Clinton ‘unborn person’ comments anger both pro-choice, pro-life sides


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
What about this would upset the pro-abortion side? Because she contradicts herself and calls the unborn what it is, a child? Just more idiocy from Mrs. Tuzla.

Clinton ‘unborn person’ comments anger both pro-choice, pro-life sides

Hillary Clinton: ‘Unborn person’ has no constitutional rights

Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton ran afoul of both the pro-life and pro-choice sides of the abortion debate Sunday when she said constitutional rights do not apply to an “unborn person” or “child.”

“The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights,” Mrs. Clinton said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t do everything we possibly can in the vast majority of instances to, you know, help a mother who is carrying a child and wants to make sure that child will be healthy, to have appropriate medical support.”

So Clinton, and douchebag Bernie, and their surrogates like Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow believe "appropriate medical support" involves the option to carve it up into pieces and suck it out with a vacuum?
So Clinton, and douchebag Bernie, and their surrogates like Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow believe "appropriate medical support" involves the option to carve it up into pieces and suck it out with a vacuum?

Well killing a person or child sounds perfectly allowable to Mrs. Clinton. I guess she forgot to call the unborn person/child a clump of cells.
The Supreme Court declared that unborn babies are not a "person" according to the Constitution. If the unborn are "persons" then they have the same Constitutional rights as any other "person" including the right to life.

So Hillary's mistake is a rather serious one, since it throws out the entire lexicon upon which the pro-abortion movement depends, to hide the truth of what an abortion really is.

Evil needs to hide in the darkness in order to thrive. Even the Communists denied the evil that they did, and the Nazis kept the German people in the dark about the concentration camps. These were secrets that people really knew, but the official denial was important. It allowed people to pretend that bad things weren't happening.

And the abortion industry also relies on a network of lies and deception, though no one is actually fooled. That is why pro-lifers are not allowed to post abortion pictures on this forum, and why television networks won't allow pictures of abortion be shown on their stations. The evil must remain concealed by a veil, even if we can really see through it.
What's Mrs Tuzla?

Low intelligence folk on both sides of the american political divide use nicknames for politicans that they don't like and think that they are funnier than watching John Oliver whilst breathing Nitrous Oxide. All they actually do is show themselves up to not be very clever, and make the rest of us cringe.
you would think that most people are more concerned of those nations building nukes over the rights of the unborn? and why would anyone want to have kids knowing our enemies are making bombs that would eventually land over here while president hillary is taking her naps? and two days later, she days,,,,what difference does it make,,its just a few bombs!
That would piss off the abortion people, as their whole argument is that it's not a person. We're also not supposed to think of it as a person as part of the standard libber reframing effort, so I can see them all recoiling in horror as one of their own slipped and said otherwise.

Abortion isn't even abortion, nay, don't even think about the child, it is now 'the right to choose' - a clever marketing campaign to further a political goal that conveniently doesn't mention abortion or the unborn person, making it sound as if mom is just choosing what color socks to wear this morning. It's libber 101. And people have bought it hook, line and sinker.

I'll also say that, imo, the ship has sailed on this issue. I am not for repealing roe. Call it what it is, however, instead of sugar coating dead babies for our own convenience.
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In Late Term abortions, the child is capable of surviving outside the womb. The child's body can be completely removed from the mother, but the head still left inside for the 'murder' to take place before removing the baby from the mother completely.

Late Term Abortions are protected based on the same Liberal B$ Clinton just spewed:
“The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights,”

According to sick, monstrous psychos like Hillary the 'unborn PERSON' has no rights. A baby with its head still inside the mother is 'unborn' and thus has no rights. It's perfectly legal to kill this 'PERSON'. Her own choice of terms to describe the baby reveals the sick honest truth - even liberals acknowledge that it is a PERSON and not some clump of cells or a 'fetus'.

So Trump catches hell from most of the world for saying if something is made illegal and a woman breaks the law she should be punished in some kind of way for breaking the law. There is no outrage, however, for Hillary openly advocating the murder of a 'PERSON'.

What about this would upset the pro-abortion side? Because she contradicts herself and calls the unborn what it is, a child? Just more idiocy from Mrs. Tuzla.

Clinton ‘unborn person’ comments anger both pro-choice, pro-life sides

Hillary Clinton: ‘Unborn person’ has no constitutional rights

Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton ran afoul of both the pro-life and pro-choice sides of the abortion debate Sunday when she said constitutional rights do not apply to an “unborn person” or “child.”

“The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights,” Mrs. Clinton said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t do everything we possibly can in the vast majority of instances to, you know, help a mother who is carrying a child and wants to make sure that child will be healthy, to have appropriate medical support.”

Just remember, once the Supreme Court says something, the matter is "decided", and thus is removed from the political arena. (Unless its a non-progressive decision, then it doesn't count).

Roe V Wade is over 40 years old, and the matter is still being argued.
What about this would upset the pro-abortion side? Because she contradicts herself and calls the unborn what it is, a child? Just more idiocy from Mrs. Tuzla.

Clinton ‘unborn person’ comments anger both pro-choice, pro-life sides

Hillary Clinton: ‘Unborn person’ has no constitutional rights

Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton ran afoul of both the pro-life and pro-choice sides of the abortion debate Sunday when she said constitutional rights do not apply to an “unborn person” or “child.”

