Pro life or choice? (poll)

Does states rights on abortion still make you pro choice?

  • Yes.

  • No.

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Im not hiding behind anything. I answered your questions.
Im not really into raping the meaning of words for viability of an argument.
So, the individual is seperate as where the fetus is not?

If so, is the woman part male part female with the male fetus inside her?
So, the individual is seperate as where the fetus is not?

If so, is the woman part male part female with the male fetus inside her?
The mother.
Currently, all that matters is the right of the mother, not even the father can stop her from the abortion. As for God, Christian white nationalists are the most horrible demons from hell that exist, and as such, have no rights either.

Not sure what you are getting at.

Again, the rights of the mother stand. The only question is, does the infant have any rights inside the womb.
It's the fact that you respect a "law" over a life. That's the point.
We're so owned by laws that we forget what laws are supposed to do. Protect the innocent.
What is the alternative? Do we just start ignoring every law we don’t agree with and take matters into or one hands? That would lead nowhere good.
Currently, all that matters is the right of the mother, not even the father can stop her from the abortion.

Not sure what you are getting at.

Again, the rights of the mother stand. The only question is, does the infant have any rights inside the womb.
The only reason I am pro choice is because of the mothers bodily autonomy. I am against forced gestation.
What is the alternative? Do we just start ignoring every law we don’t agree with and take matters into or one hands? That would lead nowhere good.

Other laws? We're talking about this one specifically. Those other laws are irrelevant to this one.
They arent.
The left are almost always wrong.
Which is why you should take pause with siding with them on anything.

I know, I know even a broken clock is right twice a day, but the Left has somehow found a way to be wrong 100% of the time anyway.
The federal government needs to make a ruling on when an infant has rights.

There's already a ruling on it. "All mean are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

They can argue about when life begins all they want to. But the only real answer would be at conception. Once the sperm fertilizes the egg, it's a done deal.
Actually life begins in the male. Because sperm is a living organism. Those little swimmers are alive and moving whether it's down the shower drain, or into the woman.

None the less, the point is that do we allow the government to make arbitrary decisions bases on popular belief? Like they did with slavery? Or by scientific facts that respect "the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"

This poll was supposed be a way of getting down to the nitty gritty of facts, And to expose the BS talking points that both sides have used forever. I'm pro choice, but I understand that abortion is murder. Regardless of the talking points used to justify it. And so if someone supports states rights over the life of a child, they simply support murder.

Someone told Charlie Kirk, "A fetus is just a clump of cells."
In which he replied, "We're all just a clump of cells"

Is it just as they leave the womb?

But they dare not make such a ruling, because the Left knows they will lose

As it is, states across the US are ruling in favor of abortion with basically no restrictions. They use verbiage that makes it a grey area, as where with Roe vs. Wade at least you had a certain number of weeks before you could not have an abortion.

Ironically, overturning Roe vs. Wade has made abortion unregulated for the most part.

The sick part is, they did this with voters knowing most wanted to return to Roe vs Wade rules. The all abortion or no abortion made them choose either extreme, so they opted for abortion. However, these same voters would more than likely vote for age restrictions, as most oppose such things as partial birth abortions. However, that will never wind up presented to voters to vote on because the Left knows they would lose.

One thing I might add about these states that have banned abortions with no exceptions, is going to keep a lot of innocent men out of prison, on false rape charges. If rape or incest is an exception, then the woman would have to file rape charges on someone. Including the man (even her brother) she had consensual sex with.

There's already a ruling on it. "All mean are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

They can argue about when life begins all they want to. But the only real answer would be at conception. Once the sperm fertilizes the egg, it's a done deal.
Actually life begins in the male. Because sperm is a living organism. Those little swimmers are alive and moving whether it's down the shower drain, or into the woman.

None the less, the point is that do we allow the government to make arbitrary decisions bases on popular belief? Like they did with slavery? Or by scientific facts that respect "the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"

This poll was supposed be a way of getting down to the nitty gritty of facts, And to expose the BS talking points that both sides have used forever. I'm pro choice, but I understand that abortion is murder. Regardless of the talking points used to justify it. And so if someone supports states rights over the life of a child, they simply support murder.

Someone told Charlie Kirk, "A fetus is just a clump of cells."
In which he replied, "We're all just a clump of cells"

One thing I might add about these states that have banned abortions with no exceptions, is going to keep a lot of innocent men out of prison, on false rape charges. If rape or incest is an exception, then the woman would have to file rape charges on someone. Including the man (even her brother) she had consensual sex with.

