer Refuge.

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