“The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights,” Mrs. Clinton said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t do everything we possibly can in the vast majority of instances to, you know, help a mother who is carrying a child and wants to make sure that child will be healthy, to have appropriate medical support.”

But she is speaking the truth. The Constitution has never applied to those who have not been born yet.
What about this would upset the pro-abortion side? Because she contradicts herself and calls the unborn what it is, a child? Just more idiocy from Mrs. Tuzla.

Clinton ‘unborn person’ comments anger both pro-choice, pro-life sides

Hillary Clinton: ‘Unborn person’ has no constitutional rights

Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton ran afoul of both the pro-life and pro-choice sides of the abortion debate Sunday when she said constitutional rights do not apply to an “unborn person” or “child.”

“The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights,” Mrs. Clinton said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t do everything we possibly can in the vast majority of instances to, you know, help a mother who is carrying a child and wants to make sure that child will be healthy, to have appropriate medical support.”
Apparently she is so dumb, she doesn't know the law.

Unborn Victims of Violence Act
Unborn Victims of Violence Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Both Pro-Abortionists and Pro-Lifers are PI$$ED because of what Hillary just REVEALED.

Pro-Abortionists have for EVER been fighting to keep the BABY inside the mother from being classified as a BABY, INFANT, and / or PERSON. As long as the living being, capable of surviving outside the womb, is not allowed to be identified as a 'PERSON' they can continue to legally commit murder.

Hillary just committed a 'sin', however, in the eyes of the Pro-Abortionists. In brief moments, mental 'letdowns', sometimes Liberals slip up and speak the TRUTH. This was one of those times for Hillary. She just admitted that an infant inside the womb, that they are killing, IS definitely a 'PERSON', not a lump of cells / fetus.

One of the biggest fears Pro-Abortionists have - the underlying, basic fear - is of people suddenly seeing the TRUTH, seeing the babies being murdered AS 'Babies', 'people'. That is the 'thread' that, if 'pulled', could unravel the 'sweater' that is 'abortion' as we know it.

For Pro-Abortionists, Hillary just betrayed them...but they feel they can survive her mistaken moment of honesty by disavowing the statement. For Pro-Lifers, she just gave them the fuel - the admission - they needed to argue for Rights for ALL 'PERSONS', unborn or not.

It will be great debate material; however, in the end, Hillary will not be the un-doing of abortions. Nothing will change as a result of Hillary's admission.
But she is speaking the truth. The Constitution has never applied to those who have not been born yet.
It has never applied because of several individuals' INTERPRETATION of the Constitution based on the belief that the unborn PERSON is NOT a 'person' and therefore had no Rights. Hillary just dropped the 'truth bomb' - the Constitution provides for Rights for All Americans, all PERSONS. The Constitution does not distinguish between born and unborn. It simply provides rights to the PEOPLE.

This is why Pro-Abortionists have fought SO hard to prevent unborn 'fetus' from being categorized / designated as a 'PERSON'. Hillary has no authority to make such an official act...but she just let the 'cat out of the bag' and proved even Pro-Abortionists know it's a baby.
What about this would upset the pro-abortion side? Because she contradicts herself and calls the unborn what it is, a child? Just more idiocy from Mrs. Tuzla.

Clinton ‘unborn person’ comments anger both pro-choice, pro-life sides

Hillary Clinton: ‘Unborn person’ has no constitutional rights

Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton ran afoul of both the pro-life and pro-choice sides of the abortion debate Sunday when she said constitutional rights do not apply to an “unborn person” or “child.”

“The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights,” Mrs. Clinton said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t do everything we possibly can in the vast majority of instances to, you know, help a mother who is carrying a child and wants to make sure that child will be healthy, to have appropriate medical support.”
What does "Constitutional Rights" have to do with this anyways? Our rights aren't granted by the Constitution (apparently the Duchess of Benghazi hasn't read the Declaration of Independence) and abortion isn't a legal question, it's a moral question. Of course in the gub'mint worshiper land that people like Clinton live in, morality is defined by lawyers so one wouldn't expect her to understand it.
"Apparently she is so dumb, she doesn't know the law."

...or simply, like Obama, doesn't give a damn about the law.

Obama immediately declared when he became President that he would not enforce the DOMA simply because HE did not agree with it. Repeatedly since then he has shown disdain and disregard for both the Constitution and Rule of law, violating both.

Hillary is no different - or is anyone in Washington, thinking she is (they are) above the law. The entire reason the FBI is investigating Hillary right now for potential crimes under the Espionage Act is because she knowingly violated several laws for the sake of 'expediency' and 'simplicity' (not to mention to avoid pesky FOIA requests). This would not be the 1st time she demonstrated a disregard / lack of concern for the law.
What does "Constitutional Rights" have to do with this anyways?

LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness....3 things each PERSON is supposed to be afforded under the Constitution. If 'Baby Doe', inside the womb, is suddenly classified as a full-fledged 'PERSON', it then has the RIGHT to LIFE. THAT is what they call a 'game-changer'.
I bet if the unborn children of the world could vote the democratic party would be against abortion.

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