You have to understand what forms our morality

People tend to look up to authority figures for moral guidance. This includes our parents, the state, religious leaders, and even our peers, etc.. For example, before slavery was made illegal, the general consensus was that it was Ok, despite not being ideal. The church was wishy washy on the subject in general, that is, at least on the South for obvious reasons. But after slavery was made illegal for over a century, the general moral consensus has flipped 100% against slavery.

The same can be said of abortion. Before abortion was made legal, the general consensus was that it was not moral. However, decades after being made legal, the general consensus is that abortion is not ideal, but Ok, just like slavery was in the 1800's.

Shrug, we are lemmings, or as the Bible calls us, sheeple.

Having said that, it is not quite that simple. We also have an innate understanding of good and evil via our conscience, something that is God given. This also needs to be dealt with. The Golden Rule stands to do unto others as you would have them do to you stands in the way of mistreating those who are our peers and equals, so it must be bypassed. To bypass it, the slaves were reasoned to not really be our peers or equals, rather, they were just glorified apes. And with the fetus, they are not really human, even though we were all a fetus at one point. And with the Germans, they compared Jews to vermin, etc. The dehumanizing of the individual is then what is key to achieving the mental gymnastics to bypass our conscience and embrace mass genocide instead.
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Other laws? We're talking about this one specifically. Those other laws are irrelevant to this one.
There are going to be varying abortion laws depending on the state some that people will agree with some they won't I'm not seeing what it is you want in the abortion debate in either access or restrictions.

There's already a ruling on it. "All mean are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

They can argue about when life begins all they want to. But the only real answer would be at conception. Once the sperm fertilizes the egg, it's a done deal.
Actually life begins in the male. Because sperm is a living organism. Those little swimmers are alive and moving whether it's down the shower drain, or into the woman.

None the less, the point is that do we allow the government to make arbitrary decisions bases on popular belief? Like they did with slavery? Or by scientific facts that respect "the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"

This poll was supposed be a way of getting down to the nitty gritty of facts, And to expose the BS talking points that both sides have used forever. I'm pro choice, but I understand that abortion is murder. Regardless of the talking points used to justify it. And so if someone supports states rights over the life of a child, they simply support murder.

Someone told Charlie Kirk, "A fetus is just a clump of cells."
In which he replied, "We're all just a clump of cells"

One thing I might add about these states that have banned abortions with no exceptions, is going to keep a lot of innocent men out of prison, on false rape charges. If rape or incest is an exception, then the woman would have to file rape charges on someone. Including the man (even her brother) she had consensual sex with.

I would also like to add. Unfortunately, killing our offspring is the most primal urge a human can have

For you see, man used to sacrifice their offspring to the gods. Why? They would sacrifice them to the gods for such things as victory at war, a better crop, or ironically fertility. The material needs seemed to always super cede the rights of the individual children that were sacrificed. Pretty much all pagan religions did this in ancient times.

And today, we see the same as most abortions are done because the parent is financially strained.

About 73% of women seeking an abortion are only thinking dollar signs when they do it.

And in China, with their one child policy, it was no different as parents selectively aborted females because the male not only carried on the family name, but they made much more money.

Mankind has never changed, and arguably, unchangeable. Society only gets worse the more pagan it becomes.

Thanks to Bidenomics, pretty much no one can afford to have kids, which should drive up abortion numbers even higher.

But then, like China and their one child policy, all governments want to kill of the population.
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One thing I might add about these states that have banned abortions with no exceptions, is going to keep a lot of innocent men out of prison, on false rape charges. If rape or incest is an exception, then the woman would have to file rape charges on someone. Including the man (even her brother) she had consensual sex with.

Something to think about, do you remember the 10-year-old girl in Ohio that was impregnated after Roe vs. Wade was shot down? The Left ran with the story because the mother said she was turned down by an Ohio doctor for an abortion because Ohio had passed legislation against abortion right after Roe vs Wade went bye, bye. So, she went to an Indiana doctor because there she could get an abortion. The doctor then leaked the story to the media, which violated their HIPPA laws, but no matter, she still has her job.

But then a problem occurred, why did the Ohio doctor not alert authorities to the 10-year-old girl being pregnant since a crime had occurred? Had he performed the abortion, who would have known? Also, once the Indiana doctor alerted authorities, which she had to do by law, it had to be investigated. Well, it turns out that the father was a live-in boyfriend of the mother, because he admitted to it later on. However, the mother still refused to believe it and wanted him to move back in with them and have everything return to normal. But there was no turning back as genetics showed he was indeed the father.

Did I mention he was also an illegal alien?


Yea, the media dropped that story like a hot potato.

So, I would argue that abortion has helped hide much of the abuse girls and women have endured as well.

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